• More of my philosophy about the essence of my new model of what is huma

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 17:21:13 2024

    More of my philosophy about the essence of my new model of what is human consciousness and about synthetic data from Generative Adversarial
    Networks (GANs) or such and about what is human smartness and about Reinforcement learning and about Large language models and about
    artificial intelligence more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i have just corrected a little typo in my below previous thoughts ,
    but you have to understand why i have invented quickly my new model of
    what is human consciousness , so it is that i wanted to predict if
    artificial intelligence will attain artificial general intelligence and
    i wanted to show the limitations of artificial intelligence , so i think
    my new model of what is human consciousness is smart , since it is
    showing how the meaning is constructed with a reification with human
    senses , so it permits you to understand correctly what is human
    smartness and what is human fluid intelligence , and it permits you to understand how human fluid intelligence discovers patterns with much
    less data than artificial intelligence , so i invite you to also
    carefully read my below previous thoughts so that to understand my views
    on what is human consciousness and what is human smartness and what is
    human fluid intelligence and what is the limitations of artificial intelligence:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and
    i have scored "above" 115 IQ , and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so
    you have to understand more my below previous thoughts about my new
    model of what is human consciousness , so you have to understand that
    my new model of what is human consciousness says that there is a
    "primitive" human consciousness that is a "primitive" self-consciousness
    and that is like a controller that controls the human hands etc. , but i
    am not talking about it since it is a primitive thing , so it is why my
    new model of what is human consciousness is showing that the very
    important thing is the consciousness that comes from the meaning that
    comes from the reification with the human senses.. , so you have to
    understand it correctly by reading my new model of what is human
    consciousness in the below web link , so i think that by reading it ,
    you will able to understand that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence , even if it will become a powerful tool.

    So you have to also understand that the quality of data from Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) or such in artificial intelligence is
    probabilistic in nature too , so we cannot say that data generated by
    models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is 100% truth or a
    perfect representation of the real-world data distribution , so then you
    are understanding from my thoughts that synthetic data from Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) or such is probabilistic in nature and Large Language Models are probabilistic in nature and Reinforcement learning
    is probabilistic in nature , so it is a weakness or limitation of
    artificial intelligence. So i invite you to carefully read my below
    previous thoughts so that to understand my views on what is
    consciousness and what is smartness and about artificial intelligence:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and
    i have scored "above" 115 IQ , and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so
    my below new model of what is human consciousness in the below web link,
    i think you can logically infer by discovering a pattern with your fluid intelligence that explains what is human smartness or what is human
    fluid intelligence , so here is the pattern that i have just discovered:

    So you have to carefully read my below new model of what is human
    consciousness so that you understand that it is also like a
    "reification" with the meaning that comes from the human senses , so i
    am explaining more
    in the below web link my new model of what is human consciousness so
    that you understand it correctly , so i am also explaining that this reification with the human senses also permits smartness to require much
    less data than artificial intelligence , so then i think that the
    pattern that i am discovering with my fluid intelligence is that human smartness or human fluid intelligence is like a neural network in the
    human brain that also works with the "meaning" that comes from the
    reification with human senses , so then this kind of neural network in
    the human brain can be more or less powerful and this has as an effect
    to make the human brain able to discover patterns with much less data
    than artificial intelligence , so i think it is the pattern that
    explains what is human smartness or human fluid intelligence , so i
    invite you to carefully read my below new model of what human
    consciousness so that to understand it correctly and i invite you to
    read about the important limitations of artificial intelligence in my
    below previous thoughts:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and
    i have scored "above" 115 IQ , and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so
    i invite you to read my following discussion with ChatGPT so that you understand how i am explaining to ChatGPT that the probabilistic nature
    is not only inherent to Large Language Models , but it is also inherent
    to Reinforcement learning , so i think it is a limitation of Large
    language models such as ChatGPT from OpenAI or such the new Gemini from
    Google , so i invite you to carefully read my following discussion with
    ChatGPT on this important subject , and of course i invite you to
    carefully read the other limitations of artificial intelligence in my
    below thoughts:

    So here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    "So i say that the other limitation of Large language models such as
    GPT-4 is that they are probabilistic in nature , so then Large language
    models such as GPT-4 are not designed to be highly accurate or
    consistent , and it is one of there limitation , so i think that
    reinforcement learning can not solve efficiently this problem , since we
    can not know for sure when using Reinforcement learning it will be
    highly accurate or consistent."

