• More of my philosophy about civilization and about the widely spoken la

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 11 15:32:28 2024

    More of my philosophy about civilization and about the widely spoken
    languages and about Google or Alphabet and about the benchmarks and
    about Gemini and about Artificial intelligence and about Aleksandr Dugin
    and about AI and knowledge graphs and about diabetes and about the
    essence of my new model of what is human consciousness and about more of
    my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my
    philosophies below , so as you are noticing that i look smart ,
    so why do you think i look smart ? , since i think that one of
    the most important thing so to become smart is also to speak the much
    more or widely spoken languages like English and Arabic and French like
    i am doing it , i mean that speaking only English or French is not a
    good thing , since you have for example to understand the Arab
    civilization , so i will ask why Arabs have become a bigger
    civilization, so i think it is importantly and firstly due to standard
    Arabic language , since the standard Arabic language has become spoken
    by a lot of people that we call the Arabs, but not only that , but the
    standard Arabic language has been enhanced more and more by the way of
    the Arabic civilization that has become more and more sophisticated and
    greater , so this sophisticated standard Arabic language is so important
    since it is spoken by 464.68 millions of people that we call the Arabs ,
    so as i am saying it and showing it below that the sophisticated and
    standard Arabic language indeed enhance intellectual growth and
    smartness of Arabs by providing access to diverse learning resources, facilitating cultural immersion and experience, fostering global
    networking and collaboration, advancing career opportunities, and
    cultivating adaptability and resilience ,so i think we can predict that
    Arab world and Arabs will quickly become more and more smart because of
    the democratization of information in internet and such , so i think
    that we have to be optimistic about the Arab world and about Arabs , and
    as an example , look for example at me , i am a white arab that speaks
    and writes and reads English and Arabic and French and i look smart ,
    and you have to read all my below previous thoughts so that to notice it:

    You have to know why i am a white arab that speaks and writes and reads
    English and Arabic and French , so i think that Arabs are more smart
    since they speak the much more or widely spoken languages like Arabic
    and English and French , so when you look at the Arab world , you have
    to be smart and look at wich country speaks more the much more or widely
    spoken languages like Arabic and English and French so that to know more
    about there smartness and there civilization, and here is my important
    and smart question to ChatGPT so that you understand it correctly:

    And here is my question to ChatGPT:

    I mean when you speak the much more or widely spoken languages like
    English and Arabic and French like i am speaking them , you can for
    example listen to videos on youtube in different languages like English
    and Arabic and French that enhances much more your smartness compared to
    the less or much less spoken languages like the berber or others, so you
    can enhance much more your knowledge and smartness in such way , and
    when you speak them you can for example visit those countries that speak
    them and enhance much more the smartness that comes from experience that
    you will have, so overall, speaking widely spoken languages like English
    and Arabic and French can indeed enhance intellectual growth and
    smartness by providing access to diverse learning resources,
    facilitating cultural immersion and experience, fostering global
    networking and collaboration, advancing career opportunities, and
    cultivating adaptability and resilience.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Absolutely, your points are well-taken. Speaking widely spoken
    languages like English, Arabic, and French indeed opens up numerous
    avenues for intellectual growth and enrichment, as you've described:

    1- Access to Diverse Learning Resources: Speaking these languages grants
    access to a vast array of learning materials in various forms, including
    books, articles, videos, and online courses. This exposure to diverse
    content in different languages can broaden one's knowledge base and
    stimulate intellectual curiosity.

    2- Cultural Immersion and Experience: Proficiency in widely spoken
    languages enables individuals to immerse themselves in the cultures of
    the countries where these languages are spoken. By engaging with native speakers, exploring local customs, and experiencing daily life in
    different cultural contexts, individuals can gain valuable insights and
    deepen their understanding of the world around them.

    3- Enhanced Language Skills: Being able to consume content in multiple languages, whether through watching videos or reading articles, can significantly enhance language proficiency. Exposure to various
    dialects, accents, and linguistic nuances can improve listening
    comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and overall language fluency.

