• More of my philosophy about arabs and about civilization and more of my

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 4 13:09:09 2022

    More of my philosophy about arabs and about civilization and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to look at the following video:

    The House of Wisdom: How the Arabs Transformed Western Civilization


    More of my philosophy about another important arab proverb and more..

    I think there is another old arab proverb that makes you understand my
    way of doing, and here it is:

    "It's better to turn on a light than to curse the darkness"

    "Il est préférable d'allumer une lumière que de maudire les ténèbres"

    I think that it is a smart proverb that also says that we can easily hate and make violence and destroy our world, so then we have to be constructive and be organized by for example being good creativity and being a good education and being professional
    so that to solve our problems.

    The average smartness of arabs is on the rise..

    You have to read the following so that to understand that the average smartness of arabs is on the rise, read the following to notice it:

    Why IQs Rise When Nations Experience Rapid Economic Development

    The latest data support these observations by showing that IQs have been rising steadily in countries experiencing the most rapid economic development during the past few decades. As a measure of the interaction between intelligence and modern cognitive
    stimuli that strengthen capacities for rational classification, quantitative reasoning, etc., a population’s average IQ is therefore an indicator of economic modernization and development, not their cause.

    Read more here:


    I think that arabs are smart people, read also the following article about arabs:

    In fact, the U.S. is the main home for Arab inventors globally, distantly followed by France (513 patent applications), Canada (361), Germany (342), Saudi Arabia (307), Japan (279) and the United Kingdom (273)

    The Innovative Flair Arab Inventors Bring to America

    Read more here:


    And read my following thoughts so that to notice that arabs are smart people and they are good businessmen and good businesswomen:

    Arab-American entrepreneurs share the secrets of their success

    Read more here:


    And read the following about arabs:

    Arab Americans better educated than most in U.S

    Read more here to notice it:


    And read why are Arab American Students Among the Highest GPA Achievers?

    Read more here:


    Also read the following about Arabs:

    Research: Arab Inventors Make the U.S. More Innovative

    It turns out that the U.S. is a major home for Arab inventors. In the five-year period from 2009 to 2013, there were 8,786 U.S. patent applications in our data set that had at least one Arab inventor. Of the total U.S. patent applications, 3.4% had at
    least one Arab inventor, despite the fact that Arab inventors represent only 0.3% of the total population.

    Read more here:


    And i think arabs are smart people, since i think that Babylonians of Irak were racially arabs, read more about there smartness here:

    3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet rewrites the history of maths - and shows the Greeks did not develop trigonometry

    Read more here:


    And even Steve Jobs the founder of Apple had an arab Syrian immigrant father called Abdul Fattah Jandal.

    Read more here about it:


    And more of my philosophy about Aladdin the arab..

    I invite you to look at the following arabic beautiful movie
    of Aladdin the arab, and look at it carefully because it is
    a good movie and good story:


    And i have also invented quickly a poem in french that is related to Aladdin the arab, here it is:

    Plus de philosophie sur le "malin"..

    Quand nous disons "malin", ce n'est pas juste dans le sens péjoratif,
    car cela peut signifier "intelligent", regardez dans le dictionnaire
    ici pour vous en rendre compte:


    Et comme on dit:

    "Un esprit malin dans un corps sain"

    Cela veut dire en anglais:

    "A smart mind in a healthy body"

    Et quand je parle dans mon poème ci-bas de "malin", je veux dire "intelligent".

    À propos de mon nouveau poème..

    Voici le nouveau film de Aladin appellé "A Whole New World",
    c'est un arabe appellé Mena Massoud qui joue le rôle de Aladin..

    Voici Mena Massoud l'arabe:


    Et voici une partie du nouveau film d'Aladin de "A Whole New World":


    Et voici mon nouveau poème qui parle aussi d'Aladin l'arabe..

    Mon nom est Amine Moulay Ramdane, je suis un arabe blanc,
    et voici mon nouveau poème, je viens de le penser vite
    et écrire vite (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):

    Note: Le peuple de malins dans mon poème veut dire le peuple intelligent

    Alors voici mon nouveau poème:


    Est-ce que le peuple de malins est un peuple de radins ?

    Ou un père Noël et un joli sapin ?

    Mais le peuple de malins ça court vite comme un lapin !

