• Here is my new proverb

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 19 15:40:07 2022

    Here is my new proverb so that to understand my philosophy:

    "Are the people of this world wise ? so since most of people are not wise, and human life is unjust and not fair , so it has the tendency to create disorder and violence and and it has the tendency of hurting the system since most of people are not wise,
    so then you have to know how to solve this problem by using a kind of opium of the people that replace the opium of the people that is religion, and i think this opium of the people that creates the meaning of human life is the positive energy like the
    good vibes like looking at the many ways of the being beautiful and like having pleasures of life like looking at the beautiful videos on youtube etc. so i think that the medias and the government have to understand it, and they have to know how to avoid
    to be negativity and how to avoid to be pessimistic since most of the people of our world are not wise."

    And i say that we have also to be a positive energy and positive spirit by knowing that capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a
    relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, and of course so that to be positive energy and the positive spirit, you have also to read my below thoughts so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about Leo Tolstoy and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart, and i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above", and I think i am a wise type of person and i think i am a philosopher too, and today
    i will talk more about Leo Tolstoy that was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time, and his ideas on living a meaningful life can be summarized in three principles: Be happy, be kind, and be useful, you can read more
    about it here:

    The Genius of Leo Tolstoy: The Meaning of Life Is The Meaning We Put Into It


    But i am not in accordance with Leo Tolstoy on what is the meaning of human life, since notice how he is making a mistake by saying that the meaning of human life or life comes from the you being useful, but the
    you being useful needs responsability, so i say that it is like the mistake of the philosopher Paul Tillich, read about it here in my following thoughts::

    More of my philosophy about the philosophy of Paul Tillich about the meaning of life or human life and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above", i have just looked at the following video about the philosopher Paul Tillich, so i invite you to look at it:

    The Courage to Be: An Antidote to Meaninglessness


    So i think that the above philosophy of the philosopher Paul Tillich about the meaning of life or human life has a big defect, since i think
    i am a philosopher and notice how i am saying in my philosophy, read it below, that responsability is not what gives meaning to human life or life, since responsability comes with suffering, so it is the same for the defect of the above philosophy of the
    philosopher Paul Tillich, since he is saying that the meaning of life or human life comes from courage, but courage has the same defect as responsability , since being courage in front of life means that you have to be responsability and you have to
    suffer, but i think that it is not the right way of creating the meaning of human life or life, since i am saying in my below philosophy that the meaning of human life or life comes from the good vibes and the positive energy and the positive spirit, so
    it has to be the good vibes in form of positive energy that is not suffering of responsability or courage so that it gives the meaning to human life or life, so i hope that you are understanding my philosophy, so then
    you are understanding from my below thoughts that the constructing a meaning of human life is like replacing the opium of the people that is religion by another opium of the people, but how to do it ? so i think that firstly you have to know that goal of
    philosophy is to be happy,
    but so that to be happy you have to standardize to a certain level morality by using rules and laws by not accepting a kind of extremism so that to be the positive spirit and positive and by for example having pleasures of life of for example looking at
    the many ways of the being beautiful like i am explaining in my poem of Love below, or having pleasures of life by looking at the videos on youtube etc. etc. and of course as i just said that I think i am a philosopher and my philosophy is not absurdism
    of the philosopher Albert Camus, since we can not for example say that since humans die, so human life has no meaning, since in my philosophy when the positive energy as good vibes etc., as i am explaining below, gives the will to live and it gives a
    meaning to human life that permits you to continu to live in the direction of this meaning that you give with this positive energy and positive spirit, even if you die, so bringing this positive energy and positive spirit gives the will to live and it
    gives the meaning of human life, and of course i have also just said the following of the from where comes the meaning of human life, so you have also to read it: So i say that you can by being relativism in philosophy says that human life has no meaning,
    so relativism in philosophy in its essence has a problem, but i think that the smart way of constructing a meaning of human life, is also to be the pragmatic way by giving weights of importance to things, it is like "prioritizing" by giving weights of
    importance so that to be successful, i mean look at human life, it is much better than the old human life, so this way of looking at it permits to give a weight of importance , and also the other way is also to say that humanity is in fact progressing in
    an exponential way, so we are progressing so rapidly, and this way also of looking at it gives a great weight of importance and those two ways of looking at human life gives optimism, so i think it is the way to construct a meaning of human life, and
    this way of constructing a meaning of human life looks like my answer below about the can we be enlightned or not, so as you are noticing that the pragmatic way of my answer below proceeds by giving weights of importance so that also enforce the
    necessary "hierarchy" of humans so that to be the necessary order in society or in the world. And i also say that we have "just" already attained the knee of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place where growth suddenly
    switches from a slower to an even faster exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our humanity has "just" already started to go exponentially even much faster, this is why i say that in about 10 years from now we will become so
    powerful because of it. And you have to look at the following video so that to understand this exponential progress of our humanity:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And of course we have to know how to manage this exponential progress of our humanity..

