• More of my philosophy about philosophy and about climate change and abo

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 17 18:27:39 2024

    More of my philosophy about philosophy and about climate change and
    about biodiversity and about the future and about automation and AI and
    about the manufacturing sector and the service sector the new Gemini pro
    1.5 and about AI-generated software and and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas
    of my philosophies below and in the below web link , but now i will talk
    about a very important thing in philosophy so that you understand my
    views as a new philosopher , so i think that the approach in philosophy
    is also the pragmatic way , since it is understandable that it can be
    said that life is not beautiful or life is shit or the like , but you
    have to understand philosophy , since as i am explaining below that you
    have to know how to be the pragmatic way so that to not be the failure
    of philosophy , i mean that when for example you measure like
    holistically , you can for example say that the smart human IQs are not
    smart human IQs , as i am explaining it below , but when you measure it relatively to the distribution of human IQs of humans , you will say
    that the smart human IQs are in fact smart human IQs , so i think you
    are understanding the way of philosophy , since i think that so that
    philosophy not be a failure , you have to know how to like "convince"
    humans that the smart human IQs are smart human IQs , so now you are understanding that the way of convincing can also be the way of
    convincing that it is enough truth , even if it is not 100% truth , so i
    think you are understanding this new idea of my philosophy , so it is
    why you are noticing that i am by my way of doing philosophy here also
    wanting to convince , and i am optimistic about my way of doing , and
    you have to know that i am showing to you my kind of personality by
    showing you my philosophy below and in the below web link that looks
    like my personality , and of course you have to understand too that i am wanting to help people by making them understand my philosophy , so
    notice for example how i am showing below the important limitations of artificial intelligence and how i have just invented below a new model
    of what is human consciousness so that to show how artificial
    intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence , and by my
    way of doing i am wanting to help people compete and survive against
    artificial intelligence by knowing the important limitations of
    artificial intelligence , so i invite you to read all my thoughts of my philosophy below and in the below web link so that to understand my
    views as also a new philosopher:

    And now i will talk about Climate change and about biodiversity , so i
    think that we can solve in an efficient way the climate change problem
    and i think we can solve the biodiversity problem too , and here is how:

    So notice carefully in the following new article from scientific
    engineering that i think that a new technology is here that makes
    biofuels cheaper and greener than petroleum , and here is the article ,
    and read it carefully:


    And of course you have to notice carefully in the following article from Argonne national laboratory that biomass-based fuel could reduce
    greenhouse gas emissions between 40 and 93% , read it here:


    So i think we can solve the Climate change problem by using biofuels ,
    as in the above , in a smart way and in collaboration with the following
    below ways:

    University of Tübingen's researchers unveil a groundbreaking solar cell
    for decentralized green hydrogen production, revolutionizing renewable
    energy. This breakthrough technology opens the door to large-scale applications, even with lower efficiencies. This advancement have the
    potential to make a significant contribution to energy supply and the
    reduction of CO2 emissions on a global scale.

    Read more here on Interesting Engineering:


    Cows and other farm animals produce about 14% of human-induced climate emissions, and it is methane from their burps and manure that is seen as
    both the biggest concern and best opportunity for tackling global
    heating. Methane is more potent at warming the earth than carbon dioxide
    and it is an important emission target for policymakers because it
    leaves the atmosphere more quickly than carbon dioxide. The world's one billion+ cows are responsible for about 40% of global methane emissions
    - a significant contributor to global warming. And i invite you to read carefully the following new article from Interesting Engineering about
    how scientists have just engineered climate-smart cows with 10 to 20
    times more milk, and it permits to reduce the number of cows so that to
    reduce much more global warming , since Methane is responsible for
    around 30% of the current rise in global temperature:


    And read carefully the following:

    "Prof. Gunnar Trumbull spoke of “a new reality” in global climate
    policy. Until recently, people looked to the United Nations to set the
    climate policy agenda. No longer, according to Trumbull. As the cost for renewables has declined, governments now see renewable energy and decarbonization technologies as requirements of global competition.
    Governments are subsidizing these technologies and protecting the
    profits of the businesses that do the work. “That’s how we’re going to solve climate change,” Trumbull said. Countries will “compete their way
    out of it.” This new policy approach is a cause for optimism, according
    to Trumbull."

