• Ha ! Florida Wokie Sez Bible Verse "Attacking" Her

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 13 20:45:25 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.censorship


    An instructional assistant at a Florida high school has
    reportedly complained about her co-worker's parking space
    that quotes a verse from the New Testament, saying it
    offends her as Jewish person.

    Marina Gentilesco, who works at Wiregrass Ranch High School
    in Pasco County, Florida, said she has been angered every
    day she passed by her co-worker's parking spot that is
    painted with Philippians 4:13, which reads, "I can do all
    things through Christ which strengthens me," according
    to local Fox affiliate Fox 59.

    . . .

    "ATTACKING" her !!!!

    Sorry, but Florida is the state pretty much LEAST
    inclined to worry about "The Triggered". The basic
    take there is "People say all kinds of weird stuff
    and have a perfect right to do so - so SUCK IT UP".

    Oh, and the quoted verse is in NO way "anti-Jew" -
    more "inspirational". That Jesus guy WAS a Jew
    by the way, never claimed anything different.

    So go home and sulk little Wokie ....... or move
    to the left coast where they DO fret about anybody
    hearing/seeing anything that "offends" them (so
    long as they're Wokies).

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