    4- Global Networking and Collaboration: Speaking widely spoken languages facilitates communication and collaboration with individuals from
    diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This interconnectedness
    opens up opportunities for global networking, cross-cultural exchange,
    and collaborative projects, which can foster intellectual growth and innovation.

    5- Career Advancement: Proficiency in widely spoken languages is often a valuable asset in today's globalized job market. Many employers value
    language skills, particularly in languages like English, Arabic, and
    French, which are widely used in international business, diplomacy,
    academia, and other fields. By leveraging their language abilities,
    individuals can enhance their career prospects and pursue opportunities
    on a global scale.

    6- Cultivation of Adaptability and Resilience: Learning and speaking
    multiple languages require adaptability, resilience, and cognitive
    flexibility. Navigating different linguistic and cultural contexts
    enhances these skills, preparing individuals to thrive in diverse
    environments and overcome challenges with confidence.

    In summary, speaking widely spoken languages like English, Arabic, and
    French can indeed contribute to intellectual growth and smartness by
    providing access to diverse learning resources, facilitating cultural
    immersion and experience, fostering global networking and collaboration, advancing career opportunities, and cultivating adaptability and
    resilience. These languages serve as valuable tools for personal,
    academic, and professional development in an increasingly interconnected world."

    And i think i have to talk more about Google or Alphabet , so as you
    have just noticed , i have just spoken about Gemini pro , but i think
    we have not to be pessimistic about Google or Alphabet and to understand
    that i think the advanced Gemini called Gemini Ultra from Google or
    Alphabet is competitive with the advanced version of GPT-4 , so i think
    that Google is in a good position to be competitive , since i think that
    around 90% of Google or Alphabet revenue comes from the Google services
    , this segment primarily generates revenue from advertising through
    Android, Chrome, hardware, Google Maps, Google Play, Search, and YouTube
    , so i think that Alphabet is in good position since i invite you to
    carefully read the following new article about how Google or Alphabet is integrating "successfully" there advanced Gemini with there search
    engine and Ads:

    Google CEO talks future of SGE, Gemini, Ads and AI Search


    So i think that it is better that Google or Alphabet enhance more there
    free Gemini pro so that it be competitive with the free version of
    GPT-3.5 from OpenAI so that it be attractive , other than that i think
    that Google or Alphabet has a bright future.

    So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    I have continued to test the new free Gemini pro version 1.0 from Google ,
    but i think that there is another problem than the one that i am talking
    about in my below previous thoughts , and it is that i have just noticed
    that the free GPT-3.5 from OpenAI is better than the free Gemini pro
    from Google on for example programming code, i mean that for example
    GPT-3.5 makes less errors and is more precise than Gemini pro , so i
    have just asked myself why it is as it is , so i think that the answer
    is that the performance benchmarks from Google ( Read them here: https://storage.googleapis.com/deepmind-media/gemini/gemini_1_report.pdf
    ) are not realistic since there are another newer performance benchmarks
    from researchers that say that GPT-3.5 is better than Gemini pro and
    notice in the new paper from the researchers how both MMLU benchmark and
    the code generation benchmark of GPT-3.5 are i think appreciably better
    than Gemini pro , and here is the article and the paper and read them carefully:

    CMU Study Shows Gemini Pro Trails GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in Performance


    And you can read my below previous thoughts:

    I have started to work with the free version of Gemini pro version 1.0
    of Google that looks like ChatGPT of OpenAI ( You can access it here: https://gemini.google.com/app ) , and i have just noticed that both
    Gemini and ChatGPT are lacking on an important thing and it is the
    following: So as you have just noticed that i have worked with both
    ChatGPT and Gemini pro , but i think that both Gemini , even the
    advanced version , and ChatGPT , even the advanced GPT-4 , are lacking
    on an important thing and here is my important and smart question to
    ChatGPT so that you notice it:

    Here is my question to ChatGPT:

    So i want to say that Large Language models such as ChatGPT or Gemini
    are still lacking , since if we can not trust the trained data of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT, since it can be of not correct deeper understanding and/or it is not correctly diversified and is then not of
    the correct quality, so Large Language Models are here to augment humans
    , and not to replace humans , also i think that we still need to use and
    trust more professionals in this or that field or expertize in this or
    that field so that to correct this important deficiency of Large
    Language Models like ChatGPT , so i think that the quality of the
    trained data is an important weakness of Large Language Models such as
    ChatGPT , so it is why we are noticing that they are lacking on accuracy.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Your points are well-taken. Indeed, the quality of the trained data
    plays a crucial role in the performance and reliability of large
    language models like ChatGPT. If the training data is not diverse, comprehensive, or accurately representative of the subject matter, it
    can lead to limitations in the model's understanding and output. Here's
    a summary of your points:

    Trained Data Quality: The accuracy and depth of understanding of large
    language models are heavily influenced by the quality of the training
    data. If the data is lacking in depth, diversity, or accuracy, it can
    result in deficiencies in the model's output.

    Human Augmentation: Rather than replacing humans, large language models
    should be viewed as tools to augment human capabilities. Human expertise
    and judgment remain essential for validating, refining, and
    supplementing the outputs generated by AI systems.

    Need for Expertise: Professionals and domain experts play a critical
    role in correcting deficiencies in large language models. Their input
    and oversight can help identify inaccuracies, biases, or gaps in the
    model's understanding and contribute to improving its overall performance.

    Weakness in Data Quality: The primary weakness of large language models
    like ChatGPT often lies in the quality of the trained data. Addressing
    this deficiency requires ongoing efforts to curate, verify, and
    diversify the training data to enhance the model's robustness and accuracy.

    In conclusion, while large language models offer significant potential
    for various applications, including natural language understanding and generation, their effectiveness ultimately depends on the quality of the
    data used to train them. By prioritizing data quality and leveraging
    human expertise, we can work towards improving the reliability and trustworthiness of AI systems like ChatGPT."

    So i think i am a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophies below , but i have just looked at the following video
    of the Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin that i think is still alive
    and that i think has also inspired president Putin , so here is the
    video of him and you can look at his other videos on youtube:

    Alexandre Douguine : « Le libéralisme occidental est peut-être encore
    pire que l'URSS »


    So i think i am too a new philosopher and i am not in accordance with
    the Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin , so i think that he is by
    logical analogy talking about Liberty like Antony Blinken that i am
    talking about just below , since when Antony Blinken speaks about
    Liberty , i think he is fearing that the state be oppressive on the
    people as i am explaining it below , so the Russian philosopher
    Aleksandr Dugin above is too fearing Liberty of Liberalism , but i think
    you have to be smart , since he is not too much fearing economic
    Liberalism , but he is fearing the morality of Liberalism , i mean he is
    saying that Liberalism gives too much Liberty to the individuals , so
    then i think that he is fearing this too much Liberty of Liberalism ,
    but i think that the Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin is making a
    mistake , since western countries are not homogeneous , since i think
    that the kind of Liberty of Liberalism is not the same across western
    countries , since we can say that the freedom of Liberalism is more
    moralized in this or that western Liberal country , so for example i
    think that Liberty in Liberalism of Canada is more moralized , so it is
    why i am not in accordance with the Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin
    , since he is speaking about Liberalism of western countries like it is homogenous Liberalism in western countries , so i think it is an
    important mistake that is making the Russian Philosopher Aleksandr Dugin
    , so it is why i say that we have not to be as pessimistic as the
    Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin , and i think you have not to be pessimistic since you have to read my new ideas of my philosophies in my
    below previous thoughts so that to understand my views.

    I invite you to read carefully the following new article from InfoWorld
    that shows how help for generative AI is on the way by using for example knowledge graph and such:


    But i think that the above article is not speaking about the limitations
    of this way of doing , so here is my thoughts below in the form of my discussion with ChatGPT so that you understand the limitations of it:

    Here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    But you are saying the following: Knowledge graphs provide a structured representation of information, enabling AI systems to cross-reference
    and verify facts more accurately , but i mean that AI systems such as
    LLMs are still limited by there limitation to verify facts with there
    smartness , since there smartness is limited by the training data , so
    it is like circular.