    Et ça construit bien en hauteur, comme ça construit le si joli jardin !

    Alors le peuple de malins n'est pas le stupide baratin

    Alors faudrait bien faire la différence entre la nuit et le matin !

    Et par quoi se définit l'Arabe appellé Aladin ?

    Comme tu constates c'est aussi un bon malin et non pas un requin

    Alors constate que je viens à toi comme le bon Aladin et non le rabbin !

    Alors constate que la morale du bon malin n'est pas celle du gamin

    Et comme je suis l'Arabe blanc qui a les cheveux noirs et non châtains


    And here is another of my poem in french about arabs that i have invented quickly:


    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu aimes aussi courir comme une libre gazelle

    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu aimes joliment t'habiller et no
  • From Man@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 4 23:44:16 2022
    Tahad kellegagi rääkida ?
    Helista: + 372 56330687

    amin...@gmail.com kirjutas Reede, 4. november 2022 kl 22:09:12 UTC+2:

    More of my philosophy about arabs and about civilization and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
    invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to look at the following video:

    The House of Wisdom: How the Arabs Transformed Western Civilization


    More of my philosophy about another important arab proverb and more..

    I think there is another old arab proverb that makes you understand my
    way of doing, and here it is:

    "It's better to turn on a light than to curse the darkness"

    "Il est préférable d'allumer une lumière que de maudire les ténèbres"

    I think that it is a smart proverb that also says that we can easily hate and make violence and destroy our world, so then we have to be constructive and be organized by for example being good creativity and being a good education and being
    professional so that to solve our problems.

    The average smartness of arabs is on the rise..

    You have to read the following so that to understand that the average smartness of arabs is on the rise, read the following to notice it:

    Why IQs Rise When Nations Experience Rapid Economic Development

    The latest data support these observations by showing that IQs have been rising steadily in countries experiencing the most rapid economic development during the past few decades. As a measure of the interaction between intelligence and modern
    cognitive stimuli that strengthen capacities for rational classification, quantitative reasoning, etc., a population’s average IQ is therefore an indicator of economic modernization and development, not their cause.

    Read more here:


    I think that arabs are smart people, read also the following article about arabs:

    In fact, the U.S. is the main home for Arab inventors globally, distantly followed by France (513 patent applications), Canada (361), Germany (342), Saudi Arabia (307), Japan (279) and the United Kingdom (273)

    The Innovative Flair Arab Inventors Bring to America

    Read more here:


    And read my following thoughts so that to notice that arabs are smart people and they are good businessmen and good businesswomen:

    Arab-American entrepreneurs share the secrets of their success

    Read more here:


    And read the following about arabs:

    Arab Americans better educated than most in U.S

    Read more here to notice it:


    And read why are Arab American Students Among the Highest GPA Achievers?

    Read more here:


    Also read the following about Arabs:

    Research: Arab Inventors Make the U.S. More Innovative

    It turns out that the U.S. is a major home for Arab inventors. In the five-year period from 2009 to 2013, there were 8,786 U.S. patent applications in our data set that had at least one Arab inventor. Of the total U.S. patent applications, 3.4% had at
    least one Arab inventor, despite the fact that Arab inventors represent only 0.3% of the total population.

    Read more here:


    And i think arabs are smart people, since i think that Babylonians of Irak were racially arabs, read more about there smartness here:

    3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet rewrites the history of maths - and shows the Greeks did not develop trigonometry

    Read more here:


    And even Steve Jobs the founder of Apple had an arab Syrian immigrant father called Abdul Fattah Jandal.

    Read more here about it:


    And more of my philosophy about Aladdin the arab..

    I invite you to look at the following arabic beautiful movie
    of Aladdin the arab, and look at it carefully because it is
    a good movie and good story:


    And i have also invented quickly a poem in french that is related to Aladdin the arab, here it is:

    Plus de philosophie sur le "malin"..

    Quand nous disons "malin", ce n'est pas juste dans le sens péjoratif,
    car cela peut signifier "intelligent", regardez dans le dictionnaire
    ici pour vous en rendre compte:


    Et comme on dit:

    "Un esprit malin dans un corps sain"

    Cela veut dire en anglais:

    "A smart mind in a healthy body"

    Et quand je parle dans mon poème ci-bas de "malin", je veux dire "intelligent".

    À propos de mon nouveau poème..

