• More of my philosophy about health and about alcohol consumption and ab

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 22 18:10:46 2022

    More of my philosophy about health and about alcohol consumption and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Tea and wine may slow down memory decline, study reveals

    "According to a new study conducted by researchers from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, people who consume more foods with antioxidant flavonols may have a slower rate of memory decline.

    Flavonols are a type of flavonoid, a group of natural substances found in fruits, vegetables, grains, tea, and wine. Known for their benefits on health, these natural compounds are regarded as an essential component in a wide range of nutraceutical,
    pharmacological, therapeutic, and cosmetic applications."

    Read more here:


    But i advice to drink Tea and not wine, and here is why:

    More alcohol, less brain: Association begins with an average of just one drink a day

    "Even light-to-moderate drinking is associated with harm to the brain, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed data from more than 36,000 adults that found a link between drinking and reduced brain volume that begins at an average consumption
    level of less than one alcohol unit a day -- the equivalent of about half a beer -- and rises with each additional drink."

    Read more here on ScienceDaily:


    Even light drinking can be harmful to health

    Research reveals cardiovascular risk of consuming small quantities of alcohol

    Read more here on ScienceDaily:


    New study links moderate alcohol use with higher cancer risk

    Read more here on ScienceDaily:


    More of my thoughts about unsustainable resource consumption and harmful pollution and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    How many humans can Earth sustain? And what does it mean if we've already passed it?

    As individuals, cutting down on meat, particularly red meat, can significantly reduce consumption of resources.

    And research shows that rehabilitating degraded habitats and increasing tree cover can have great restorative benefits to our environment.

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the first lab-grown meat in the US and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    FDA approves the sale of the first lab-grown meat in the US

    "Speaking to Wired, CEO of UPSIDE Foods, Uma Valeti, acknowledged that the cultivated meat industry is still in its infancy, and it may be another 15 years before it achieves scalability and can reach people in most parts of the world."

    Read more here:


    And read my following other thoughts:

    The Limits of the Earth, Part 1: Problems

    "In my own new book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet, I challenge this view. The problem isn’t economic growth, per se. Nor is the problem that our natural resources are too small. While finite, the natural resources the
    planet supplies are vast and far larger than humanity needs in order to continue to thrive and grow prosperity for centuries to come. The problem, rather, is the types of resources we access, and the manner and efficiency with which we use them.

    And the ultimate solution to those problems is innovation – innovation in the science and technology that we use to tap into physical resources, and innovation in the economic system that steers our consumption.

    The situation we’re in isn’t a looming wall that we’re doomed to crash into. It’s a race – a race between depletion and pollution of natural resources on one side, and our pace of innovation on the other."

    Read more here:


    Also you can read my new writing about new interesting medical treatments and drugs and about antibiotic resistance here:


    And read my following thoughts in the following web link about the how to solve the unsustainable resource consumption and harmful pollution etc.:


    And you can read much more of my thoughts about technology in the following web links:


    And here:


    More of my philosophy about quantum computers and more of my thoughts..

    "Quantum computers could enable drastic progression in drug discovery and development, ultimately giving scientists the ability to solve problems that are currently intractable. With their extremely high processing power, these machines will be able to
    simultaneously review multiple molecules, proteins and chemicals through quantum simulation — something currently unachievable with a standard computer — allowing drug options to be developed faster and more effectively than today.

    Scientists, such as those at Swiss pharmaceutical company, Roche, hope that quantum simulations will speed up the development of drugs and vaccines to protect against the likes of Covid-19, influenza, cancer and even potentially find a cure for Alzheimer
    s. What’s more, quantum simulations could also be able to replace laboratory experiments, reduce the cost of research and even minimize the need for human and animal testing."

    Four Ways Quantum Computing Could Change The World

    Read more here:


    Also you can read my new writing about new interesting medical treatments and drugs and about antibiotic resistance here:


    The European Commission is consolidating four quantum computing projects based on Rydberg atom technology to create a single platform

    Pasqal: Building a quantum computing leader in Europe
    €25m for 1000 qubit quantum computer by 2023

    Read more here:


    Quantum computers vastly outperform supercomputers when it comes to energy efficiency


    And more of my philosophy about quantum computers..

    IBM says thousands of quantum computers will be on sale by 2025, with 4,000 qubits, It represents a leap from its current hardware of 127 qubits

    Read more here:


    I think i am smart, and as you have just noticed, i have just talked about quantum computers, read my below thoughts about it, and now we have to also ask how Machine Learning gets a quantum speedup, and here is an interesting article about it so that
    you understand that quantum computers are also very interesting to have:


    And IBM is releasing the roadmap that we think will take us from the noisy, small-scale quantum computers of today to the million-plus qubit quantum computers of the future. And IBM team is developing a suite of scalable, increasingly larger and better
    processors, with a 1,000-plus qubit device, called IBM Quantum Condor, targeted for the end of 2023,
    you can read about it on the following interesting article:


    More of my philosophy about quantum computers and about CPUs and more..

    For a parallel computer, we need to have one billion different processors. In a quantum computer, a single register can perform a billion computations since a qubit of a register of a quantum computer can be both in two states 1 and 0, this is known as
    quantum parallelism.

    And US plans exascale supercomputers 5-10x more powerful than Frontier
    and targets 100 exaflops after 2030, and China is believed to have secretly set up the world's first exascale supercomputer in 2021, soon following it up with a second system. As many as 10 exascale supercomputers are thought to be in development in the

    Read more here:


    Exascale supercomputers will also allow to construct an accurate map
    of the brain that allows to "reverse" engineer or understand the brain,
    read the following so that to notice it:

    “If we don’t improve today’s technology, the compute time for a whole mouse brain would be something like 1,000,000 days of work on current supercomputers. Using all of Aurora 2 exaFLOPS supercomputer, if everything worked beautifully, it could still take 1,000 days.” Nicola Ferrier, Argonne senior computer scientist

    Read more here so that to understand:


    Also Exascale supercomputers will allow researchers to tackle problems
    which were impossible to simulate using the previous generation of
    machines, due to the massive amounts of data and calculations involved.

    Small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) design, wind farm optimization and
    cancer drug discovery are just a few of the applications that are
    priorities of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Exascale Computing
    Project. The outcomes of this project will have a broad impact and
    promise to fundamentally change society, both in the U.S. and abroad.

    Read more here:


    Also the goal of delivering safe, abundant, cheap energy from fusion is
    just one of many challenges in which exascale computing’s power may
    prove decisive. That’s the hope and expectation. Also to know more about
    the other benefits of using Exascale computing power, read more here:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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