• "TranqAnyl" Takes Over W.Virginia

    From 56g.1173@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 11 21:56:29 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, talk.politics.drugs, alt.politics.usa


    West Virginia is becoming epicenter of 'deadliest drug threat
    America has ever faced': Lethal combination of zombie 'tranq'
    and fentanyl could exacerbate death rate in US' worst-hit
    state for opioid abuse

    The sedative - known as 'tranq' - is used to put animals to
    sleep for procedures

    Data shows xylazine is present in 20 percent of needles used
    in West Virginia

    . . .

    Hmmmmm ... they call out W.Virginia - but this is surely
    far MORE prevalent in the big Wokie cities, now heavily
    haunted by the walking dead.

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