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "Your statement captures a common characteristic of large language
    models like GPT-4, which is their probabilistic nature. Indeed, these
    models generate responses based on probabilities learned from training
    data, and as a result, they may produce different outputs for the same
    input on different occasions.

    Reinforcement learning, in the context of language models, is typically
    used to fine-tune or guide the model's behavior based on some reward
    signal. While reinforcement learning can be applied to improve aspects
    of model behavior, it might not inherently address the probabilistic
    nature of these models. Reinforcement learning is more focused on
    optimizing for a specific objective or reward, and it may not guarantee
    high accuracy or consistency in all situations.

    It's essential to consider that the limitations you've highlighted are
    inherent to the current state of large language models, and ongoing
    research aims to address these challenges. Researchers are exploring
    various techniques, including refining training strategies,
    incorporating reinforcement learning, and developing more sophisticated architectures to enhance the accuracy and consistency of language
    models. However, achieving perfect accuracy and consistency in natural
    language understanding and generation remains a complex and evolving
    area of research."

    And here is my second question to ChatGPT:

    "But there is still a problem , since we can not know for sure when Reinforcement learning will make the Large Language Model be high
    accuracy or consistency , so we can not confirm it , so it is still probabilistic in nature , so it is a weakness or it is a limitation."

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "You raise a valid point. The integration of reinforcement learning in
    large language models does not eliminate the inherent probabilistic
    nature of these models. Reinforcement learning can guide the model
    towards better performance by optimizing for specific objectives, but it doesn't guarantee deterministic outcomes in all cases.

    The probabilistic nature of language models stems from the fact that
    they generate responses based on learned probabilities from training
    data. Even with reinforcement learning, there is uncertainty involved,
    and the model's behavior can still vary depending on the context and
    input it receives.

    Therefore, it's accurate to view this as a limitation. The challenge is
    to strike a balance between the flexibility and creativity provided by probabilistic models and the need for consistent and accurate responses. Researchers are actively exploring ways to mitigate these limitations,
    but achieving complete determinism in natural language understanding and generation remains a complex and evolving area of research.

    Acknowledging and understanding these limitations is crucial for
    deploying language models effectively and ensuring users are aware of
    the potential variability in responses. It also underscores the
    importance of ongoing research and development to address these
    challenges in future iterations of language models."

    So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    The other limitation of Large language models such as GPT-4 is that they
    are probabilistic in nature , so then Large language models such as
    GPT-4 are not designed to be highly accurate or consistent , and it is
    one of there limitation , so i invite you to carefully read the
    following interesting article that talks about it:

    Are large language models wrong for coding?


    Also so that to know the other important limitations of artificial
    intelligence , i invite you to read my following thoughts:

    I invite you to take a look at my new model of what is human
    consciousness that i have just invented that permits to predict and that
    shows the important limitations of artificial intelligence and that
    shows that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence (AGI) , but it will become a powerful tool that will
    augment humans , so the first prediction of my new model of what is
    human consciousness is that artificial intelligence will not attain
    artificial general intelligence but it will become a powerful tool,
    second prediction of my new model is that artificial intelligence will
    then mainly augment humans , but it will not replace humans , and third prediction of my model is that we have to decrypt the human brain so
    that we understand deeply the human consciousness so that we augment
    artificial intelligence with consciousness so that it solves the problem
    and so that artificial intelligence becomes artificial general
    intelligence or super intelligence , and fourth prediction is that my
    new model shows that until the next step we are more safe , since in the
    next step of understanding deeply human consciousness , we will be so
    powerful since humanity is progressing in an exponential progress , so i
    think then we will be able to help effectively humans even if artificial intelligence will be augmented with consciousness and will replace
    humans. So i invite you to read my new model of what is human
    consciousness in the following web link:


