• NYC Insanity : Elite Pay $57 MILLION For Condos in Converted PARKING GA

    From 68hx.1805@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 22 23:05:35 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.elections


    Only in New York! Wealthy property buyers splash out up as
    much as $57.5M for condos inside converted PARKING GARAGE

    A dilapidated parking garage in New York's West Village is set
    for a luxurious transformation into high-end condos, fetching
    up to $57.5 million per unit

    Originally erected in the 1930s, the building will retain its
    original structure only instead of parking spaces it will
    comprise of seven multi-million dollar units

    The building will appeal to discerning buyers seeking privacy
    and luxury and is poised to make it one of the city's most
    lucrative residential ventures

    . . .

    Designed (pre-DEI) for holding up a zillion tons of
    automobiles, it ought to be structurally good.

    The PRICES though - a sign of how NYC is no longer
    for the "regular people". The housing market seems
    to be intent on pushing-out all but the "rich".
    This isn't just "gentrification", but more of a WAR
    against Joe and Jane Average.

    The "servant class" ... not sure WHERE they can live,
    maybe in Jersey ??? Ghettos on old garbage barges ???

    SO, NYC is ON TRACK to rapidly become a TWO-TIER
    society ... the (lefty) Lords and Serfs. BOW to
    AOC and her chosen-of-gawd peers !

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