• Re: Weed cartridge deal turns deadly, Missouri cops say. Black 15-year-

    From 68g.1502@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 9 01:52:30 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.drugs, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans

    WTF is a 'weed cartridge' ??????????

    In any case, "legalization" does NOT necessarily
    eliminate black markets. If everybody can't get
    it, or it's really expensive, or everyone can't
    get the "good stuff", then a black market WILL
    emerge to fill the gap. Usual crime rules apply,
    including bad/lethal deals.

    (guns group removed from headers)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 9 09:07:38 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.drugs, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans

    On 2/8/24 22:52, 68g.1502 wrote:
    WTF is a 'weed cartridge' ??????????

    In any case, "legalization" does NOT necessarily
    eliminate black markets. If everybody can't get
    it, or it's really expensive, or everyone can't
    get the "good stuff", then a black market WILL
    emerge to fill the gap. Usual crime rules apply,
    including bad/lethal deals.

    (guns group removed from headers)

    Wish you had not removed the URl to the News item.
    Cartriges usually have hash or hash oil. If the solvent
    was badly chosen or incompletely removed then dire
    consequences may ensue. If it was from the illegal
    market both are possibilities.

    To envisage some of the variety of forms in which
    cannabis can be sold look around at the following URL:
    <https://sparc.co/> I have been doing business at SPARC
    for several years now and a happy customer.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 68g.1502@21:1/5 to Bobbie Sellers on Fri Feb 9 18:50:07 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.drugs, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans

    On 2/9/24 12:07 PM, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
    On 2/8/24 22:52, 68g.1502 wrote:
    WTF is a 'weed cartridge' ??????????

    In any case, "legalization" does NOT necessarily
    eliminate black markets. If everybody can't get
    it, or it's really expensive, or everyone can't
    get the "good stuff", then a black market WILL
    emerge to fill the gap. Usual crime rules apply,
    including bad/lethal deals.

    (guns group removed from headers)

        Wish you had not removed the URl to the News item.
    Cartriges usually have hash or hash oil.  If the solvent
    was badly chosen or incompletely removed then dire
    consequences may ensue.  If it was from the illegal
    market both are possibilities.

        To envisage some of the variety of forms in which
    cannabis can be sold  look around at the following URL: <https://sparc.co/>  I have been doing business at SPARC
    for several years now and a happy customer.

    THCs and I do *not* get along. Doesn't mean YOU
    can't be someones happy customer though. I'll
    have to stick to clear liquors.

    The term "weed cartridge" is still weird - it
    implies something pressed full of actual leaf.
    Hash oil should come in a "vial". Actual hash
    used to come in "foils". But those terms are
    from 50 years ago.

    As for the quality of dope today ... that's become
    a big issue. It's easy to do it very wrong. There
    was the infamous "brown acid" at the Woodstock
    concert, X/MDMA became increasingly contaminated
    with dangerous reagents as its popularity increased
    (sometimes causing 'instant parkinsons'). Meth
    is absolutely notorious ... as bad as meth is for
    you the contaminants are even worse. In a rapidly
    expanding THC market I can see how quick-n-dirty
    methods for making hash oil would become common.

    Now everything is *intentionally* contaminated
    with mystery quantities of Fentanyl - even weed.
    Grown-ups can go to a decent weed shop (in some
    states) but the punks will score whatever they
    can find.

    "Legalization", or prohibitions, are not the
    panaceas crusaders like to believe. X-percent
    get WAY to much into dope - the street scene
    in Portland says it all - but prohibitions
    just spawn violence/corruption and many people
    can usually get their dope regardless (at
    prices that mean they steal from YOU).

    Hmm ... I oft wonder about M.J.Fox ... nobody
    his age should have had Parkinsons. However
    the TIMING points to when X became a super-
    popular club drug.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)