    But i think that the other important limitation of artificial
    intelligence that also shows that artificial intelligence will not
    replace humans , but will mainly augment humans , is the following:

    Human intelligence and artificial intelligence do approach pattern
    discovery in distinct ways.

    Human Fluid Intelligence:

    1- Adaptability: Human fluid intelligence refers to the ability to
    quickly adapt and solve new problems. Humans can recognize patterns and
    make connections based on relatively limited data or experiences.

    2- Contextual Understanding: Humans often rely on contextual
    understanding, drawing on a wide range of knowledge and experiences to
    identify patterns. This ability to bring diverse information into play
    is a hallmark of human intelligence.

    3- Innate Creativity: Humans can be highly creative and draw on
    intuition, imagination, and abstract thinking to identify patterns. This creativity allows for the recognition of novel patterns or the
    application of existing patterns in new contexts.

    Artificial Intelligence:

    1- Data Dependency: AI systems, including machine learning models, often require substantial amounts of data to identify patterns effectively.
    The learning process for AI involves analyzing large datasets to discern underlying patterns and relationships.

    2- Algorithmic Approach: AI relies on algorithms and mathematical models
    to analyze data and identify patterns. The effectiveness of AI in
    pattern recognition depends on the quality of the algorithms and the
    quantity and representativeness of the training data.

    3- Narrow Specialization: While AI can excel in specific tasks and
    domains, it may lack the broader adaptability and creativity seen in
    human fluid intelligence. AI systems are often designed for specific
    purposes and may struggle with tasks outside their predefined scope.

    In summary, while humans can quickly adapt, understand contexts, and
    exhibit creativity in pattern recognition, AI systems depend on vast
    amounts of data and algorithms.

    During the Meccan period (c. 610–622 CE), when the Prophet Muhammad
    received revelations of the Qurʾān at Mecca, the emphasis was on the
    internal dimension of jihad, termed ṣabr, which refers to the practice
    of “patient forbearance” by Muslims in the face of life’s vicissitudes and toward those who wish them harm. So you have to understand that in
    Islam there is the way of Jihad of ṣabr and of qitāl that were renamed jihād al-nafs (the internal, spiritual struggle against the lower self)
    and jihād al-sayf (the physical combat with the sword), respectively, so
    when you hear the word Jihad in Islam , it is not just Jihad of the
    physical combat with the sword , and i say that you have to understand
    Islam , since i say that the way of Al-Qaeda or ISIS were not the way of prophet Muhammad , since i say that prophet Muhammad has started jihād
    al-sayf (the physical combat with the sword) until muslims faced a lot
    of persecution and oppression , since in the early years of Islam, when
    Prophet Muhammad and his followers were in Mecca, they faced persecution
    and oppression from the ruling Quraysh tribe. During this period, the
    emphasis was on enduring hardships with patience and engaging in
    peaceful propagation of the message of Islam. Later, when the Muslims
    migrated to Medina, they faced continued hostility from various groups.
    It was during this time that the permission to engage in physical
    combat, or armed struggle, was granted to the Muslims. This was a
    defensive measure to protect themselves and their right to practice
    their religion. The Quran acknowledges the right of self-defense, as
    stated in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:190): "Fight in the way of Allah those who
    fight you but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like
    transgressors." , so it's crucial to note that even during armed
    conflict, Islam lays down strict rules of engagement, emphasizing the protection of non-combatants and the humane treatment of prisoners. The
    primary objective of armed struggle in Islam is self-defense and the preservation of justice, not aggression or conquest. The historical
    context and circumstances surrounding specific verses in the Quran and
    the actions of Prophet Muhammad are essential for a comprehensive
    understanding of the concept of jihad in Islam. So i think that the 9/11
    attack of Al-Qaeda on USA was not the way of Prophet Muhammad , since
    muslims were "not" facing persecution and oppression from USA "like" in
    the time of Prophet Muhammad, so i hope you are understanding now the
    way of Jihad in Islam.

