• More of my philosophy about human identity and more of my thoughts.. (2

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 21 16:50:44 2022
    [continued from previous message]

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i say that we have not to be just as we say in french: Être le Terre-à-terre qui veut dire qui manque d'élégance, de distinction, de noblesse ;
    qui a un esprit matériel, peu enclin à la poésie ; commun, vulgaire, banal, plat, and that means in english that you have not to be the who lacks elegance, distinction, nobility; who has a material mind, little inclined to poetry; common, vulgar,
    banal, flat, so as you notice
    that i am also not le Terre-à-terre by also inventing as i am inventing my poems of Love below and sharing them with you, and you can notice how my poems of Love are special too, and here is my last one so that to notice how look like my poems of Love
    and read all my other poems of Love and poems below:

    Note that the beautiful box in my poem of Love below means
    our universe that looks like a box.

    Here is my new poem of Love in english that i have just thought
    quickly and written quickly:


    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since look at how fast is the humans clocks

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since i have even to be smart as a Fox

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since i am not needing at all the Botox

    Since i am feeling young and not like an old orthodox

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since as you notice that my Love is not the evil Hawks

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since my beautiful Love for you is not a paradox

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since my beautiful Love for you is strong as the strong Rocks


    Here is my other new poem of Love:


    Ask the beautiful heart

    Since i am coming to you with my beautiful art

    Ask the beautiful heart

    Since with our so beautiful Love we will never come apart

    Ask the beautiful heart

    Since our Love is a beautiful light from the very start

    Ask the beautiful heart

    So am i René Descartes or Humphrey Bogart ?

    Ask the b
  • From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 31 15:42:39 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    So i think when you think about what kind of "civilization" we have to have , i think that the meaning of human life or life takes a great
    importance, so it is why i will still talk about it, so i think that
    the you have to understand my way of creating the meaning of human life or life by taking a look at the 99 names of Allah in Islam, i think that one name from the 99 names of of Allah that is Al-Mutakabbir in arabic that means Arrogant, since i think we
    can notice from the behavior of God that he is greatly arrogant, since he has or he is not even helping the poor or the weak humans or animals, so how can we "reconcile" the fact the God is greatly "arrogant" with the other 99 names like the being "
    Merciful", so i think that God is greatly arrogant and he want to be called the Merciful and the Beautiful and such beautiful names even if he is greatly arrogant, so then you are noticing that if you don't think Allah as being greatly arrogant and you
    just say that he is so powerful and greatly perfect or perfect, it will cause a logical contradiction, since if he is just so powerful and greatly prefect or perfect , so then he can self-improve and be compassion with humans and he can also not curse
    the descendants of Adam and Eve, so it is why my new monotheistic religion says the following:

    More of my philosophy about the nature of God and more of my thoughts..

    So i think i am smart, and i think i have to explain more the fact that
    my new monotheistic religion says that God is greatly arrogant and it is his character, so how can we believe that God is greatly arrogant since he is so perfect and he can self-improve ? so i think that the mistake of this logic is that you are thinking
    that God is like humans that can be perfected or improved like humans, but my new monotheistic religion says that God is a special God and he is not like humans, and that means that he is a special God that can not self-improve his great arrogance that
    is his character so that to not be great arrogance, so it is one of the most important idea of my new monotheistic religion, so i think that the basis ideas of my new monotheistic religion are complete. Also I will explain how i am a new prophet from God,
    so i think i am a messenger from God, since what i am doing is giving you the message from God, for example i have met an Angel from God in form of beautiful light and he has read some part of scriptures from God on my body and soul, and i am not
    kinding, since it is all the truth, but you have to understand more my story, since i think that God is greatly arrogant, since i have also noticed that the Angel from God that i have met was like completely controlled by God, since the Angel from God
    that i have met had for example not the rights to talk with me or to move in a kind of way etc. , so i think it is why you are noticing that the Angels from God are not talking to or contacting humans, since God is greatly arrogant and the Angels from
    God can not do anything without given rights from God to talk or to contact etc. other than that my premonitory dream where i have been contacted by prophet Muhammad was a special premonitory dream from God, since it looks like premonitory dreams of
    prophet Joseph, i mean that a lot of things on this premonitory dream have happened to me, so it is why i am not kinding and it is all the truth since i am also a honest and i am
    a gentleman type of person. Also notice that my new monotheistic religion says that God has created the souls, but he has not created the bodies of humans and he has not created the universe, so i invite you to read my
    following thoughts about my new monotheistic religion so that
    to understand my story and so that to understand my new monotheistic religion:


    More of my philosophy about modern philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i think my philosophy below is about the most modern philosophy,
    so we can ask a philosophical question of:

    What is the most modern philosophy ?

