• 2024-01-18: Tithing: God Blesses Tither

    From hwaadmin@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 16 04:53:01 2024
    Title: What Our Readers Say...
    Publication: The Good News Magazine
    Publisher: Radio Church of God
    Editor: Herbert W Armstrong
    Issue: Dec 1964
    Number: Vol 13, No 12
    Page: 21
    Type: Letter
    Type Media: PDF

    God Blesses Tither

    "For 6 months I have tithed to you,
    as I am convinced this is truly God's
    Work. At first I sent $2.00, a tithe of
    my grocery allowance. Then an offer
    came to take over a failing Nursery
    School. Something I had always wanted
    to do; but lacked the courage because
    I feared failure. It looked like everybody
    was right when they told one to
    close up. Two people had already
    failed it, and it did look like I would
    be number 3. Then all of a sudden it
    began to grow; and now I am having
    to turn people down, because I can't
    handle everybody. I also am in the
    process of building a new building. If
    I hadn't been shown these laws of God
    were real laws, I would still be in the
    same old rut. Every day is a challenge,
    and I love life as I never thought possible.
    Our marriage was in trouble
    until we decided we'd try it God's
    way. I challenge anybody to show me
    a happier couple anywhere! I heard
    Billy Graham the other night say he
    couldn't prove God existed. What a
    shame he doesn't send in for these laws
    on the proofs that God exists. I know
    you can prove He exists."


    Title: God Prospers the Tither!
    Publication: The Plain Truth Magazine
    Issue: Aug 1934
    Editor: Herbert W Armstrong
    Number: Vol 1, No 6
    Page: 8
    Type: Article
    Type Media: PDF


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