• How Not To Get Hit By Lightning

    From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 1 22:47:44 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.survival


    . . .

    The place with the MOST lightning is around Tampa Florida,
    though west and central Florida score high overall. Yep,
    been there, seen it - MASSIVE lightning storms, the whole
    sky goes midnight (or worse, green) - it's like Zeus is
    waging war on the alligators. Sometimes four to six
    inches of instant rain too.

    The locals just shrug it off. Giant bolts exploding trees
    and power poles ? Typical day.

    The number of people hit/killed by lightning seems split
    between Florida and Mississippi.

    The "western" US does not seem to get nearly as many

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