• More of my philosophy about the smart way and about the mechanisms and

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 11 22:15:08 2024

    More of my philosophy about the smart way and about the mechanisms and
    about civilization and about the widely spoken languages and about
    Google or Alphabet and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and
    i have scored "above" 115 IQ , and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ ,
    and i think i am a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but now i invite you to look at the following two
    videos from USA that shows how americans are not knowing how to answer
    the question of how to define success and my answer to this two videos
    is below:

    What’s Your Definition of Success? | The Success Series


    Defining Success | Fred Miles | TEDxGoshen


    So i think that the americans in the above videos are not knowing how to
    define success , but i think i am a new smart philosopher and i will
    now discover the patterns with my fluid intelligence that answers the
    question of how to define success , and here they are:

    So i think that the higher level way of answering the question of how to
    define success is to first know that there is also the two ways of
    measuring , so there is the absolute measurement and the relative
    measurement , so for example there is the pragmatic way of how to
    measure the human IQs relatively to the distribution of human IQs , but
    there is like the measuring in a holistic way by saying that since the conditions of life are as they are , so then the smart IQs are not
    sufficient , and we can then say in like a holistic way that the smart
    measured human IQs compared to the conditions of life that are as they
    are , are not smart , so then you are understanding that in philosophy
    we have also to be the pragmatic way by saying that the approach in
    philosophy is not to say that life is shit or the like, but it is to be pragmatic and constructive by for example doing the good philosophy and following the good philosophy , so then i will say that the answer to
    the above question of how to define success is the following: So i will
    say that in philosophy the goal is not to make the citizen smart since
    it is also not the pragmatic way of doing, but it is to make the good
    citizen , and from the good citizen we can measure success , so for
    example success is not to say that the citizen has to be rich or has to
    be smart , but the citizen has to be the good citizen and the good
    citizen can be approximated by defining it with the good philosophy ,
    and then we can say that the good citizen is success and it is how to
    define success, it is why i am coming too with the new ideas of my
    philosophy so that to also help you define the good citizen and be the
    good citizen too , and i invite you to carefully read my thoughts of my philosophy below and in the below web link:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and
    i have scored "above" 115 IQ , and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so
    now i will make you understand a so important thing, so as you are
    noticing that i am saying in my below previous thoughts the following:

    "So for example you will notice that my philosophy explains that what is important in philosophy is not that you have to be science and
    technology , but my philosophy is explaining that what is important is
    the minimum model that is creative of a good civilization , and this
    minimum model is for example the mechanisms that are the engine that
    convince you and that makes want to be a good civilization."

    So i think you have to discover the patterns with your fluid intelligence
    so that to understand what i mean above , so i will now show you the
    patterns , so for example when you are not smart , you will say that it
    is easy , since the mechanisms have for example to be the wanting to
    have "big money" that attracts and/or to be the wanting to be smart
    since it makes you be successful , but i am smart and i answer you that
    it is the stupid way to say so , since my smart way of my philosophy
    says that both the wanting to be smart comes with negativity and the
    wanting to have big money comes with negativity and it is a delayed
    reward and they both , with there negativity , can be destructive , so
    my philosophy says that it is not the good way to do , and my philosophy
    shows you many mechanisms , and i invite you to read them below , and
    read for example the following mechanisms that answers the above problem
    in a smart way:

    So i think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas
    of my philosophies below , so now i will talk about an important subject
    in philosophy , and it is that you have to know how to be philosophy
    with humans , i mean you can say to humans to be for example
    responsability by studying and by working in a job , but it is not the efficient way of doing , since for example responsability by studying
    and by working in a job has a delayed reward , so you have to be
    efficient and smart and know that with this delayed reward it is not as efficient , so you have for example to say to a human that he can
    specialize in what he does better , and when he specializes in what he
    does better , he can find the job more easy or easy to do , so it is a
    pleasure that balances with the delayed reward so that it be efficient ,
    but there is not only specialization in what we do better , but there is
    also the "passion" for a work or a job , so when you are passion for a
    work or job , you find pleasure in doing it , so this pleasure also
    balances with the delayed reward so that it be efficient , so it is why
    i say that the better way is to say to a human that he can specialize in
    what he does better and in what he find passion so that it balances with
    the delayed reward and so that to increase much more productivity and
    quality. And of course you have to know how to align with the mission of
    the country and the world.

    And i invite you to read carefully my previous thoughts in the following
    web link:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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