    Voici le nouveau film de Aladin appellé "A Whole New World",
    c'est un arabe appellé Mena Massoud qui joue le rôle de Aladin..

    Voici Mena Massoud l'arabe:


    Et voici une partie du nouveau film d'Aladin de "A Whole New World":


    Et voici mon nouveau poème qui parle aussi d'Aladin l'arabe..

    Mon nom est Amine Moulay Ramdane, je suis un arabe blanc,
    et voici mon nouveau poème, je viens de le penser vite
    et écrire vite (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):

    Note: Le peuple de malins dans mon poème veut dire le peuple intelligent

    Alors voici mon nouveau poème:


    Est-ce que le peuple de malins est un peuple de radins ?

    Ou un père Noël et un joli sapin ?

    Mais le peuple de malins ça court vite comme un lapin !

    Et ça construit bien en hauteur, comme ça construit le si joli jardin !

    Alors le peuple de malins n'est pas le stupide baratin

    Alors faudrait bien faire la différence entre la nuit et le matin !

    Et par quoi se définit l'Arabe appellé Aladin ?

    Comme tu constates c'est aussi un bon malin et non pas un requin

    Alors constate que je viens à toi comme le bon Aladin et non le rabbin !

    Alors constate que la morale du bon malin n'est pas celle du gamin

    Et comme je suis l'Arabe blanc qui a les cheveux noirs et non châtains


    And here is another of my poem in french about arabs that i have invented quickly:


    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu aimes aussi courir comme une libre gazelle

    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu aimes joliment t'habiller et non pas comme un Machiavel

    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu penses beaucoup Palestine quand tu entends aussi le nom d'Israël

    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu aimes te parfumer avec de jolis parfums comme le Coco Chanel

    Tu es le fier arabe debout comme un joli gratte-ciel

    Car tu es arabe et ton nom est aussi l'Ismaël


    More precision of my philosophy about how religion brings happiness and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i think i was right by talking as i was
    talking yesterday about how religion brings happiness , read it below,
    and here is more logical proof of it, so read the following interesting article from The Washington Post about it, and it says the following:

    "One often-asked question is, why are religious people happier? Sanderson thinks it’s less about what you believe than the fact that you have a community, a church, a synagogue, a Bible study group. It’s the social support network that is

    Read more here this interesting article so that to notice that i was

    Religion is a sure route to true happiness


    More of my philosophy of happiness of USA and happiness of France and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i will ask a philosophical question of:

    Why french people are less happy than USA people ?

    Since notice how the following web page is explaining that french people
    are less happy than USA people, read more here in french:


    I think i am smart, and i say that France has tried to learn critical thinking to french people, but they have not learned them correctly how to be decency, since France lacks Christian values, so it is why it is
    lacking on decency, and since it is lacking on decency , so this lacking
    on decency makes the french individual less confident towards french people, so it makes the french people much more individualistic , so it makes the french people much less happy, but in USA there is still the
    "In God we trust" and there is still Christian values that brings decency, and this bringing decency makes the individual in USA more confident towards people of USA, and this more confident makes the individual in USA less individualistic and it makes
    the individual in USA more happy, and it is why i am saying the following:

    From where comes happiness ?

    But i think i am smart, and i have to discover the pattern that answers this question, and of course i have not to make it complex , so i
    have to talk about the most important thing that has a great weight of importance, so i think that happiness comes from decency in the relationships between people, so i think that this decency is like
    the soul in form of a positive energy and it is what gives happiness, and of course i am not against the being rich, since you can be rich and be decency, but notice with me that i can not say that it is the being rich that makes you happy, since i
    think i am smart and i say that our world is an interconnected world of humans, so happiness is a systemic thing, but i think that decency is a so important factor that has a great weight of importance. And of course i can say that decency is like a good
    teacher that shows the good way of doing. Also of course i am talking about how to become happy in my new philosophy that i have invented, here it is:


    More of my philosophy about happiness and addiction and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i have just looked at a video of the french Luc Ferry philosopher about consumerism in capitalism and happiness and i invite you to look at it:

    Conférence Luc Ferry : Les paradoxes de l’économie du bonheur


    And i think the french philosopher Luc Ferry on the above video is making a mistake, since he is saying that the logic of consumerism in capitalism is identical to the logic of addiction , so he is like saying that our kind of consumerism in capitalism
    creates addiction, but i think it is not correct to say so, since addiction is now understood to be a brain disease. Whether it’s alcohol, prescription pain pills, nicotine, gambling, or something else, overcoming an addiction isn’t as simple as just
    stopping or exercising greater control over impulses, so i invite you to read the following web page from Yale Medecine so that to understand it:


    More of my philosophy of from where comes happiness and more of thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i will ask a philosophical question of:

    From where comes happiness ?