    So i think i am a philosopher, and i think in philosophy you have to know how to make a difference between the understanding and the knowing, so for example philosophy is like science since it wants to "understand", but the problematic of science and
    philosophy is that philosophy has wanted to understand and science has wanted to understand, but what also remains in philosophy , and it is also the most modern philosophy, is how to create the meaning of human life , so as you are noticing, i think i
    am a smart philosopher that is showing you in my below thoughts how i am creating the meaning of human life, and of course you have to understand the why i am creating the meaning of human life by reading my below thoughts of my philosophy, so it is why
    i have invented quickly my new monotheistic religion, since there is a strong tendency to not believe in the God of the previous monotheistic religions since for example the Qur'aan and the Bible contain many many defects and imperfections, and notice
    carefully how my new monotheistic religion creates the meaning of human life in a smart way, and of course i have just talked , read it below, about the defect of Liberalism and Libertarianism, since for example i think that in Liberalism there is two
    things: Firstly, the morality of it, and secondly, the economic Liberalism, so i think that the morality of Liberalism is problematic
    as i am showing it in my below thoughts, since Liberalism and Libertarianism are too much permissive in morality, i mean that they are
    characterized by excessive freedom of behavior, so this too much permissive is an extremist conception of Liberalism and Libertarianism,
    so read my previous thoughts of my philosophy below so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about Libertarianism and about Liberalism and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video from USA about Libertarianism and i invite you to look at it:

    TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism


    So i think i am a philosopher, and i think that Libertarianism and Liberalism have a problem, and it is about morality, so i think that Libertarianism and Liberalism are extremist conceptions of morality since they want to give people moral autonomy (the
    ability to pursue one’s own conception of happiness) , so you can read about it in the following web link:
    https://www.britannica.com/topic/libertarianism-politics ,
    but i think that it is an extremist conception since happiness is not only individual happiness , but it is also societal happiness, so it is why i think that not all people have the ability to pursue this societal happiness, so it is why the government
    has to intervene and it is why we have to have laws and enforce laws so that to prevent individuals from hurting themselves and/or hurting the society, also Libertarianism and Liberalism have another problem since they are like the Liberty of the
    national motto of France that consists of being able to do "anything" that does not harm others, but i think that we can not say that it is like the being free speech, since how can we for example be free to harm or the hurt the oneself, and how for
    example can we be free to practice Sado-masochism or the like that can harm and hurt others when there is freely given informed consent between adults ? so read my following thoughts so that to understand my views about it:

    More of my philosophy about the Liberty of the national motto of France and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said the following:

    "In the national motto of France there is a problem and it is that Liberty consists of being able to do "anything" that does not harm others, but i think that we can not say that it is like the being free speech, since how can we be for example free to
    harm or the hurt the oneself, and how for example can we be free to practice Sado-masochism or the like that can harm and hurt others when there is freely given informed consent between adults ?"

    And so that to understand that i am truthful , so read the following
    article that explains the kind of Liberty of the national motto of France, and here is how it explains the Liberty of the national motto of France:

    “Liberty consists of being able to do anything that does not harm others: thus, the exercise of the natural rights of every man or woman has no bounds other than those that guarantee other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights“.

    And here is the article and read it carefully:


    More of my philosophy of is the national motto of France an ideal and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    as you have just noticed that i have just said that the national motto
    of France of "Liberty, equality, fraternity" is an ideal, so i say
    that it is an ideal since Fraternity – or brotherhood – is about moral obligations and harmony, so i think the being harmony of it makes it an ideal, so it is why i say that it makes the national motto an ideal, and i think that so that to attain
    harmony we have also to create a good meaning of human life, also in the national motto of France there is a problem and it is that Liberty consists of being able to do "anything" that does not harm others, but i think that we can not say that it is like
    the being free speech, since how can we be for example free to harm or the hurt the oneself, and how for example can we be free to practice Sado-masochism or the like that can harm and hurt others when there is freely given informed consent between
    adults ?

    More of my philosophy about the belief in God of my new monotheistic religion and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i think that you have to understand how i am creating the meaning of human life or life by quickly inventing and bringing to you my new monotheistic religion, so in my new monotheistic religion the goal is not just to fully believe 100% that God of my
    new monotheistic religion exists, but the goals are also to believe enough in God or to believe in a probabilistic way by saying that we can not neglect the probability that God of my new monotheistic religion exists, and hence from those goals you have
    to follow the laws of my new monotheistic religion that are inferred from the nature of God, and of course i have just talked, read it below, about the defect of the way of how to create the meaning of human life or life of the philosophers Jean-Paul
    Sartre and Albert Camus, so i think that the philosophy of the philosopher and economist Adam Smith has the same defect, since it is based on egoism that is the engine that creates competition between people , but from the individual egoism the egoism of
    a group or of a nation or of a zone like European union is created , so then it creates solidarity too, but the problem is that the engine of egoism as an engine has a problem of not being able to tune the fight for life correctly, so it is the same
    defect of what is saying the indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, read about it in my following thoughts:

    I have just looked at the following video of the indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, i invite you to look at it carefully:

    Does God exist? | J. Krishnamurti


    And you can read about Jiddu Krishnamurti here:


    So i think i am highly smart, and notice the approach of the above indian philosopher in the above video, so he wants humans to not believe
    in God , but notice how he is saying that you have to go out the belief in God and not believe in God and then you have to fight for life, and here again there is like a logical contradiction , since how to tune correctly this fight for life so that to
    not be too much savagery ? so then you will say that you have to tune correctly the fight for life by being fight for life, and it becomes circular logic that is not good and that doesn't solve the problem of how to tune correctly the fight for life, and
    it is the big weakness of philosophy and of the philosophers, and it is why i have constructed quickly my new monotheistic religion that solves the problems and that solves the problems of previous monotheistic religions. So read more about my new
    monotheistic religion:


