• El-Nino Finally Came - But Only For SHORT Time - Back to la-Nina

    From 68hx.1806@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 1 22:28:08 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.survival


    An El Niño-less summer is coming. Here’s what that could mean
    for the US

    . . .

    The last, protracted, la-Nina brought extreme drought
    the the western US. El-Nino DID appear, strongly, late
    in 2023 ... and caused heavy rain in that region.
    However it appears this was a very SHORT event and la-Nina
    is rapidly slipping back in place. This will affect a
    lot of things, including hurricane tracks and drought

    We can expect the US west to dry out again. The
    distribution of hurricanes will return to the
    previous gulf-coast/central-east-coast tracks
    we saw for a number of previous years.

    The rapid collapse of el-Nino is a puzzle. Normally
    the two mega-systems take turns every year or two.
    No longer. The long-term effects in the USA and
    beyond will be "interesting".

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