    Read more here:

    Choosing To Be Optimistic about Climate Change


    Also i will say that we have to be optimistic about the biodiversity too , since read my following thoughts so that you understand why:

    A team of researchers from Tufts University Center for Cellular
    Agriculture has developed a new technique that could dramatically reduce
    the cost of lab-grown meat production , advances like this will bring us
    much closer to seeing affordable cultivated meat in our local
    supermarkets within the next few years , and you can read the following
    new interesting article from Interesting Engineering about it:


    And as you will read in my following thoughts that the key to
    biodiversity conservation is reducing meat consumption , so i think that
    the above advance of lab-grown meat production can solve the problem of biodiversity conservation efficiently. So i invite you to carefully read
    my following thoughts about biodiversity conservation so that to understand:

    I have not talked about Biodiversity conservation , so i think that we
    have not to be pessimistic about the Biodiversity , since as you will
    read in the following article that the key to biodiversity conservation
    is reducing meat consumption , so from what i have just read in internet
    , that we will be able to reduce much more meat consumption so that to
    solve the problem, so i invite you to read the following paper and the following article so that you understand:

    Here the interesting paper:

    "We find a substantial reduction in the global environmental impacts by
    2050 if globally 50% of the main animal products (pork, chicken, beef
    and milk) are substituted—net reduction of forest and natural land is
    almost fully halted and agriculture and land use GHG emissions decline
    by 31% in 2050 compared to 2020..."

    Read more here:


    And here is the article:

    Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption


    And i invite you to read my following interesting thoughts in the
    following web link about the Supervolcanos and about the Miyake Events
    and about Climate Change and about Supernovas etc. and how we already
    grow enough food for 10 Billion People , and how i am explaining that
    there will be enough food for all , so read it in the following web link:


    And as you have just noticed , i have just talked about the important limitations of artificial intelligence and about automation and about
    AI, read it below , and now i will talk more about the subject of
    automation , so i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts and writing:

    "A study by researchers from MIT and Boston University claims that
    automation is responsible for more than half of the increase in the
    income gap between the most educated and the least educated workers in
    the United States. The study estimates that automation reduced the wages
    of men without a high school diploma by 8.8% and of women without a high
    school diploma by 2.3%. These figures have been adjusted for inflation. According to the study by Acemoglu and Restrepo, growing income
    inequality could also stem from, among other things, the decline in the prevalence of unions (a highly sensitive topic today in technology
    companies), market concentration resulting in a lack of competition for
    labour, or other types of technological change.
    Acemoglu and Restrepo's study comes at a time when the debate over
    whether or not to tax robots is heating up. More and more voices rise to
    call for a tax on robots to combat the effects of automation on income inequality. In this regard, a study published last month by economists
    at MIT suggests that introducing a tax on robot labor, preferably a
    modest tax, would incentivize companies to retain workers, while
    offsetting some of the payroll taxes lost through downsizing. Of course,
    the conclusions of the study are not unanimous.

    According to economists' calculations, an effective tax on robots would probably be between 1% and 3.7%. The report estimates that if the tax is
    much higher, it would exaggerate the role that robots play in the
    operational routines of companies; and if it is lower, companies would
    have no incentive to retain human employees at all."

    Read more here (and you can translate the web page from french to english):

    Study claims automation has caused more than half of US income
    inequality since 1980


    And following are some of the important advantages of automation:

    1. Automation is the key to the shorter workweek. Automation will allow
    the average number of working hours per week to continue to decline,
    thereby allowing greater leisure hours and a higher quality life.

