• Penn School District Defies "No Racial Superiority" Law - Apparently Bl

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 24 10:58:54 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    Pennsylvania school district votes to defy law that would
    prohibit teaching any race is superior to another

    A Pittsburgh school board member said opposing the legislation
    against critical race theory was part of what 'we can control'

    . . .

    Sounds like something from deep Alabama, circa 1959 ...

    Except now it's the "Blak-Klux-Klan" instead.

    State-sponsored racism is intolerable - the seed
    of infinite evils. The hippie-dippies in the 60s
    knew it, even their leaders came to realize that,
    but their kids and grand-kids are clearly oblivious.

    Arrest them. State-sponsored racism is illegal at
    both the federal and state level. Officials pushing
    that poison are in violation.

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