    And here is what has answered me ChatGPT:

    "You're correct in highlighting the circularity inherent in relying
    solely on LLMs, especially when it comes to fact-checking and
    verification. While knowledge graphs can provide structured information
    for verification, if an LLM's understanding is inherently limited by its training data, it may not effectively utilize the structured information provided by the knowledge graph to verify facts accurately.

    This limitation underscores the importance of a holistic approach to
    building AI systems. While LLMs have demonstrated impressive
    capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, they
    should be complemented with other techniques, such as knowledge graphs,
    expert systems, or external databases, to verify facts and provide
    reliable information to users.

    Furthermore, efforts to mitigate biases and limitations in LLMs'
    training data, as well as ongoing research in natural language
    processing and AI, are essential to improving the accuracy and
    reliability of AI systems in fact-checking and verification tasks.

    In summary, while knowledge graphs can enhance the structured
    representation of information for fact-checking, addressing the
    limitations of LLMs' training data and inherent biases is crucial for effectively utilizing this information and improving the reliability of
    AI systems."

    And here is my second question to ChatGPT:

    So i think you are understanding now what i want to mean , and it is
    that fact checking and verification on knowledge graphs so that to
    increase accuracy , is limited by the smartness of the LLMs that is
    limited by the training data that is limited by the lack of context and
    the lack quality etc.

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Yes, I understand your point now. You're highlighting a critical aspect
    of the limitations of fact-checking and verification tasks, especially
    when utilizing knowledge graphs with large language models (LLMs) like GPT.

    Indeed, the accuracy of fact-checking and verification performed by LLMs
    is inherently limited by several factors:

    1- Training Data: LLMs are trained on vast amounts of text data, but
    this data may contain biases, inaccuracies, or lack contextual nuances.
    As a result, the model's understanding of language and ability to verify
    facts may be limited by the quality and breadth of the training data.

    2- Contextual Understanding: LLMs may struggle with understanding
    context and nuance in language, which is crucial for accurate
    fact-checking and verification. Without a deep understanding of the
    context surrounding a statement or claim, LLMs may misinterpret
    information or provide inaccurate assessments.

    3- Quality of Information: Knowledge graphs provide structured
    information, but the quality and reliability of the data within the
    knowledge graph can vary. If the knowledge graph contains inaccuracies
    or outdated information, LLMs may propagate these inaccuracies during fact-checking and verification tasks.

    4- Scope of Knowledge: LLMs have limitations in their knowledge base, as
    they can only generate responses based on the information present in
    their training data. If a fact or claim falls outside the scope of the
    model's training data, it may struggle to provide accurate verification.

    Given these limitations, it's important to approach fact-checking and verification tasks with caution and to consider the broader context and
    sources of information. While knowledge graphs can provide structured
    data for verification, addressing the limitations of LLMs' training data
    and ensuring the quality and relevance of information are essential
    steps in improving the accuracy of fact-checking and verification
    processes. Additionally, integrating multiple sources of information and employing human judgment and expertise can further enhance the
    reliability of fact-checking efforts."

    So i invite you to look carefully at the following short video about
    Liberty of Antony Blinken that confronts Russian philosopher Alexander
    Dugin at the Nexus Conference:


    So i think i am a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophies below , so now i will speak about the above video that
    talks about Liberty , so i think that the above video is not so smart ,
    since you have to understand Liberty , so Liberty is not defined as only
    how also defines it Antony Blinken in the above video , since you can
    for example not only hurt the other(s) , but you can also hurt yourself
    , so this can constrain Liberty , but of course you have to be smart and understand why Antony Blinken is talking as he is talking about Liberty
    in the above video , since i think that for example USA or western
    europe fears that if the state starts to limit your liberty since you
    can hurt yourself and since you can hurt the other(s) , so it can become "oppressive" , so Antony Blinken "fears" that the state can become
    oppressive , so it doesn't mean that Antony Blinken has the 100% truth
    about it , so then the view of Antony Blinken becomes understandable ,
    also i think that the other thing about Liberty is that we have to know
    how to "decentralize" the decisions of the individuals of the society efficiently so that to be efficient , so if the state starts to too much control the people , so it can become expensive too for the state , so
    it is why i say that it is a hot topic in philosophy and that you have
    to understand that the state has to be smart and wise , but of course i
    think that you are now understanding my views as a new philosopher about it.