    2. Automation brings safer working conditions for the worker. Since
    there is less direct physical participation by the worker in the
    production process, there is less chance of personal injury to the worker.

    3. Automated production results in lower prices and better products. It
    has been estimated that the cost to machine one unit of product by
    conventional general-purpose machine tools requiring human operators may
    be 100 times the cost of manufacturing the same unit using automated mass-production techniques. The electronics industry offers many
    examples of improvements in manufacturing technology that have
    significantly reduced costs while increasing product value (e.g., colour
    TV sets, stereo equipment, calculators, and computers).

    4. The growth of the automation industry will itself provide employment opportunities. This has been especially true in the computer industry,
    as the companies in this industry have grown (IBM, Digital Equipment
    Corp., Honeywell, etc.), new jobs have been created.
    These new jobs include not only workers directly employed by these
    companies, but also computer programmers, systems engineers, and other
    needed to use and operate the computers.

    5. Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living. Only
    through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living. Granting wage increases without a commensurate increase in productivity
    will results in inflation. To afford a better society, it is a must to
    increase productivity.

    "In its research, Forrester predicts that automation and AI will replace
    4.9% of US jobs by 2030. This means that 0.6% of workers in the US might
    lose their jobs annually. Of this percentage of jobs lost to automation, generative AI specifically will account for 30% of the losses."

    Read more here in the following article:

    Generative AI “will replace 2.5 million jobs in the U.S. by 2030”


    And i invite you to read my below interesting thoughts:

    So i think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas
    of my philosophy below and in the below web link, and now i will talk
    about an important subject and it is the following:

    The service sector in USA is contributing around 80% or more to the
    country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) , and the manufacturing sector,
    while still significant, represented a smaller portion of the GDP,
    typically around 10-20% , the manufacturing sector in USA and other
    western countries etc. has declined and the service sector has grown,
    the tendency of the service sector growing and the manufacturing sector shrinking is not unique to the USA but is observed globally,
    particularly in many advanced economies , and several factors have
    contributed to the decline of the manufacturing sector in the USA and
    the growth of the service sector:

    1- Globalization: The advent of globalization has led to increased
    competition from low-wage countries, making it cheaper for companies to outsource manufacturing operations to countries with lower labor costs ,
    but i invite you to carefully look at the benefits or advantages of
    outsourcing in my thoughts just below so that you understand.

    2- Technological advancements: Automation and technological innovations
    have significantly increased productivity in manufacturing, leading to a reduced need for human labor in many manufacturing processes. This has
    resulted in job losses and decreased employment in the manufacturing sector.

    3- Shift in consumer preferences: There has been a shift in consumer preferences towards services such as healthcare, education,
    entertainment, and information technology. This has increased demand for services and reduced demand for manufactured goods.

    4- Rise of the knowledge economy: The growth of the knowledge economy,
    driven by advancements in technology and the increasing importance of intellectual capital, has led to a greater emphasis on services such as research and development, consulting, and information technology services.

    5- Government policies: Government policies, such as trade agreements
    and taxation policies, have also played a role in shaping the relative
    sizes of the manufacturing and service sectors. Policies that promote
    free trade may encourage outsourcing of manufacturing, while policies
    that support the service sector may contribute to its growth.

    6- Cost of labor and regulation: The cost of labor and regulatory
    burdens in the USA, such as environmental regulations and labor laws,
    can make it more expensive for companies to manufacture goods
    domestically compared to outsourcing production to countries with lower
    labor costs and fewer regulatory requirements.

    Overall, a combination of these factors has led to the decline of the manufacturing sector and the growth of the service sector in the USA.

    And outsourcing manufacturing operations to countries like China can
    offer several benefits to companies:

    1- Lower Labor Costs: One of the primary reasons for outsourcing to
    countries like China is the significantly lower labor costs compared to developed countries like the USA. This allows companies to produce goods
    at a much lower cost, thus increasing profit margins or enabling them to
    offer products at competitive prices in the global market.

