• It Never Rains In Southern California - it POURS. San Diego Totally Flo

    From 67g.1299@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 23 02:16:58 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.survival


    San Diego declares state of emergency as torrential rain overturns
    cars, topples trees and leads to dozens of rescues across California
    and Texas amid warnings of flash flooding and avalanches

    Flash floods inundated homes and overturned cars across California

    . . .

    The pix look BAD.

    A strong Pacific weather front dumped large quantities
    of rain in the foothills, which immediately poured into
    the city.

    Newsom will probably deny there was a problem. Won't
    look good for his presidential trajectory ...

    On the plus, the dopehead/'immigrant' shit will
    likely be washed off the streets.

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