• USA : General Electric is Technically NO MORE - Split Into Three Parts

    From 68hx.1805@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 2 18:32:32 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.business
    XPost: alt.elections


    The US conglomerate, co-founded by Thomas Edison, is opening
    a new chapter in its history on Tuesday: its break-up into
    three independent entities which will then concentrate on
    their disparate core businesses.

    The group announced its 'spin-off' project in November 2021,
    which was to be carried out in several stages.

    An initial split took place in January 2023 with the creation
    of GE HealthCare, bringing together all the health care

    The official finalization of the separation comes Tuesday,
    with General Electric disappearing in favor of GE Vernova,
    dealing with energy activities, and GE Aerospace, the new
    name of the late GE.

    The official finalization of the separation comes Tuesday,
    with General Electric disappearing in favor of GE Vernova,
    dealing with energy activities, and GE Aerospace, the new
    name of the late GE.

    . . .

    Yet another sad chapter for US producers.

    I wonder who will have controlling stock in all these
    little "spin-offs" in a few years ? CHINA most likely.

    If New Jersey experiences mysterious tremors today,
    that'll be Edison spinning in his grave.

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