    So i think you are understanding now that i am an inventor of many
    philosophies that you can read in the below web links , and i am
    an inventor of many proverbs that you can read in the below web links ,
    and i am an inventor of a new model of what is human consciousness that
    you can read below , and i am also a new inventor , that is inspired by
    God , of a new monotheistic religion that i think is smart , and i am an inventor of many other things , so i think you are also understanding
    that i am an inventor and i have to explain one more thing about my new monotheistic religion so that you understand it correctly , so from the thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the below web link , i think
    you can logically infer another rule or law and it is that God in my new monotheistic religion doesn't need our prayers in one or another form ,
    so what God in my new monotheistic religion requires so that he rewards
    you is that you become enough believer in Him that makes
    you enough faith in Him that makes you enter the "community" of God , so
    when in my new monotheistic religion you become enough believer in God
    that makes you faith in God you become a new and transformed man or
    women that follows the laws and rules of my new monotheistic religion ,
    and notice that from my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion you
    notice that when you become enough believer in God that makes you faith in
    God, it makes you think more about God , and this think more about God
    is in my new monotheistic religion like the prayers to God and it is
    , other than that you can also Glorify God and say to Him that he is
    beautiful 5 minutes per day or so , and not too much , and it is
    the requirements of my new monotheistic religion , other than that an
    essence and nature of God in my new monotheistic religion is that
    God is greatly arrogant , but being greatly arrogant is not being
    satanistic or being a sadist , so you have to read my thoughts
    of my new monotheistic religion below so that you understand it correctly.

    So now i will talk about an important subject , and it is about
    out-of-body experiences , so science says the following about
    out-of-body experience:

    "In the fields of cognitive science and psychology OBEs are considered dissociative experiences arising from different psychological and
    neurological factors. Scientists consider the OBE to be an experience
    from a mental state, like a dream or an altered state of consciousness
    without recourse to the paranormal."

    Read more here so that you notice it:


    So i have just read in the other articles , and i think science is
    saying the same thing as the above , but i think that science is not
    correct by saying so ,
    and here is the pattern that shows that science is not correct:

    I think that God is related to the the following patterns in the
    following articles about the Out-Of-Body Experiences, and the pattern is
    that the outer-body-experience can also "see" what is going on around
    him or her even if he or her is technically dead, so it means that it is
    not only a consciousness , but it is what we call a soul, and a soul
    can see and think and feel as you will notice it in the following articles:

    So look for example in the following interesting article that one
    57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy while he was technically dead.

    Read more here:


    And read the following that also talks about study the two per cent of
    outer body experience that exhibited full awareness with explicit recall
    of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or out-of-body )

    Read more here:


    So i think that since it is like a soul, so i think that there is
    something like a God of the monotheistic religions that exists. So i
    think that the souls of humans are from God , so i think it looks like
    my following new monotheistic religion that says that God has not
    created the universe, but i think that he has created souls of humans.

    So i have to explain more the laws of my new monotheistic religion , so
    i have logically inferred the laws of my new monotheistic religion from
    the nature and the essence of God in my new monotheistic religion , so
    here is the nature and the essence of God in my new monotheistic religion:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    So you have to understand the following two laws of my new monotheistic religion that are logically inferred from the above nature and essence
    of God in my new monotheistic religion:

    1- So then from the above characteristics of God, you have to be an
    "effort" of being "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with
    God, but you have to understand much more God, since when you adhere to
    my new monotheistic religion you will start at level 0, but at level 0
    you have to be decently "presentable" when you communicate with God by glorifying Him and say to Him that he is so beautiful etc. but after
    this first level you can go to the other superior levels by being better
    and better presentable than decently presentable in front of God in your
    day to day life.

