• More of my philosophy about the good professionalism and about the patt

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Mon Nov 27 14:49:15 2023

    More of my philosophy about the good professionalism and about the patterns and about artificial intelligence and about flexibility and about the deeper understanding of my new model and about OpenAI and about diabetes and about happiness and about the
    business cycle and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so now i will talk more about my personality so that you understand more how i look like , so what i also want is to also be good professionalism, so
    notice carefully that when i am for example talking about philosophy , it looks like a smart professionalism , and when i am showing you my new ideas of my philosophy , it looks like a smart professionalism , and when i am talking about artificial
    intelligence , it looks like a smart professionalism , and when i have invented in front of you many proverbs , it looks like a smart professionalism , and when i have invented many poems of Love and poems in front of you , it looks like a smart
    professionalism , so the tendency is that i also want to be good professionalism by also being the smart professionalism , and notice that i think that the good professionalism comes in a form of many layers, i mean the low level layers of
    professionalism is that you have for example to be proficient in many important languages so that to be efficient, like i am
    proficient in english and french and arabic , also the other layers above
    this low level layer of professionalism is that you have to think correctly and to think well, and it is why you are noticing that i am showing you the ideas of my philosophy so that to make you smart and so that to make you apt at thinking correctly and
    thinking well, so you are noticing the tendency of the being good professionalism , since i think that the being well educated is also so important in the today "competitive" world and it is why i am behaving in such a manner, but of course , you have to
    read all
    my below thoughts so that to also understand my views on many subjects and so that to understand my personality:

    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but now i will talk about an interesting subject , so i am discovering some important patterns with my fluid intelligence , and it is of that of the
    efficient or good allocation of the resources , i mean that in economy , the specialization in what we do better permits to more efficiently allocate the resources , so you have to know how to specialize where you have strong aptitudes so that you be
    efficient , other than that , there is another pattern that i am discovering with my fluid intelligence and it is that the competition for the reward also
    allocates more efficiently the resources , i mean when you are not competitive , you have for example to think to change your specialization for another specialization where you are more apt and competitive , other than that , we find the same pattern in
    finance that permits to more efficiently allocate the resources , since the biggest benefit of finance, is to provide opportunities to people, in the sense that in a world where there is no finance, the only way to start a company is to be born rich or
    to have saved for a long time. In a world where finance works well, the people with talent can actually start firms and reach their dreams without waiting to either have saved the money, or be lucky and receive it from their parents, and once you create
    this opportunity, you will have the most talented people take advantage of those opportunities, which favors growth, which favors a good allocation of resources and, ultimately, innovation. So then i can say that the mechanisms such the specialization in
    what you do better and the competition for the reward and the finance that creates opportunities for people have the tendency to self-organize the society so that the resources be efficiently allocated.

    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so as you have just noticed , i have just
    talked about the predictions of my new model of what is human consciousness that i have just invented , and you can read them below , so notice that one of the prediction of my new model is that artificial intelligence will mainly augment humans , but
    will not replace humans , i mean that it is the tendency and you can also notice that , looking ahead, McKinsey Global Institute also estimates that technological advances could force up to 375 million workers worldwide, out of a total of 2.7 billion, to
    change careers by 2030 , so notice that it is just around 14% , and i think, that it is the tendency , and it is why we have to be optimistic since i think that artificial intelligence will mainly augment humans , but will not replace humans , and i
    invite you to read the following
    article so that to notice it more ( And you can translate it from french to english)


    So i think flexibility is a winning card , so i think that flexibility is like smartness , since i also mean that it is really important , so for example when you are flexible you will have the tendency to balance convergent thinking with divergent
    thinking so that to be smart and creative, and when you are flexible you will have the tendency to not centralize too much , and when you are flexible , it is also good for business since you will have the tendency to be a good consumer , so it is good
    for the economy too , and flexibility is good for Diplomacy and for peace, and flexibility has also the following benefits:

    1- Adaptability: Flexibility enables individuals to adapt to changing circumstances and environments. This adaptability is crucial in both personal and professional settings, helping individuals navigate uncertainties and challenges.

    2- Innovation and Creativity: A flexible mindset encourages creative thinking and innovation. It allows individuals to consider alternative perspectives, think outside the box, and generate new ideas. This is valuable in problem-solving and promoting

    3- Effective Problem-Solving: Being flexible in your thinking allows you to approach problems from different angles and consider a variety of solutions. This can lead to more effective and efficient problem-solving.