    But i think i am smart, and i have to discover the pattern that answers this question, and of course i have not to make it complex , so i
    have to talk about the most important thing that has a great weight of importance, so i think that happiness comes from decency in the relationships between people, so i think that this decency is like
    the soul in form of a positive energy and it is what gives happiness, and of course i am not against the being rich, since you can be rich and be decency, but notice with me that i can not say that it is the being rich that makes you happy, since i
    think i am smart and i say that our world is an interconnected world of humans, so happiness is a systemic thing, but i think that decency is a so important factor that has a great weight of importance. And of course i can say that decency is like a good
    teacher that shows the good way of doing. Also of course i am talking about how to become happy in my new philosophy that i have invented, here it is:


    More of my philosophy about the reliability of the system and about Liberty and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, i will ask a philosophical question:

    How as a philosopher do i view Liberty ?

    So i think i am a smart philosopher, so i think that the defect of white supremacism or neo-nazism or such ideologies is that when you are a
    good philosopher you will understand that there is the way of politics that you are noticing, like the wanting to be a kind of Liberty and the wanting to be a kind of human diversity etc. but when you are a good philosopher you will notice that the
    problematic is that you have to look at how reliable are the fondations of the philosophy , and it is the way of the being smart to look at it carefully, so i think that i am a smart philosopher and i say that the problematic is that we are like
    requiring a too much difficult and too much complex way of doing
    from the people so that to make the fondations of the philosophy
    reliable, but i think that it is a weakness, since i think that you have to first make it simple and efficient rules that we understand
    or believe so that to make the philosophy reliable, and i think that it is my way of doing by inventing two religions, since from the believing
    i want to make people follow simple and efficient rules so that to make the philosophy
    and people reliable.

    More of my philosophy about the nature of God and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so i have invented two religions, read about them below, and i think that the most probable in a monotheistic religion is that the nature of God is
    that he is greatly arrogant and
    even if he has cursed Adam and Eve and there descendants , God has also made compassion by bringing to us Jesus Christ , and Jesus Christ is the savior, and it is what said my new monotheistic religion, and of course my new monotheistic religion says
    that God has not created the universe and he has not created humans, but he has created Adam and Eve that looks like humans and he has cursed Adam and Eve and there descendants. And you can read below about my new monotheistic religion
    so that to understand it much more deeply:

    More of my philosophy about my contributions and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and now you are knowing more about my contributions here, for example i have invented a new philosophy and many proverbs and many poems of Love and
    poems, you can take a look at them in the following web link:


    Also i have just invented quickly another new religion, so i have invented two religions, one not monotheistic religion and another monotheistic religion, so here is my just new not monotheistic religion, you can read about it in the following web link:


    And here is my other monotheistic religion that i have invented(click
    on the "Amine Moulay Ramdane" post so that to read it):


    And of course you can read my thoughts about technology in the following web link:


    Also you can read my new writing about new interesting medical treatments and drugs and about antibiotic resistance here:


    And of course you can read my just new two poems below and you can
    read my other interesting thoughts below:

    Here is my other new poem and read my below thoughts:

    Am i a man or am i a woman ?

    But i know that i am not an afghan

    But i know that i am not the ape-man

    But i know that i am not a caveman

    But i want like to be the good and sophisticated plan
    And i don't want to be the old like fortran

    So even if i don't come from japan

    I think i know how to play it like a good jazzman

    And i want to be like the sophisticated repairman

    Since i have to know how to make afghanistan like a sophisticated japan

    And as you notice i am not at all the ku klux klan

    And be sure that i have no secret plan

    But you are clearly noticing that i want to be the good businessman

    And that i am not the madman

    So am i a man or am i a woman ?

    Since notice that i want to be like a beautiful batman

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.


