• Re: Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza Is Becoming an Official Israeli Government

    From tesla sTinker ofm minim@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 2 13:10:10 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, talk.politics.guns, alt.religion.christian.roman-catholic
    XPost: alt.support.fat-acceptance

    As long as its Hama Mohammad followers, ass holes, its a great idea,
    kill em all. So says the one with ears.

    On 1/21/2024 11:21 PM, NefeshBarYochai scribbled:
    by Dave DeCamp

    The idea of cleansing Gaza of its Palestinian population is slowly
    becoming an official Israeli government position, Zman Israel reported
    on Wednesday.

    A senior Israeli official said that Israel is already in discussions
    with Congo and other nations on absorbing Palestinian refugees. “Congo
    will be willing to take in migrants, and we’re in talks with others,”
    the official said.

    Israeli officials are framing the plan as a “voluntary” resettlement,
    but the Israeli military is making Gaza uninhabitable. Besides the
    massive bombing campaign that has destroyed nearly 70% of the homes in
    Gaza, the siege has left many Palestinians facing starvation and

    The Zman report came a day after the US condemned rhetoric from two
    Israeli ministers, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir, about the
    expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and the establishment of Jewish settlements in the conflict. The US State Department said the Israeli government has insisted the statements do not reflect government
    policy, but that claim does not align with reality.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was working on
    finding countries to accept Palestinians. “Our problem is [finding]
    countries that are willing to absorb Gazans, and we are working on
    it,” he said.

    On Tuesday, Israeli Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel told Zman that “voluntary migration is the best and most realistic program for the
    day after the fighting ends.” Gamliel penned an op-ed for The
    Jerusalem Post published in November, where she proposed the
    “voluntary resettlement” of Palestinians from Gaza.

    Similarly, two members of the Israeli Knesset, Danny Danon, a member
    of Netanyahu’s Likud party, and Ram Ben-Barak, a member of the
    opposition party Yesh Atid, called for Western countries to take in Palestinian refugees in pages of The Wall Street Journal,
    demonstrating the idea is popular across the political spectrum.

    It was obvious from the start of the Israeli onslaught in Gaza that
    the Israeli government wanted to achieve ethnic cleansing in the
    enclave. In October, a leaked document drafted by Gamliel’s
    Intelligence Ministry proposed pushing all 2.3 million Palestinians in
    Gaza into Egypt. But Cairo is standing firm on its opposition to
    accepting Palestinian refugees and enabling Israel’s plans, forcing
    the Israeli government to look elsewhere.

    The Biden administration claims it’s opposed to the expulsion of
    Palestinians from Gaza but continues to provide military aid for the
    Israeli campaign without conditions. There are no serious discussions
    within the administration about cutting Israel off or limiting
    military support.


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