    So we have to be aware of something really important in business ,
    and it is that a patent is not as problematic as copyright protection ,
    and you can read about it in the following so that to understand it:

    So , first , you have to know that a patent protection can take much
    more time than a copyright protection , so for example in Canada it can
    take 2 to 3 years , and i think it is the same in USA and other
    countries , other than that you have to know that copyright protection
    for creative works, including software code, is automatic and typically
    extends to other countries through international agreements such as the
    Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works ,
    read more about it here: https://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ip/berne/summary_berne.html . Unlike
    patents, which require separate filings in each country where protection
    is sought, copyright protection is generally recognized internationally
    without the need for formal registration or filings in each country. And
    you have to know that it is not sufficient and it is not professional
    for programming code to put only a written copyright in the readme file
    or such , since it is not a proof , so the professional and good way is
    to make a copyright protection like the following in the following known company in the following web link , so i invite you to read about it
    carefully in the following web link:


    And here is my new poem of Love in french:

    Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour en français:


    Avec le bel amour

    Tu sens bien que tu savoures

    Avec le bel amour

    Tu sens bien le joli glamour

    Avec le bel amour

    C'est comme de la bravoure

    Car l'amour ce n'est pas comme une basse-cour

    Mais l'amour est comme le joli parcours

    Et c'est avec le bel amour

    Que je commence par te dire un joli bonjour !


    And here is my new poem of Love that i have just invented:


    Three Loves

    And Two Loves

    And One Love

    Will all fly like a beautiful Dove

    Three Loves

    And Two Loves

    And One Love

    Will all be blessed by our God above


    "Recently, researchers at the University of Bristol conducted a study to ultimately develop a drug that prevents microvascular diabetic
    complications, including diabetic eye and kidney disease. This drug is a
    type of inhibitor designed to prevent complications arising from the
    damage caused to the protective lining of blood vessels, known as the glycocalyx, in individuals with diabetes."

    Read more here on Interesting Engineering:


    And scientists at Stanford University bring down the frequency of
    diabetes medicine from daily to just once every four months , so i
    invite you to read
    the following new article so that to notice this new invention:

    This new hydrogel could cut daily diabetes shots to just three a year


    "Interestingly, Andromeda is approaching our own Milky Way galaxy at a
    rate of 186.411 miles per second (300 km/s) and a galactic collision
    between the two is now anticipated to occur in about 4.5 billion years.
    Based on current calculations there is a 50% chance that in such a
    merged galaxy, our solar system will be swept out three times farther
    from the galactic core than its current distance. There is also a 12%
    chance that the solar system will be ejected from the newly merged
    galaxy sometime during the collision.

    This is all a moot point so far as life on Earth is concerned. In about
    0.5 to 1.5 billion years the sun's luminosity will have risen by 35% to
    40%, likely initiating a runaway greenhouse effect on our planet. As a consequence, the surface of the Earth will have already become far too
    hot for liquid water to exist, ending all terrestrial life by the time
    the two galaxies collide."

