• Remembering USS Liberty: When Israel attacked America

    From NefeshBarYochai@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 26 04:52:45 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, talk.politics.guns, alt.philosophy.taoism

    Richard Brooks still remembers when the alert came.

    With klaxons sounding and people yelling, the tannoy system warned
    everyone “Standby to receive torpedo hit”.

    “I thought I’ll never get out of this mess alive. Weird things were
    running through your minds, because I’d chalked myself off.”

    He felt the torpedoes hit and the ship pitch to one side but realised
    he was still alive.

    And then the priority became survival. As chief engineer, he could
    tell the engines were still working. “My machinery was still intact
    and I was still making headway. I yelled through the voice tube ‘Give
    me all the steam pressure you’ve got, let’s get the hell out of this

    Eventually his ship, The USS Liberty made its way to safer waters and
    managed to take stock of the sustained attack. Thirty-four were lying
    dead, more than 171 were injured.

    The victims of the day Israel attacked America.

    The Liberty had been sitting in international waters off the Sinai
    Peninsula. A spy ship, it had been gathering information as the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War raged on land.

    <continue reading>


    Thirty-four died and over 170 were injured in Israeli attack on US
    warship during 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War.

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