• Baltimore "No-Shoot Zones" Activist Killed While Attacking Woman - With

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 9 18:41:24 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    Anti-gun violence activist is shot dead by hero cop after
    holding large butcher's knife to woman's head in terrifying
    street attack: Ex-gang member, 46, created over 250 'no
    shoot zones' across Baltimore

    Tyree Moorehead, the 'no shoot zones' activist, was shot dead
    by police on Sunday after he held a knife to a woman's head
    in Baltimore, Maryland

    Moorehead was seen in bodycam footage standing over a woman
    with a knife when police arrived and ordered him to get down

    The activist immediately dropped on top of the woman, but it
    appeared he held the knife near her face

    An officer than fired more than a dozen rounds at Moorehead
    who later died at a local hospital

    . . .

    Well .... he never said anything about No-STABBING zones !

    "Ex-" Thug ? Nope.

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