• Worrisome - Now There's an AI "Emotional Support" Bot

    From 63h.1504@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 2 00:32:28 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture, alt.politics


    Researchers at Hefei University of Technology and Hefei
    Comprehensive National Science Center recently worked to
    develop an AI-based platform that can provide non-professional,
    but potentially helpful, psychological support. Their paper,
    presented at the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling
    held in Amsterdam from Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, introduces EmoAda,
    a conversational system trained to engage in emotional
    conversations, offering low-cost and basic psychological

    . . .

    So ... an emotionless, not-really-sentient, THING is
    supposed to give people "emotional support" ???

    Hmmm ... remember "THX-1138", George Lucas's masters
    thesis/film ? Everybody would stop by the AutoJesus
    shrine and confess their sins and get words of comfort
    and wisdom .........

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