• No, General Public Has NOT Abandoned J.K.Rowling

    From 68g.1499@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 27 22:51:55 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.uk, soc.culture
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    JK Rowling earned £8.25million last year from Harry Potter
    and the Cursed Child alone, figures show

    Accounts for company managing global run of play show growing

    . . .

    An old report had her worth more than QE2.

    Looks like, despite WOKE-ness, the money keeps
    coming in - even for her newer stuff. The general
    public HATES "Woke" - knows that it's pure commie
    BS designed to revise and destroy.

    Remember when they fired Sharon Osbourne for
    NOT trashing JK ? This is a form of revenge.

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