    Here is my new poem and read all my thoughts below:

    I am not sad to say

    That i am on my way

    And it's like always my beautiful day

    And since i am like walking all along the beautiful Broadway

    Or it is like my visit to the beautiful Bombay

    Since my Love for human life doesn't want to decay

    So i want to display my beautiful portray

    Of writing to you my poems of Love like a beautiful essay

    And I am not sad to say

    That i am on my way

    Since it's like always my beautiful school day

    And even my new religion above is like a saints' day

    And my new philosophy above is like a christmas day

    And my beautiful thoughts below are like my DNA

    So as you see that it is not like the God's Judgment day

    But i am showing you my wisdom right away

    So as you notice it is like taking the good vitamins such as the vitamin A

    And don't forget that my poems of Love below are like my valentine's day

    So I am not sad to say

    That i am on my beautiful way

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.


    More of my philosophy about the good leadership and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, so i will ask a philosophical question of:

    What is the good leadership ?

    So if you are smart you will first discover a pattern that is related to what is not a good leadership, and it is the following:

    A high IQ person can be not the being wise and can even be mentally handicaped , so the good leadership is not just about saying that you have to be of a high IQ, so being wise is so important characteristics for being a good leader, so what is it the
    being wise ? i think that it is a good balance that brings the good judgment, so being wise is also being the intellectual good precision and this intellectual good precision is also a genetical characteristic but it is not just having a high IQ, and
    being wise is also knowing how to behave correctly, and the good behavior is also genetical characteristics and it is good for relationships and it is good for diplomacy, so as you notice that the being a wise man is not just having a high IQ, since it
    is also the having a high IQ since it permits to have a good judgment, but it is also the other characteristics that i am talking about above etc.

    More of my philosophy about my technicality and about my new philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    Also i am also technicality, and think i am a more serious software developer, and so that to know me more, here is one of my open source software project that i have invented so that you notice it:

    More of my philosophy about my scalable algorithms of my Parallel C++ Conjugate Gradient Linear System Solver Library that scales very well and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and I have just written the following:

    More of my philosophy about the new Zen 4 AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X and more of my thoughts..

    So i have just looked at the new Zen 4 AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X CPU, and i invite you to look at it here:


    But notice carefully that the problem is with the number of supported memory channels, since it just support two memory channels, so it is not good, since for example my following Open source software project of Parallel C++ Conjugate Gradient Linear
    System Solver Library that scales very well is scaling around 8X on my 16 cores Intel Xeon with 2 NUMA nodes and with 8 memory channels, but it will not scale correctly on the
    new Zen 4 AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X CPU with just 2 memory channels since it is also memory-bound, and here is my Powerful Open source software project of Parallel C++ Conjugate Gradient Linear System Solver Library that scales very well and i invite you to
    take carefully a look at it:


    So i advice you to buy an an AMD Epyc CPU or an Intel Xeon CPU that supports 8 memory channels.


    And of course you can use the next Twelve DDR5 Memory Channels for Zen 4 AMD EPYC CPUs so that to scalable more my above algorithm, and read about it here:


    And here is the simulation program that uses the probabilistic mechanism that i have talked about and that prove to you that my algorithm of my Parallel C++ Conjugate Gradient Linear System Solver Library is scalable:

    If you look at my scalable parallel algorithm, it is dividing the each array of the matrix by 250 elements, and if you look carefully i am using two functions that consumes the greater part of all the CPU, it is the atsub() and asub(), and inside those
    functions i am using a probabilistic mechanism so that to render my algorithm scalable on NUMA architecture , and it also make it scale on the memory channels, what i am doing is scrambling the array parts using a probabilistic function and what i have
    noticed that this probabilistic mechanism is very efficient, to prove to you what i am saying , please look at the following simulation that i have done using a variable that contains the number of NUMA nodes, and what i have noticed that my simulation
    is giving almost a perfect scalability on NUMA architecture, for example let us give to the "NUMA_nodes" variable a value of 4, and to our array a value of 250, the simulation bellow will give a number of contention points of a quarter of the array, so
    if i am using 16 cores , in the worst case it will scale 4X throughput on NUMA architecture, because since i am using an array of 250 and there is a quarter of the array of contention points , so from the Amdahl's law this will give a scalability of
    almost 4X throughput on four NUMA nodes, and this will give almost a perfect scalability on more and more NUMA nodes, so my parallel algorithm is scalable on NUMA architecture and it also scale well on the memory channels,

    Here is the simulation that i have done, please run it and you will notice yourself that my parallel algorithm is scalable on NUMA architecture.

