• More of my philosophy about a beautiful song and about my poems of Love

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 8 08:40:51 2022

    More of my philosophy about a beautiful song and about my poems of Love
    and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song
    that i want to share with you, reading at the same time
    my poems of Love below:

    JOCELYNE BEROARD - Ké sa lévé (Années 80 - Paroles en français et créole )


    More of my philosophy about the being le Terre-à-Terre and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i say that we have not to be just as we say in french: Être le Terre-à-terre qui veut dire qui manque d'élégance, de distinction, de noblesse ;
    qui a un esprit matériel, peu enclin à la poésie ; commun, vulgaire, banal, plat, and that means in english that you have not to be the who lacks elegance, distinction, nobility; who has a material mind, little inclined to poetry; common, vulgar,
    banal, flat, so as you notice
    that i am also not le Terre-à-terre by also inventing as i am inventing my poems of Love below and sharing them with you, and you can notice how my poems of Love are special too, and here is my last one so that to notice how look like my poems of Love
    and read all my other poems of Love and poems below:

    Note that the beautiful box in my poem of Love below means
    our universe that looks like a box.

    Here is my new poem of Love in english that i have just thought
    quickly and written quickly:


    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since look at how fast is the humans clocks

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since i have even to be smart as a Fox

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since i am not needing at all the Botox

    Since i am feeling young and not like an old orthodox

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since as you notice that my Love is not the evil Hawks

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since my beautiful Love for you is not a paradox

    I am feeling like inside a beautiful box

    Since my beautiful Love for you is strong as the strong Rocks


    Here is my other new poem of Love:


    Ask the beautiful heart

    Since i am coming to you with my beautiful art

    Ask the beautiful heart

    Since with our so beautiful Love we will never come apart

    Ask the beautiful heart

    Since our Love is a beautiful light from the very start

    Ask the beautiful heart

    So am i René Descartes or Humphrey Bogart ?

    Ask the b