• UK Freaks as 16yo Dies In Plane Crash - Hey ... He WENT For It, How Bra

    From 68g.1499@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 28 02:43:47 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture, soc.culture.australia


    Camden plane crash: Haunting video emerges of boy pilot, 16,
    who died alone as his identity is revealed and his school
    is hit by back-to-back tragedies

    Boy, 16, killed in plane crash

    He was a talented Year 12 student

    Death is school's second in just weeks

    . . .


    I got a pilots license at 17, minimum age in the USA.
    IMHO, I was pretty good, esp under pressure, though
    not really suited for like aerobatics or whatever.
    I've got the "panic LATER/NEVER" personality. If
    shit happens you just DEAL. Hell, once landed at
    NEGATIVE ground-speed due to a massive T-storm.
    Really cool.

    Then there was a massive oil embargo and fuel prices
    spiraled out of sight. Couldn't even get the right
    fuel for small planes, which caused engine problems.

    BUT, things CAN go wrong, whether you're 16 or 66.

    Hmmmm ... I usually say I've led a boring life, but
    when I think back, I got stuck in a lot of really
    dangerous/weird events. Ever been cave-diving ?
    Attacked by large hostile bears ? On a 14000+ foot
    mountaintop during a lightning storm ? Surrounded
    by sharks in bloody waters ? Had to dodge a multi
    18-wheeler truck crash on a motorcycle at 140 kph ?
    Maybe my life wasn't so boring after all :-)

    SO ... I choose to COMMEND the abovementioned young
    guy. He WENT FOR IT. Didn't turn out well, but at
    least he WENT FOR IT.

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