    2- Access to Skilled Workforce: Countries like China have large
    populations with a growing number of skilled workers, particularly in industries like electronics, textiles, and manufacturing. Outsourcing to
    these countries allows companies to tap into this skilled labor pool,
    often at a fraction of the cost of employing similarly skilled workers
    in developed countries.

    3- Economies of Scale: Outsourcing to countries with well-developed manufacturing infrastructures allows companies to benefit from economies
    of scale. Manufacturing facilities in countries like China often have
    the capacity to produce goods in large quantities efficiently, reducing per-unit production costs.

    4- Proximity to Suppliers: Many manufacturing facilities in countries
    like China are located close to suppliers of raw materials and
    components. This proximity can reduce transportation costs and lead
    times, making the supply chain more efficient and responsive to changes
    in demand.

    5- Infrastructure and Technology: Some countries, like China, have
    invested heavily in developing their manufacturing infrastructure and technology capabilities. Outsourcing to these countries allows companies
    to leverage state-of-the-art facilities and equipment without having to
    make significant capital investments themselves.

    6- Market Access: Outsourcing to countries like China can also provide companies with better access to local and regional markets. Setting up manufacturing operations in these countries can help companies navigate regulatory requirements, trade barriers, and cultural differences,
    enabling them to establish a stronger presence in those markets.

    Overall, outsourcing manufacturing operations to countries like China
    can offer significant cost savings, access to skilled labor and
    resources, and improved market access, allowing companies to remain
    competitive in an increasingly globalized economy.

    So the new Gemini pro 1.5 is here , and i think that it has now solved
    the problem with Gemini pro 1.0 that i am talking about in my below
    previous thoughts , and the new Gemini pro 1.5 has a context window that
    goes up to 10 million tokens in research, and will have up to 1 million
    tokens for regular consumers. That larger context window will cost
    money, but the free version of Gemini 1.5 Pro will still come with a
    128K context window. For reference, GPT-4 Turbo has a 128K context
    window too, and both Gemini Pro now and regular GPT-4 have a context
    window of 32K. 1 million token is a first of its kind in the industry.

    And i invite you to look at the benchmarks that look very good of the
    new Gemini pro 1.5 in the following web link:


    And you can read more about the new Gemini pro 1.5 from the google
    website in the following web page:


    So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    I think i am also a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophies below and in the below web link , and now i will talk about
    an important subject , and here is my thoughts about it:

    So I will say that AI-generated software , using generative AI like
    ChatGPT , broadens the attack surface , and here's why:

    1- Attack Surface: The attack surface refers to all the points in a
    system where an attacker could potentially enter or exploit
    vulnerabilities. This includes not just software but also hardware,
    network connections, user interfaces, and more.

    2- Expanding the Attack Surface: Introducing AI-generated software,
    which often involves complex algorithms and large codebases, adds new components and functionalities to the overall system. Each of these
    components represents a potential point of vulnerability that attackers
    could target. Additionally, the increased complexity and interactions
    within the software may create unforeseen security weaknesses.

    3- Increased Complexity: AI-generated software can introduce complexity
    in various ways, such as through the use of intricate machine learning
    models, extensive libraries, or interactions with other systems. This complexity can make it harder to identify and mitigate security risks effectively.

    4- Unintended Consequences: The introduction of AI systems can sometimes
    have unintended consequences, such as unexpected behaviors or
    vulnerabilities that arise due to the complexity of the system. These unintended consequences can further increase the attack surface by
    providing new avenues for exploitation.

    So the above has to be addressed through "robust" security measures and
    testing , and it remains that it is not an easy thing to do, so then
    addressing the challenges associated with AI-generated software through
    robust security measures and testing is crucial but also presents its
    own set of difficulties. Here are some of the challenges involved:

    1- Complexity: AI-generated software can be highly complex, making it challenging to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities
    effectively. The intricate interactions between various components, the
    use of sophisticated algorithms, and the sheer size of the codebase can
    all contribute to this complexity.

