• UK : Death and Crumbling - But Cops Raiding Suburban Mini-Brothels Inst

    From 68g.1509@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 16 22:02:07 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.uk, soc.culture.uk


    Homeowners have been left shocked after police discovered a
    secret 'brothel' on their suburban quiet street.

    Thames Valley Police raided a property in Oxford and arrested a
    43-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman last Sunday.

    . . .

    So .... as people are being stabbed to death left
    and right, run down by kiddies in stolen cars,
    as Islamists wage jihad on your shores and the
    whole socialist infrastructure teeters on the
    edge of destruction - the POLICE are obsessed
    most with who's shagging who ?

    NOT good.

    Hey, given inflation, the residents likely NEEDED
    the extra income just to keep the heat on.

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