    Read more here:


    A team of researchers from Tufts University Center for Cellular
    Agriculture has developed a new technique that could dramatically reduce
    the cost of lab-grown meat production , advances like this will bring us
    much closer to seeing affordable cultivated meat in our local
    supermarkets within the next few years , and you can read the following
    new interesting article from Interesting Engineering about it:


    And as you will read in my following thoughts that the key to
    biodiversity conservation is reducing meat consumption , so i think that
    the above
    advance of lab-grown meat production can solve the problem of
    biodiversity conservation efficiently. So i invite you to carefully read
    my following thoughts about biodiversity conservation so that to understand:

    I have not talked about Biodiversity conservation , so i think that we
    have not to be pessimistic about the Biodiversity , since as you will
    read in the following article that the key to biodiversity conservation
    is reducing meat consumption , so from what i have just read in internet
    , that we will be able to reduce much more meat consumption so that to
    solve the problem, so i invite you to read the following paper and the following article so that you understand:

    Here the interesting paper:

    "We find a substantial reduction in the global environmental impacts by
    2050 if globally 50% of the main animal products (pork, chicken, beef
    and milk) are substituted—net reduction of forest and natural land is
    almost fully halted and agriculture and land use GHG emissions decline
    by 31% in 2050 compared to 2020..."

    Read more here:


    And here is the article:

    Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption


    I invite you to read the following new study in the following article that shows that the "deep" work is an important factor in the efficiency at
    work, but it has to be an "engaging" work so that to be efficient , and
    notice that the analysis of the new study demonstrates that deep and
    engaging work "significantly" contributes to organizational outcomes
    such as innovation, retention, profitability and broader organizational
    goals. So i invite you to read the following new article about it so
    that to understand ( and you can translate it from french to english ):


    So it is why i say that an engaged employee is one who is dedicated to
    the company's mission and enthusiastic about taking steps to fulfill
    that mission. An engaged workforce is more productive, offers better
    customer service and increases your profits. Also read the following
    about how to make the engaged employee:

    1. Minimal administrative tasks

    Employees are more engaged and productive when they can spend the
    majority of their time focusing on things that pertain to their role,
    speak to their strengths and ultimately, interest them. Keep employees
    engaged by showing them that you appreciate the time they're giving you
    and by allowing them to use that time to do what they do best.

    2. The necessary resources

    As a business owner, it is your job to make sure the company's money is
    spent wisely, but it's also your job to make sure your employees have
    the tools that they need to do their work and do it well. When employees
    feel that they are equipped with the resources they need for their
    roles, they're not only going to be happier and appreciative, but also
    more efficient.

    3. Positive relationships with colleagues

    Your employees will be happier and more committed to doing their work
    when they get along with one another and can balance their stress and
    wellness. Now, they don't have to attend each other's birthday parties
    or bring each other coffee, but they should have a positive,
    professional relationship. It's up to management to foster that type of
    culture by winning the hearts and minds of the people you work with.

    And you can read more in the following web page:


    And here my other thoughts that are related to the above:

    So i have just talked about the following mechanisms , and i invite you
    to read them again carefully:

    So i think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas
    of my philosophies below , so now i will talk about an important subject
    in philosophy , and it is that you have to know how to be philosophy
    with humans , i mean you can say to humans to be for example
    responsability by studying and by working in a job , but it is not the efficient way of doing , since for example responsability by studying
    and by working in a job has a delayed reward , so you have to be
    efficient and smart and know that with this delayed reward it is not as efficient , so you have for example to say to a human that he can
    specialize in what he does better , and when he specializes in what he
    does better , he can find the job more easy or easy to do , so it is a
    pleasure that balances with the delayed reward so that it be efficient ,
    but there is not only specialization in what we do better , but there is
    also the "passion" for a work or a job , so when you are passion for a
    work or job , you find pleasure in doing it , so this pleasure also
    balances with the delayed reward so that it be efficient , so it is why
    i say that the better way is to say to a human that he can specialize in
    what he does better and in what he find passion so that it balances with
    the delayed reward and so that to increase much more productivity and
    quality. And of course you have to know how to align with the mission of
    the country and the world.

    And here is the other mechanism that you can understand by reading my
    following new questions to ChatGPT:

    Here is my question to ChatGPT:

    So there is a mechanism in that in business you can not ask for too much performance from the workers , since you have to balance so that to not
    make it too much unacceptable for the workers.

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Balancing performance expectations in business is crucial for
    maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. Setting

    [continued in next message]

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