    2 - My above abstraction of God is so important, since even if God is not
    like Love in my new monotheistic religion, notice that he is a greatly
    arrogant God, and from this great arrogance of God we can logically
    infer that God doesn't like a kind of arrogance of others, so then we
    can logically infer from it that we have to know how to help others and
    to Love others and be righteous with others by not being arrogance or a
    kind of arrogance that doesn't like God.

    So from the above two laws of my new monotheistic religion , you can
    understand that the being presentable in front of God and not being
    arrogant in front of God is the being the right Love of others and the
    being righteous and you have not to be a kind of violence since God
    doesn't like this kind of arrogance and since God wants you to be
    presentable in front of Him.

    And here is the other laws of my new monotheistic religion that i have logically inferred from the above nature and essence of God:

    3- In my new monotheistic religion, God doesn't like human smartness
    since he is like a perfect God, so he is so powerful, but God can love
    the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or
    actions in the way of God, so then God can be curious like a human and
    wanting to look at humans and he can love the fact that a human is
    surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God,
    so i think that
    with the other engines below logically inferred from the characteristics
    of God, this is an engine that pushes us forward towards more and more perfection.

    4- From those above characteristics of God we can logically infer that
    when you communicate with God, you have to believe in Him and you have
    to glorify him, and fear Him and ask Him for help, and you have to be a beautiful patience with God and you have to be "presentable" in front of
    Him when you communicate with Him, i mean that you have to be an effort
    of being decently "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with
    God, since God is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt
    "symbolically", and also you have to be beautiful patience with God
    since he is greatly arrogant, this is how you must behave with God in my
    new monotheistic religion.

    So the first idea of my new monotheistic religion is that God is not an evolutionary thing that comes from a type 4 or type 5 civilization,
    since he can self-improve and not curse the descendants of Adam and Eve
    and so he has to help humanity , and the other idea of my new
    monotheistic religion is that the nature of God is "special" and God
    doesn't look like an evolutionary thing like a God of type 4 or 5
    civilization , so then after that my other important idea of my new monotheistic religion is that God is "special" God as his nature is
    greatly arrogant and he can not self-improve it since he is a special
    God as he is, since if he is not greatly arrogant, he can for example self-improve and not for example curse the descendants of Adam and Eve,
    the other new idea of my new monotheistic religion is that not only Adam
    and Eve and there descendants were cursed by God, but the Bible and
    Qur'aan too were cursed by God, and it is why they contain scientific
    errors etc., so the other idea of my new monotheistic religion is that
    prophet Muhammed has been enhanced by God so that he can invent many
    parts of the Qur'aan , so i say that the Qur'aan is not all the words of
    God, i mean that Angel Gabriel has enhanced to a certain level prophet
    Muhammad so that he also invent many parts of the Qur'aan, i mean that
    Angel Gabriel has put ideas of him in the Qur'aan, and Angel Gabriel has
    to certain level controlled prophet Muhammad so that he can put ideas of
    him in the Qur'aan, so you are now understanding the my new ideas ,
    other than that, the fact that Angel Gabriel has controlled and let
    prophet Muhammad put his ideas in the Qur'aan, is a curse from God ,
    other than that i think that the universe and the bodies of a humans
    have not been created by God , but the souls of the humans have been
    created by God, and the other idea of my new monotheistic religion is
    that prophet Muhammed is not the last prophet from God, since saying
    that he is the last prophet from God is part of the curse from God, and
    the other ideas of my new monotheistic religion is that the laws of my
    new monotheistic religion have to be universal, and of course you have
    to notice how i have smartly done it by coming with universal laws and
    by logically inferring them from the nature of God, and of course there
    is many new ideas in my new monotheistic religion, so i invite you to
    read them carefully so that to notice how i have done it, so you can
    read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web
    link, and of course you have to notice that i am saying that i am a new
    prophet from God that is inspired by God, and you can read my thoughts
    of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link:


