• Who's Watching After You ? Mar-a-LagoVille - Fake Nursing Program Buste

    From 56g.1173@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 17 19:48:59 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.health, alt.politics.usa


    FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Three people linked to an illegal
    licensing and employment shortcut for aspiring nurses by
    the defunct Palm School of Nursing were found guilty in
    the Southern District of South Florida court after a
    three-week trial.

    On Friday in Fort Lauderrdale, jurors convicted Gail
    Russ, a registrar at the school in Lake Worth Beach,
    and two recruiters: Cassandre Jean, owner and operator
    of Success Nursing Review in Brooklyn, New York, and
    Vilaire Duroseau, owner and operator of the Center
    for Advance Training and Studies in West Orange, New Jersey.

    They were found guilty of wire fraud and conspiracy
    to commit wire fraud charges. They face up to 20 years
    in prison.

    . . .

    So, grease 'em a little and you can get a nursing
    cert even if you know diddly-squat ....

    I wonder how much of this goes on, and not just in
    THIS sensitive occupation ... and how many DIE
    because of it ...........

    Alas the demand for "service workers" is SO high
    that govt just can't really keep track of it all.

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