    And look in the following interesting article about how AI will create millions more Jobs than it Will destroy:


    More of my philosophy about enlightenment and more of my thoughts..

    So I think i am highly smart since i have passed two certified IQ tests
    and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will invite you to look at
    the following video of the indian philosophy that is making a big mistake:

    The Bizarre Life Of An Enlightened Person


    So i am discovering in the above video patterns with my fluid intelligence that say to me that the above video of the indian philosophy is making a big mistake, since the above video of the indian philosophy is saying that you can not be enlightned, but
    it is "relativism" in philosophy that is not acceptable as morality, since also with this relativism we can also say that the smart humans among us are not smart humans, and this relativism brings an advantage of the being humbleness , but it also brings
    a disadvantage of being arrogance, so it is by logical analogy like the we can not say that you have to know how to use relativism like you have to know how to use a knife, since the normal distribution says that a not negligible percentage of humans are
    genetically violent, it is why i think that so that to be the right safety, we have to be the pragmatic way that also enforces the necessary "hierarchy" of humans so that to be the necessary order in society or in the world, so we have to for example say
    that the "highly smart" humans among us are the most important humans, since also they are like the most important engine that we have, since we can easily notice that without the highly smart humans, humanity becomes inferior like inferior animals.

    And also you have to know that of course i am defining nihilism as the following so that to construct a meaning of human life or life:

    I invite you to read the following article about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche and about nihilism so that to understand:


    So notice carefully in the above article that it defines nihilism as
    the following:

    "Nihilism is the conviction that there is no meaning to life, that the world is inhospitable to our highest hopes and values, and that there are no gods or higher purposes to justify our suffering. To be a nihilist is to flirt with despair and the
    sentiment that life is not worth living."

    So read my following previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    And so that to know more about my inventions, here is my just new not monotheistic religion that i have invented quickly, you can read about it in the following web link:


    And here is my other monotheistic religion that i have invented quickly(click on the "Amine Moulay Ramdane" post so that to read it):


    And here is my just new philosophy and many proverbs that i have invented quickly, you can take a look at them in the following web link:


    And read my following thoughts in the following web link about the how to solve the unsustainable resource consumption and harmful pollution etc.:


    More of my philosophy about human life and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I will talk to you more about happiness so that you understand
    my views, so notice how our world lacks too much wisdom and that our world is too much sexualized, so i think that the meaning also comes from when you live the beautifulness and the charm of the day, it makes you appreciate the beautifulness and the
    charm of the night, so the meaning of human life comes also from like this "alternance" of the day and night, since the too much sexualized and too much lacking wisdom of our world also make you appreciate the being wise and the being beautiful too and
    the being Love too and the being the romanticize too, so i think that in philosophy you have to know how to be this "alternance", as the alternance of the day and night that brings beauty, and it is why i am saying the following:

    More of my philosophy about the good business and about Madonna and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a wise type of person, and i have just looked at the following video of a known singer called Madonna, here it is:



    So i think that i know how to be an artist , since you have just to look
    at my way of writing my below poems of Love, but i think that artists like Madonna are making a mistake, since they are thinking that
    sex sells more as is thinking it Madonna, but i think it is a mistake,
    since when you are a good businessman, you have to contextualize,
    since a product or service also takes value from the context,
    i mean that since our world is too much sexualized and is too much
    lacking wisdom, so i think that the other way of Love and the romanticize and the being wise and the being beautiful takes or becomes the good way and the good values that makes you famous and rich, and not only that, but i think as i am saying below
    that the being beautiful brings the positive energy and the positive spirit, so i invite you to read my below just new poem of Love so that to understand more my views:

    More of my philosophy about my new poem of Love and more of my thoughts..

    So as you have just noticed, i have just said in my new poem the following:

    "Look at the so beautiful night and day
    It is not the just an only one-way"

    And my new poem of Love means that there is many ways of the being beautiful , i mean that there is a diversity of the being beautiful and there is not an only one-way of being beautiful as i am saying in my poem of Love below, and i think that it is
    what brings the positive energy and the positive spirit, for example there is a beauty in the delicious cup of tea and there is beauty in the beautiful day and night, and there is beauty of my poems of Love below, and there is beauty in the beautiful
    songs and there is even beauty in the following beautiful Military Uniforms, so i invite you to look
    at them carefully here:


    So i think that now you can understand my just new poem of Love below,
    so i invite you to reread it carefully:

    I invite you to listen the the following beautiful song of
    Cesária Evora reading at the same time my just new poem of Love


    Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


    Look at the so beautiful night and day

    It is not the just an only one-way

    Since it is like Love and Love on the replay

    Look at the so beautiful night and day

    It is not the just an only one-way

    Since it is like our beautiful Love on the everyday

    Look at the so beautiful night and day

    It is not the just an only one-way

    Since it is like my poems of Love that you find OK

    Look at the so beautiful night and day

    It is not the just an only one-way

    Since it is like an i Love you that i want to say

    Since it is not like the being from you the far away

    Look at the so beautiful night and day

    It is not the just an only one-way

    Since it is like the beautiful Jesus Christ birthday


    Note that to "spur" means in my new poem of Love below: to encourage development.

