• Re: How Greedy Parents Pimp Out Their Daughters on the Web

    From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to nobert on Tue Feb 27 01:44:55 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, talk.politics.misc

    On 2/27/24 12:40 AM, nobert wrote:
    Loose Cannon <efberg73@gmx.com> wrote in news:9emqti9pukj3vtsnvnhegn19n8qcpc63es@4ax.com:

    On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 08:31:06 -0800, Michael Ejercito
    <MEjercit@HotMail.com> wrote:


    How Greedy Parents Pimp Out Their Daughters on the Web

    Those are some of the comments that the New York Times found on
    Instagram in response to the photo of a pretty nine-year-old girl
    posing in a bikini. Her parents posted the photo to attract attention,
    and they are not as rare as you might think. In one of the
    investigative reporting projects that periodically justifies the
    Times’ existence, the paper found many juvenile “Instagram
    influencers” whose accounts are managed by their parents. “Although
    the site prohibits children under 13, parents can open so-called
    mom-run accounts for them, and they can live on even when the girls
    become teenagers,” the story reports. “But what often starts as a
    parent’s effort to jump-start a child’s modeling career, or win favors >> >from clothing brands, can quickly descend into a dark underworld
    dominated by adult men, many of whom openly admit on other platforms
    to being sexually attracted to children.”

    Ethics Alarms has long taken the position that parents posting
    revealing, embarrassing or provocative photos of their children on the
    web without a child’s informed consent (and children cannot give
    informed consent) is per se unethical, and that was before even
    considering this disgusting phenomenon.

    The Times examined thousands of such accounts with parents operating
    the sale of their daughters’ photos, exclusive chat sessions and even
    offering their girls’ worn leotards and cheerleading outfits to
    followers. It’s profitable, for the parents, and the girls don’t
    understand the implications of what they have been thrust into. Some
    customers—pedophiles—- spend thousands of dollars nurturing the
    underage relationships. A demographics firm hired by the Times found
    32 million connections to male followers on the 5,000 accounts
    examined by the paper.

    This is all ethics rot, an unforeseen consequence of the World Wide
    Web colliding with the same unethical instincts that prompt parents to
    guide their young children into modeling, acting, gymnastics and other
    sports for their vicarious pleasure and profits. Here is the worst
    news in the piece:

    “The troubling interactions on Instagram come as social media
    companies increasingly dominate the cultural landscape and the
    internet is seen as a career path of its own. Nearly one in three
    preteens lists influencing as a career goal, and 11 percent of those
    born in Generation Z, between 1997 and 2012, describe themselves as
    influencers. The so-called creator economy surpasses $250 billion
    worldwide, according to Goldman Sachs, with U.S. brands spending more
    than $5 billion a year on influencers.”

    What the Times found is not an internet problem but an irresponsible,
    incompetent, greedy and abusive parent problem that has been around as
    long as there have been families. Social media only is giving it a new
    and revolting place to thrive. I was especially annoyed by the
    response of one of the mother/pimps whose daughter has been promoted
    on the web from a young age. “But she’s been doing this so long now,” >>> the mother says. “Her numbers are so big. What do we do? Just stop it
    and walk away?”

    Yes, you stupid, stupid woman. Just stop it.

    Do read the whole piece. It is long and horrifying. This link lets you
    avoid the paywall.

    Who would know better about pimping out their underage daughter than a
    nigger? Marshall should feel ashamed

    Mothers are using their daughters to get a wider selection of young dicks. Lots of mom whores on social media besides kids.

    Well ... do you expect them to want shriveled old blue-pill
    dicks ? :-)

    Anyway, pimping daughters goes WAY WAY back into history.
    Read up on 18th/19th century upper-middle and nouveau riche
    US/UK fams for a more modern models. Mom & Dad would
    parade them in front of the more-wealthy lads, hoping
    for a big score. And hey, what do you think a "Coming
    (sic) Out Party" is ? :-)

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