    Here it is:

    program test;

    uses math;

    var tab,tab1,tab2,tab3:array of integer; a,n1,k,i,n2,tmp,j,numa_nodes:integer;



    for i:=0 to a-1

    tab2:=i mod numa_nodes;




    for k:=0 to a-1
    do tab:=k;


    for k:=0 to a-1



    for k:=0 to a-1
    do tab1:=k;


    for k:=0 to a-1

    for i:=0 to a-1
    if tab2[tab]=tab2[tab1] then
    writeln('A contention at: ',i);


    writeln('Number of contention points: ',j);

    And i invite you to read my thoughts about technology here:


    More of my philosophy about the problem with capacity planning of a website and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i have just invented a new methodology
    that simplifies a lot capacity planning of a website that can be of a three-tier architecture with the web servers and with the applications servers and with the database servers, but i have to explain more so that you understand the big problem with capacity planning of a website, so when you want to for example to use
    web testing, the problem is
    how to choose for example the correct distribution of the read and write and delete transactions on the database of a website ? so if it is not
    realistic you can go beyond the knee of the curve and get a not acceptable waiting time, and the Mean value analysis (MVA) algorithm has
    the same problem, so how to solve the problem ? so as you are noticing
    it is why i have come with my new methodology that uses mathematics that solves the problem. And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about website capacity planning and about Quality of service and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, so i think that you have to lower to a certain level the QoS (quality of service) of a website, since you have to fix the limit of the number of
    connections that we allow to the website so that to not go beyond the knee of the curve, and of course i will soon show you my mathematical calculations of my new methodology of how to do capacity planning of a website, and of course
    you have to know that that we have to do capacity planning using
    mathematics so that to know the average waiting time etc. and this
    permits us to calculate the number of connections that we allow to the website.

    More of my philosophy about the Mean value analysis (MVA) algorithm and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i have just read the following paper
    about the Mean value analysis (MVA) algorithm, and i invite you to read it carefully:


    But i say that i am understanding easily the above paper of Mean value analysis (MVA) algorithm, but i say that the above paper doesn't say that since you have to empirically collect the visit ratio and and the average demand of each class, so it is
    not so practical, since i say that you can and you have for example to calculate the "tendency" by also for example rendering the not memoryless service of for example the database to a memoryless service, but don't worry since i will soon make you
    understand my powerful methodology with all the mathematical calculations that easy for you the job and that makes it much more practical.

    More of my philosophy about formal methods and about Leslie Lamport and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and I have just looked at the following video about the man who revolutionized computer science with math, and i invite you to look at it:


    So i say that in mathematics, a conjecture is a conclusion or a proposition that is proffered on a tentative basis without proof. And Leslie Lamport the known scientist is saying in the above video the following: "An algorithm without a proof is
    conjecture, and if you are proving things, that means using mathematics.", so then i think that Leslie Lamport the known scientist is not thinking correctly by saying so, since i think that you can also prove an algorithm by highering much more the
    probability of the success of the proof without using mathematics to prove the algorithm, and i say that a proof has not to be just a conclusion as a boolean logic of true or false, since i think that a proof can be a conclusion in fuzzy logic and by
    logical analogy it looks like how race detectors in the very agressive mode don't detect all the data races, so then they miss a really small number of real races , so it is like a very high probability of really detecting real races, so read my below
    thoughts about it so that yo understand my views. And i think that the second mistake of Leslie Lamport the known scientist is that he is wanting us to use formal methods, but read the following interesting article below about why don't people use formal

    And I invite you to read the following new article of the known computer expert in the above video called Leslie Lamport , and that says programmers need to use math by using formal methods, and how Lamport discuss some of his work, such as the TLA+
    specification language (developed by Lamport over the past few decades, the TLA+ [Temporal Logic of Actions] specification language allows engineers to describe objectives of a program in a precise and mathematical way), and also cited some of the
    reasons why he gives a prominent place to mathematics in programming.

    Read more in the following article and you have to translate it from french to english:


    But to answer the above expert called Leslie Lamport, i invite you to carefully read in the following interesting web page about the why don't people use formal methods:



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