• "Woke" DIES in Philly - PD 'Diversity' Overlord/Position Nuked By New C

    From 56g.1183@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 5 21:15:10 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.elections


    Philadelphia police department FIRES its first ever diversity,
    equity and inclusion officer just HOURS before a new commissioner
    and mayor take office promising to restore 'lawfulness'

    Mayor Cherelle Parker was sworn into office on January 2

    Then-acting Police Commissioner John Stanford fired DEI officer
    Leslie Marant, 57, who commenced her role in April 2022, at a
    meeting Tuesday morning

    Marant was informed by Stanford that her services were no
    longer required under the restructuring led by the incoming
    commissioner, Kevin Bethel

    . . .

    Looks like "Woke" has fallen into serious disfavor.

    Philly became a SHITHOLE under "woke" guidance - and
    the people finally had ENOUGH of that shit. Nobody
    felt safe (or WAS safe). Seemed like there were
    mass slayings on the news at least once a week and
    that's only what made the national news. Gangsters
    for the most part, fighting over a little turf and
    dope money.

    Now the whole 'defund'/BLM/"diversity" thing is imploding
    and an anti-THUG mentality is finally back.

    They also need to dump 'woke' prosecutors and such, but
    that'll come later.

    The 'diversity' overlord was a 'black' woman. That
    supposedly made her un-fireable - just like the
    Harvard dean. Well, that shit does not work anymore.
    Thug-positive people should not be in charge of anything.

    How long before even Hippie-Coast cities follow suit ?

    "Woke" SOUNDED just SO righteous but, as warned, the
    result was a large-scale DISASTER. Isn't the first
    time 'righteousness' caused a big fuck-up.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Doe@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 6 11:13:20 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.elections

    On 1/5/2024 7:15 PM, 56g.1183 wrote:

    Philadelphia police department FIRES its first ever diversity,
    equity and inclusion officer just HOURS before a new commissioner
    and mayor take office promising to restore 'lawfulness'

    Mayor Cherelle Parker was sworn into office on January 2

    Then-acting Police Commissioner John Stanford fired DEI officer
    Leslie Marant, 57, who commenced her role in April 2022, at a
    meeting Tuesday morning

    Marant was informed by Stanford that her services were no
    longer required under the restructuring led by the incoming
    commissioner, Kevin Bethel

    . . .

      Looks like "Woke" has fallen into serious disfavor.

      Philly became a SHITHOLE under "woke" guidance - and
      the people finally had ENOUGH of that shit. Nobody
      felt safe (or WAS safe). Seemed like there were
      mass slayings on the news at least once a week and
      that's only what made the national news. Gangsters
      for the most part, fighting over a little turf and
      dope money.

      Now the whole 'defund'/BLM/"diversity" thing is imploding
      and an anti-THUG mentality is finally back.

      They also need to dump 'woke' prosecutors and such, but
      that'll come later.

      The 'diversity' overlord was a 'black' woman. That
      supposedly made her un-fireable - just like the
      Harvard dean. Well, that shit does not work anymore.
      Thug-positive people should not be in charge of anything.

      How long before even Hippie-Coast cities follow suit ?

      "Woke" SOUNDED just SO righteous but, as warned, the
      result was a large-scale DISASTER. Isn't the first
      time 'righteousness' caused a big fuck-up.

    Yup. The forces for inbreeding win a battle.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)