• True Rainbowphobes - Ghana Is For You ... New Harsh Anti-Gay Law

    From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 28 19:57:41 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    Ghana's parliament passed a bill on Wednesday that further
    clamps down on the rights of LGBTQ people in the West African

    The "Human Sexual Rights and Family Values" bill enjoys support
    from a majority of lawmakers in Accra and has been sponsored by
    a coalition of Christian, Muslim, and Ghanaian traditional

    Same-sex intercourse in Ghana was already punishable by up
    to three years in prison, but while discrimination against
    LGBTQ people is common, no one has ever been prosecuted
    under the colonial-era law.

    The new bill, commonly referred to as the anti-gay bill, now
    also imposes a prison sentence of up to five years for the
    "wilful promotion, sponsorship, or support of LGBTQ+ activities."

    . . .

    I recently posted a story about some guy from the USA who
    packed-up his family for Russia because Putin was so down
    on the Rainbow People. Then, soon, he found out that Russia
    sucks for EVERYONE. Now he's stuck :-)

    The real problem is not the Rainbow People per-se ... it's
    that a larger political faction seems to think that just
    being Rainbow means you should be in-charge of everything,
    dictate the rules, cut-up kiddies as a horrific means
    of 'reproduction'.

    So, head off to Ghana if you want to escape the horrible
    awful guys wearing bras and lipstick ... but do note that
    it's a 3rd-world country for lots of reasons ... and just
    packed full of 'blacks' too !

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