• Re: Deer Democrats, you can't buy brains.

    From 68g.1509@21:1/5 to B. I. Den on Thu Feb 22 19:01:36 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, talk.politics.misc, alt.survival
    XPost: alt.culture.alaska

    On 2/21/24 10:21 PM, B. I. Den wrote:
    In article <t2qcrm$3q6q7$34@news.freedyn.de>
    "Buttsmoocher Number P01369" <patriot1@protonmail.com> wrote:

    You have to be born with them.

    Thank your grandparents for fucking up your fetal brains doing
    drugs during pregnancy. That's why you are the irrational non-
    critical thinking pieces of shit you are today. Keep smoking
    pot too. It's good for accelerating stupidity, alzheimers and
    dementia. You and your brats will be homeless zombies in the
    near term. Enjoy!

    Yet blue states WILL elect them to high govt
    offices ... so, down the line, we all suffer :-)

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