    Here is my other new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love and poems below:


    Ooh how i Love to be your beautiful lover !

    Since you will ask the is my intelligence the abo
  • From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 1 17:16:21 2022

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Here is my new proverb:

    "The being smart is not an emotion and it is not a feeling and it is
    not an appearance or it is not having a high IQ, but the being smart is the being wise that guides correctly the being smart. So why this distinction to be made between the being wise and the being smart?, since the being smart is an evolution and the
    being smart is an evolution, so you have to be smart so that to be the correct evolution that guides the evolution of the being smart. And of course Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, and being wise is having or
    showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment, so then having and showing the good judgment is also being genetically apt at being or showing the good judgment , so i think that being wise needs from you to be smart and clever , so it comes from both
    the genetical and cultural"

    More of my philosophy about the meaning and about the universal language and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video about Celine Dion that
    is talking about how she has learned the english language at 15 years old, and notice how she is saying that music is a universal language,
    so i invite you to look at this short video of her so that to notice:


    So i think i am a philosopher (And you can read abut my philosophies here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), and i say that the most important thing is not that a language is universal, but the most important thing is the "
    meaning of the ideas" or what we call in french "Le sens des idées", so i say that what structures our thoughts is not the language, but it is the meaning of the ideas, so it is my way of doing, so when i am writing in english, the most important for
    me is creativity that comes with ideas that means something and that are useful, but i can rapidly after that translate them in french or arabic, since i can think and write and read in arabic and english and french, so look for example how i am quickly
    inventing my poems of Love below and notice carefully that what's the most important in my poems of Love below is the meaning of ideas and the usefulness of ideas and notice how i am structuring my ideas with the meaning of my ideas:

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
    Elvis Presley reading at the same time my just new poem of Love

    Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)


    Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my beautiful heart is not the foreign-born

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my beautiful heart is the adorn

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my Love for you is far away from the mourn

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    Since my name is not the beautiful Osborne

    But it is like Jesus Christ the firstborn

    Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    So as you notice i am not here to suborn

    Since Love is like eating the beautiful popcorn

    So do you want my Love like a sweet corn or like the popcorn ?


    More of my philosophy about Love and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i will ask the following philosophical question:

    So what is Love ?

    Here is my answer:

    I think i am a wise type of person, and from my philosophies that i have invented (Read them here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/PN44Q1m4e8g ), i can say that Love is also like
    my following proverb:

    "Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and
    positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."

    So what i mean is that Love is also like the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that can play the role of a "lever" that permits us to transcend the human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet, since when you are not wise, you will
    have the tendency to react with your human instincts in a not correct manner by being too much violent when noticing that Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, but for a wise type of person like me , i say that human life needs from us to be wise
    so that to avoid the too much violence. So the beautiful flower in my proverb above is also a symbolic that means that you have to know how to be the good vibes of positive energy and the positive spirit, and it is why i have quickly invented all my
    poems of Love below so that to be those good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit, and notice my kind of respectability and my kind of personality, since i am wanting to make you understand my views and my way of doing by inventing philosophies
    and by inventing many proverbs and by inventing two religions and by inventing poems of Love and poems and posting them here, and i am doing it this way without asking for money (And read them here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.culture.morocco/c/
    PN44Q1m4e8g ), and also notice that in my new poem of Love below that i am saying the following:

    "Don't say to me Love is never !
    Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever
    That permits us to be the happier than ever !"

    So it is in accordance with my proverb above, since Love too can be the good vibes of positive energy and positive spirit that permit us to transcend human life that is not a beautiful flower bouquet as i am saying in my proverb above, so i invite you to
    read all my poems of Love below so that to notice how i am doing it:

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song of
    Elvis Presley reading at the same time my new poem of Love

    Elvis presley - its now or never (1960)


    Here is my new poem of Love and read my other poems of Love below:


    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since our beautiful Love is the so clever

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since this poem of Love of mine is like a lever

    That permits us to be the happier than ever !

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since with our so beautiful Love we are coming together

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    Since it is not the whatever or the however

    But our Love is like our so beautiful weather !

    And our Love is like our bridge over troubled water

    Don't say to me Love is never !

    But it is my beautiful Love for you for the forever !


    And I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song called
    "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" of George Benson reading at the same time my new poem of Love below:


    Here is my new poem of Love and read all my below poems of Love:


    I love to be with you in Procida

    Since i love to be with you in Elba

    Since i love to be with you in Pon