• More of my philosophy about automation and about intelligent automation

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 26 13:09:21 2022

    More of my philosophy about automation and about intelligent automation
    and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    "In recent decades, companies have used robotic process automation (RPA) as a way to streamline operations, reduce errors, and save money by automating routine business tasks, but now organizations are turning to intelligent automation to automate key
    business processes to boost revenues, operate more efficiently, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Intelligent automation is a smarter version of RPA that makes use of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive technologies
    such as natural language processing to handle more complex processes, guide better business decisions, and shed light on new opportunities."

    Read more here:


    And look in the following interesting article about how AI will create millions more Jobs than it Will destroy:


    And following are some of the advantages of automation, read them carefully:

    1. Automation is the key to the shorter workweek. Automation will allow
    the average number of working hours per week to continue to decline,
    thereby allowing greater leisure hours and a higher quality life.

    2. Automation brings safer working conditions for the worker. Since
    there is less direct physical participation by the worker in the
    production process, there is less chance of personal injury to the worker.

    3. Automated production results in lower prices and better products. It
    has been estimated that the cost to machine one unit of product by
    conventional general-purpose machine tools requiring human operators may
    be 100 times the cost of manufacturing the same unit using automated mass-production techniques. The electronics industry offers many
    examples of improvements in manufacturing technology that have
    significantly reduced costs while increasing product value (e.g., colour
    TV sets, stereo equipment, calculators, and computers).

    4. The growth of the automation industry will itself provide employment opportunities. This has been especially true in the computer industry,
    as the companies in this industry have grown (IBM, Digital Equipment
    Corp., Honeywell, etc.), new jobs have been created.
    These new jobs include not only workers directly employed by these
    companies, but also computer programmers, systems engineers, and other
    needed to use and operate the computers.

    5. Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living. Only
    through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living. Granting wage increases without a commensurate increase in productivity
    will results in inflation. To afford a better society, it is a must to
    increase productivity.

    And McKinsey estimates that AI(Artificial intelligence) may deliver an additional economic output of around US$13 trillion by 2030, increasing global GDP by about 1.2 % annually. This will mainly come from substitution of labour by automation and
    increased innovation in products and services.

    Read more here:


    And read the following so that to know how people have to adapt
    in Digital and AI literacy so that to be competitive:

    "Digital and AI literacy is of utmost importance to help Canadian businesses scale and compete internationally. Investing in widespread digital and AI literacy for the entire population will increase domestic demand for technology and technology jobs. A
    technologically literate population will create more data, which fuels AI and thus the data-driven economy as a whole. It is also necessary for workers to be able to upskill and re-skill in order to remain productive and competitive in an automated
    workforce. Canadian businesses that adopt AI technology will save from lower production costs, have increased output, and be able to invest more. Increased revenue from this domestic demand, as well as Canada’s global reputation for responsible AI,
    will help Canadian businesses scale globally and compete on the international level. Canada has a promising future in the data-driven economy, and strategic choices by policymakers are necessary to ensure that Canadians can benefit from an ethical and
    thriving AI ecosystem."

    Read more here:

    Canada's Economic Future with Artificial Intelligence


    And i invite you to read about the next revolution in the software industry that is called Machine programming in the following article:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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