    2- Resource Intensive: Implementing robust security measures and
    conducting thorough testing requires significant resources in terms of
    time, expertise, and computational power. Organizations may face
    constraints in allocating these resources effectively, particularly if
    they are dealing with limited budgets or competing priorities.

    3- Evolution of Threats: The landscape of cybersecurity threats is
    constantly evolving, with attackers continuously developing new
    techniques and tactics. This dynamic environment requires organizations
    to stay vigilant and adapt their security measures accordingly, which
    can be challenging to keep up with, especially for smaller teams or
    those with limited expertise.

    4- Balancing Security and Usability: Striking the right balance between security and usability is essential. While implementing stringent
    security measures can help mitigate risks, they may also introduce
    friction for users or impact the performance of the software. Finding
    the optimal balance that ensures both security and usability can be a
    delicate and ongoing process.

    5- Testing Limitations: Comprehensive testing is essential for
    identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities, but it's not always straightforward. AI-generated software may exhibit complex behaviors
    that are difficult to test thoroughly, and traditional testing
    approaches may not be sufficient. This necessitates the development of
    new testing methodologies and tools tailored to the unique
    characteristics of AI systems.

    6- Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the industry and geographic
    location, organizations may be subject to various regulatory
    requirements related to cybersecurity. Ensuring compliance with these regulations adds another layer of complexity to the security process and
    may require additional resources and expertise.

    In summary, while implementing robust security measures and testing is essential for addressing the challenges associated with AI-generated
    software, it's not without its own set of difficulties. Organizations
    must navigate the complexities of AI systems while balancing security
    needs with usability and resource constraints. It's an ongoing process
    that requires continuous attention and adaptation to stay ahead of
    emerging threats.

    So then i say that the key is to write less code. Leaner software is
    safer software.

    So then my statement above of "The key is to write less code. Leaner
    software is safer software" emphasizes the importance of simplicity and conciseness in software development for enhancing security. Here's why
    this concept is significant:

    1- Reduced Attack Surface: Every line of code introduces a potential vulnerability or weakness that attackers can exploit. By minimizing the
    amount of code in a software system, developers can reduce the overall
    attack surface, making it harder for attackers to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

    2- Easier Maintenance and Review: Leaner software is generally easier to maintain and review. With fewer lines of code to manage, developers can
    more easily identify and address security issues during code reviews and maintenance cycles. This makes it less likely for vulnerabilities to go unnoticed and unaddressed.

    3- Reduced Complexity: Simplifying software architecture and design
    leads to reduced complexity, which in turn reduces the likelihood of introducing security flaws. Complex systems are inherently harder to
    secure and prone to unintended interactions or vulnerabilities, whereas
    simpler systems are easier to understand and reason about.

    4- Faster Response to Security Threats: Leaner software allows for more
    agile development and response to security threats. When software is
    built with simplicity in mind, developers can quickly identify and patch vulnerabilities, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers to
    exploit them.

    5- Improved Performance: In addition to security benefits, leaner
    software often exhibits better performance and reliability. By
    minimizing unnecessary code and optimizing performance-critical
    components, developers can create software that is more resilient to
    attacks and less prone to crashes or failures.

    Overall, the principle of writing less code to achieve leaner software
    aligns with best practices in software security and development. It
    emphasizes simplicity, maintainability, and agility, all of which
    contribute to creating safer and more secure software systems.

    I have also just grouped all my new proverbs below , so i invite you to
    read them carefully , also you can read all my thoughts of my philosophy
    etc. below:

    I think i am also a new smart philosopher , and you can read my new
    ideas of my philosophies below , and here is my new proverb that
    explains what is wisdom , and of course my new ideas of my philosophies
    below have also as a goal to make you enough wise or wise, and you will understand from them that wisdom makes you convinced about wisdom and
    helps you drive well in the right direction , so here is my new proverb
    about wisdom and about intelligence so that you understand:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "Wisdom helps you drive the car well and intelligence is the engine of
    the car"

    So here is my smart question to CharGPT that makes you understand wisdom:

    Can we say the wisdom helps you to drive the car well and intelligence
    is the engine of the car.