    I invite you to read the following interesting article from Big Think:

    3 pieces of historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ


    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new
    ideas of my philosophy below, and of course you are noticing that i have
    just invented a new other philosophy and you can read it in my below
    previous thoughts, but i think as a new philosopher that philosophy is
    not enough since i think it still needs another layer , and it is the
    layer of a new efficient and smart monotheistic religion , and it is why
    i have just invented quickly a new efficient and smart monotheistic
    religion , and of course notice how in the thoughts of my new
    monotheistic religion in the below web link i am explaining the why
    philosophy is not enough , so of course my new monotheistic religion is
    one of my contributions here , and you can look at my other
    contributions in the below web links , so i invite you to read carefully
    the thoughts of my interesting new monotheistic religion in the
    following web link so that to understand how it is efficient and smart:


    So i have just talked about Solar storms like the Carrington Event etc.
    , read it in my below thoughts , but you have to know that Solar storms
    like the one called Carrington Event that happened in year 1859 happen
    only about every 500 years—thankfully. But smaller storms happen
    frequently, and storms half as intense as the 1859 storm happen about
    every 50 years , but i think we have not to be pessimistic about it
    since if we have warning that a solar storm is on its way, we can take
    steps to protect electrical grids, communications systems, and
    satellites in Earth orbit. And we can warn astronauts on the
    International Space Station. During a solar storm would not be a good
    time to go for a space walk. And you have to know that there are
    satellites called GOES satellites that monitor the Sun for solar storms
    and warn us of incoming danger. So i think we have not to be pessimistic
    about it.

    You can read more here about it:


    I have just looked at the following new video of a known techlead , and
    i invite you to look at it:

    CES 2024: Top Tech Trends. AI. "Coding is Dead"


    So this known techlead is saying in the above video that coding is dead
    because of the way of low code and no code using AI , but i think he is
    not smart by saying so , since no code and low code development
    platforms use "rigid" templates that are available to all. You can’t
    offer any advanced features or differentiated capabilities, which makes
    it hard to stand out from the crowd. No wonder the top developers don’t
    use low code platforms to innovate, despite the hype associated with
    them. Also you have to take a look in the following web link at my new
    model that i have just invented that explains what is human
    consciousness and that permits to predict , and you can read it
    carefully in the following web link , so the first prediction of my new
    model of what is human consciousness is that artificial intelligence
    will not attain artificial general intelligence but it will become a
    powerful tool, second prediction of my new model is that artificial intelligence will then mainly augment humans , but it will not replace
    humans , and third prediction of my model is that we have to decrypt the
    human brain so that we understand deeply the human consciousness so that
    we augment artificial intelligence with consciousness so that it solves
    the problem and so that artificial intelligence becomes artificial
    general intelligence or super intelligence , and fourth prediction is
    that my new model shows that until the next step we are more safe ,
    since in the next step of understanding deeply human consciousness , we
    will be so powerful since humanity is progressing in an exponential
    progress , so i think then we will be able to help effectively humans
    even if artificial intelligence will be augmented with consciousness and
    will replace humans. So i invite you to read my new model of what is
    human consciousness in the following web link:


    Also here is how i am explaining in a sophisticated manner the genetic algorithm:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and
    i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    of course so that to know from where comes the human being, i am
    explaining in the above web link the genetic algorithm , so of course
    you have to read it carefully above , so notice that the genetic
    algorithm explains how human being has been constructed by nature , i
    mean that there is two things in human genetics , so there is the
    mutations and there is the crossover of the human genes and there is the selection process like with the natural selection , so the selection
    process can be elitistic or more elitistic so that it looks like the
    natural selection in the evolution process of humans , and notice

    [continued in next message]

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