• Alas, Another Year Where Meteor Fails To Fall on Oscars ...

    From 67hx.1803@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 11 03:21:56 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.hollywood, alt.politics.usa

    Anyway, as predicted, "Oppenheimer" won almost
    everything worth winning. "Liberal", anti-war,
    anti-nuke. anti-USA - a perfect combo for Hollywood.
    Can't lose.

    "Barbie" - the highest-grossing - only won a little
    award for 'best original song'. Admittedly it WAS
    a comedy/satire ... not "serious".

    Oh, maybe it's time to NOT use comedians as the
    presenters ... this has gone wrong before and
    this time Jimmy Kimmel managed to insult Robert
    Downey Jr (best supporting actor) by hitting on
    his ancient drug problems.

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