• USA Fast Losing Sci/Tech Prominence

    From 56g.1173@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 9 23:19:51 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.elections


    America is LOSING its status as science hub of world: More than
    75% of STEM workers say China and others have surpassed US

    China is set to beat out the U.S. as a global leader in science
    and technology

    Roughly 60% of STEM workers said China will be the global leader
    in five years

    . . .

    I'd thank Joe ... but this has been in-progress for
    a few decades at least.

    MUCH easier/cheaper to just EXPORT expertise and
    production, isn't it ?

    NOW it's ready to bite a big chunk out of our
    collective asses.

    Barring something extreme, the 'future' is gonna
    be China/'asian'. They will make the innovations.
    They will set the tone. They will set the terms.

    The further 'left' is in celebration ... until
    the chunk comes out of THEIR asses too ........

    First footprints on Mars ... likely will have the
    red star imprinted on them.

    Chinese "AI" - esp military - is now at least five years
    ahead of anything in the 'west'. In modern times that's
    essentially insurmountable. The people who think up
    new things ... probably work mostly for China now even
    if they don't see the money-chain.

    The "west" ... we DID IT TO OURSELVES. Base capitalist
    and appeasement logic led to total out-sourcing ... and
    that soon included everything. Capitalism is great, but
    it requires INTELLIGENCE and INSIGHT. That's been lacking.

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