• New Science Adds To Evidence Covid Causes Brain Problems/Damage

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 21 22:43:44 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.survival, alt.science
    XPost: soc.culture.eu


    Scientists uncovered brain changes in patients up to six months
    after they recovered from COVID-19 by using a special type of MRI.
    This is according to a study that will be presented at the annual
    meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) next

    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (
    CDC), approximately one in five adults will develop long-term
    effects from COVID-19. Difficulty thinking or concentrating,
    sleep problems, headache, lightheadedness, change in smell or
    taste, pins-and-needles sensation, and depression or anxiety
    are all neurological symptoms associated with long COVID.
    However, research studies have found that COVID-19 may be
    associated with changes to the heart, lungs, or other organs
    even in asymptomatic patients.

    . . .

    Yet more evidence that Covid also goes for the brain.
    Even those who had no classic symptoms suffered from
    this effect.

    In short, you don't WANT Covid. Vax-up !

    Such info of brain symptoms also brings up "the
    future" ... what happens when victims age ten
    or twenty years ? Dementia and/or psychosis on
    a mass scale ? We're seeing what happens to
    many who play high-contact sports for a living.
    Will Covid be the equivalent of being a career
    boxer or line-backer ? Small areas of damage
    seem to get worse and expand over time.

    Some (including Musk) are working on bots that
    can be used as personal attendants for those
    with dementia and/or other debilitating physical
    conditions. The Youth seem less interested in
    such careers these days (well, until THEY get
    old, of course). However the DEMAND was
    escalating even before Covid. NOW ??? I'm
    gonna suggest that these sorts of "AI's" should
    become a State *priority* item.

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