• ANOTHER Xmas Parade Killer - WEAK Excuses

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 19 23:35:37 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa


    Cops release mugshot of armed driver, 20, whose out-of-control
    truck struck and killed girl at North Carolina Christmas parade
    after he yelled its brakes had stopped working

    . . .

    Ummmmmmmmm ... how often does total brake failure
    happen these days ??? There are minimum dual,
    front-back, systems and sometimes independent
    4-wheel systems. This ain't 1939 anymore.

    Now did this perp INTEND to kill - or was he
    just some stoner pissed because the parade was
    'in his way', slowing him down, an inconvenience
    to high-holy HIM, and wanted to cut around ?

    THAT is where the investigations lead. Forget
    the mechanical excuses. Was this perp some flavor
    of American/Xian-hating ANTIFA or ISIS or what ?
    Maybe he WAS just a stoner with piss-poor
    judgement or post-covid un-civilized sociopath.
    That's what comes next.

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