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "The analogy you've presented can provide a useful way to differentiate
    between wisdom and intelligence:

    1- Wisdom as Driving Skill: Wisdom, in this analogy, can be likened to
    the skill and experience of driving. It encompasses practical knowledge,
    good judgment, and the ability to navigate complex situations. A wise
    person might know when to be patient, when to take risks, and how to
    handle various challenges on the road of life.

    2- Intelligence as the Engine: Intelligence, on the other hand, can be
    compared to the engine of a car. It represents cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and the capacity to learn and adapt. Just as a
    powerful engine can enhance the performance of a car, intelligence
    contributes to a person's ability to understand, analyze, and solve

    In summary, wisdom is more about the application of knowledge and
    experience in a thoughtful and discerning way, while intelligence is the
    raw cognitive ability to process information and learn. Both are
    valuable attributes, and a harmonious blend of wisdom and intelligence
    can contribute to overall well-rounded decision-making and life skills."

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream
    and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that
    is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver
    et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire
    humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de
    donner de l'espoir."

    Here is my other new proverb:

    "I think that playing at being intelligent and in an intelligent manner
    is good for creativity and innovation because it allows you to add to
    both divergent and convergent thinking, making you creative and innovative."

    Here is my explanation of it:

    Creativity and innovation are often stimulated by a combination of
    divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking involves
    generating a variety of ideas and solutions, while convergent thinking
    involves converging towards the best possible solution or idea. By
    consciously playing at being intelligent, stimulating your curiosity,
    adopting intellectual habits, and developing diverse skills, you can
    strengthen both divergent and convergent thinking.

    And as you have just noticed , i have just quickly constructed a new
    proverb that i think generalizes more the key idea of Sun Tzu that was a Chinese military strategist and philosopher , and here is my new proverb
    and i also invite you to read my new question to CharGPT below so that
    to understand:

    And here is my new proverb:

    "So you have not to look at complexity and hardness from the stupid
    point of view , since the wise way is to first find the weakness(es) of
    the complex problem that make(s) it much less complex , or find the weakness(es) of the hard problem that make(s) it much less hard , and i
    think it is the smart way to do , and it is by logical analogy the same
    as in fighting , so when you want to fight against a stronger man than
    you , you have for example to do the same by for example learning the
    martial art techniques that learn you how to win the fight against the
    stronger man than you by defeating him from his weakness(es)."

    And here is my question to ChatGPT:

    Can we say that the main idea of Sun Tzu , that was a Chinese military strategist and philosopher , is to win against the stronger than you
    from his weakness(es).

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Yes, one could distill a key aspect of Sun Tzu's philosophy of war as
    the art of winning against stronger adversaries by exploiting their
    weaknesses and maximizing one's own strengths. Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of strategic thinking, adaptability, and a deep understanding
    of both oneself and the enemy. By identifying and capitalizing on the vulnerabilities of the opponent while minimizing one's own weaknesses,
    it is possible to achieve victory even when facing a stronger force.

    The notion of "winning without fighting" is also central to Sun Tzu's philosophy. If a conflict can be resolved through strategy, diplomacy,
    or other means without direct confrontation, it is often considered a
    superior approach. This aligns with the idea of achieving objectives
    with minimal cost and resources.

    In summary, Sun Tzu's philosophy involves a strategic, nuanced approach
    to warfare, emphasizing intelligence, adaptability, and the exploitation
    of the opponent's weaknesses to overcome apparent disadvantages and
    secure victory."

    And i invite you to read all my other new proverbs in the following web

    [continued in next message]

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