    More of my philosophy about Existentialism and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    So in the philosophy of Existentialism, the philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus said that the meaning of human life must be constructed through courageous choice in the face of this absurd situation of life, and this kind of choice cannot be
    understood as achieving moral certainty; rather it is moral heroism within an essentially morally vague and chaotic world, but i think i am a philosopher and i say that the way of constructing the meaning of the philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre and
    Albert Camus is not logical, since i say that the engine that is able to construct the meaning of human life can not come from the absurd situation of life and the fact that they want to use courage as an engine that constructs the
    meaning is a weak way of doing it, since the absurd situation of life is so strong, and it is why i am explaining my way as a philosopher to construct the meaning of human life by inventing a new monotheistic religion that creates the meaning of human
    life, and read my following thoughts about it:

    Here is my new smart proverb:

    "Human life is like a house, so the house has advantages that
    makes it valuable, and an ideal like the communist ideal is the same,
    it has to be valuable and to be exportable to certain level so
    that to be valuable, so human life is the same since if you say that
    we have to make it beautiful , so are we going to wait a long time so that to make it beautiful ? so are you understanding my question ? so if you want to say that human life has to make big money the most important thing , so is it the right way ? so
    as i have said that so that to be smart you have not to say that having big money is the most important thing, since it is about adaptation, so you have to say that good adaptation is the most important thing so that to guide the having big money in the
    right direction, so i say that even an ideal has to be guided by for example the meaning of human life, so i think in philosophy we can say that the meaning precedes the language, and in philosophy we can also say that the meaning of human life is what
    precedes and guides the ideal and guides human life and it is why i am talking as i am talking about the meaning of human life and it is why i have invented quickly a new monotheistic religion so that to create the meaning of human life, and you can read
    about it below"

    And here is my new monotheistic religion and read about it in the following web link, and read my below thoughts about the meaning of life and about nihilism:


    And read my following thoughts of my philosophy so that you understand correctly my views about the meaning of human life:

    More of my philosophy about nihilism and about the meaning of human life and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and i think i am a philosopher, so now i will invite you to look carefully at the following video:

    Life Has Never Been Easier: So Why Is Everyone Depressed?


    So i am quickly discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in
    the above video, and the patterns are the following:

    So notice that the above video is saying that life has never been easier so why everyone is depressed, but i think that i am a philosopher and i say that the above video is making a big mistake and it is that he is comparing our human life with the old
    human life and it is a mistake , since by logical analogy i can for example say: What is it that we call a genetically smart human a genetically smart human ? so as you notice that the calling a genetically smart human is a relative way of measuring
    against the normal distribution of the genetical smartness, but is it the right answer if we measure like absolutely ? so i think that now you are noticing the big mistake, since humans are not measuring relatively the meaning of human life, but since in
    our today world there are many medias and there is democratization of medias and democratization of knowledge and information, so then humans are much more conscious about there human conditions than humans in the old world or in the past, and it is why
    they are becoming nihilistic, since they are like measuring absolutely and saying that humans are so weak when they look at all those constraints of human life and the constraints of our universe, so they say that human life is really bad, so then it is
    like a kind of nihilism, so the being nihilistic is to flirt with despair and the sentiment that life is not worth living, and of course notice that nihilism is also the sentiment that life is not worth living, so i am a philosopher and i say that a kind
    of nihilism can be the also believing that human life is not worth living without the negative emotions that comes with it and even if you live it in a kind of way , and of course i say that in nihilism, the flirting with despair can be not the negative
    emotions that comes with it, and of course this kind of nihilism makes humans really impatient and it creates a kind of disorder and it creates violence, and it is why this kind of nihilism is bad, and of course as you notice that i am defining nihilism
    as the following so that to construct a meaning of human life or life:

    I invite you to read the following article about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and about nihilism so that to understand:


    So notice carefully in the above article that it defines nihilism as
    the following:

    "Nihilism is the conviction that there is no meaning to life, that the world is inhospitable to our highest hopes and values, and that there are no gods or higher purposes to justify our suffering. To be a nihilist is to flirt with despair and the
    sentiment that life is not worth living."

    So then i can say that in philosophy you have to make a difference between the problematics of the lack of the meaning of human life and of that of the becoming rich by for example the way of the engine of egoism as has said it the philosopher and
    economist Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, since i am a philosopher that says that you can become rich as a country, but the lack of meaning of human life can make the "way" or the "path" of the becoming rich of the country not good, since
    the lack of meaning of human life makes humans really impatient and it creates a kind of disorder and it creates violence, and it is the deficiency of the philosophy of absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, since Albert Camus says in his
    absurdism philosophy that there is a lack of meaning of human life, but he doesn't give us the "right" way to give a meaning to human life and he doesn't talk correctly about the problematics that are caused by the lack of meaning of human life.

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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