    4- Reduced Stress: Flexibility can contribute to a more resilient mindset, reducing stress in the face of unexpected or challenging situations. Instead of resisting change, flexible individuals are more likely to adapt and find constructive solutions.

    5- Improved Relationships: Flexibility in interpersonal interactions fosters better relationships. Being open-minded, understanding, and adaptable in social situations can contribute to effective communication and positive connections with others.

    6- Career Success: In the professional world, adaptability is often associated with career success. Individuals who can navigate change, learn new skills, and embrace new ideas are more likely to thrive in dynamic work environments.

    7- Enhanced Learning: A flexible mindset facilitates continuous learning. It allows individuals to be open to new information, perspectives, and experiences, which is essential for personal and intellectual growth.

    8- Positive Leadership: Leaders with a flexible approach are often more effective. They can adjust their leadership style to different situations, consider diverse opinions, and navigate through organizational changes with greater ease.

    9- Better Decision-Making: Flexibility in thinking enables individuals to weigh different options and consider various factors before making decisions. This can lead to more informed and well-rounded decision-making.

    10- Increased Resilience: Flexibility contributes to psychological resilience. Resilient individuals can bounce back from setbacks, learn from failures, and maintain a positive outlook in the face of challenges.

    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but i have just invented a new model of what is human consciousness that permits to predict , and you can read it carefully below , so the first
    prediction of my new model of what is human consciousness is that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence but it will become a powerful tool, second prediction of my new model is that artificial intelligence will then
    mainly augment humans , but it will not replace humans , and third prediction of my model is that we have to decrypt the human brain so that we understand deeply the human consciousness so that we augment artificial intelligence with consciousness so
    that it solves the problem and so that artificial intelligence becomes artificial general intelligence or super intelligence , and fourth prediction is that my new model shows that until the next step we are more safe , since in the next step of
    understanding deeply human consciousness , we will be so powerful since humanity is progressing in an exponential progress , so then we will be able to help effectively humans even if artificial intelligence will be augmented with consciousness and will
    replace humans. So i invite you to read carefully all my below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    So i have to explain my way of thinking so that you understand me more,
    so my way of thinking is that we have to evolve our way of thinking, since we are progressing in an exponential way , so we will be really powerful in the near future, so we have not to waste our time with racial nationalism or ethnical nationalism,
    since we are going to be able to enhance our genetics in the near future, and of course in science there is only one human race that we call humans, so the most important thing is how to manage correctly the exponential progress of our humanity, so it is
    about reliability, but i think that performance is not the problem, it is reliability that is the problem, so we have to ensure that we well manage this exponential progress of our humanity, and i think it is the most important thing to do. And so that
    to know about this exponential progress of our humanity, i invite you to look at the following important video about it:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And i invite you to look in the following video at what is saying the Geneticist Jennifer Doudna that co-invented a groundbreaking new technology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9, and she is a Nobel prize and she believes that the technical
    obstacles to gene editing have been overcome and the world is rapidly approaching the day when it will be possible to make essentially any kind of change to any kind of human genome, so i think we will soon be able to enhance much more the genetics of
    humans so that humans become much more smart or much more beautiful or such, and look at the following video so that to notice it, so we have to know how to be patience, and you have to take into account our exponential progress of humanity, read about
    it in my thoughts below:

    The Era of Genetically Modified Superhumans


    More of my philosophy about intelligence and genetics and exponential
    progress and more..

    I think i am smart, and i will say that you have to read the following:

    "Genome-wide association studies allow scientists to start to see how combinations of many, many genes interact in complicated ways. And it
    takes huge data sets to sort through all the genetic noise and find
    variants that truly make a difference on traits like intelligence."

    Read more here on the following interesting article:


    So i think that it needs huge data sets to detect the "patterns" that
    explain human intelligence and such human traits, so i think that the
    data, that permits it, is growing exponentially and really fast and the computer power is also growing exponentially and really fast, so i think
    that we will be able to find all the genetic variants in the human
    genome that make a difference on traits like intelligence.

    More of my philosophy about the knee of the exponential progress curve..

    I think that the easy part is that we will soon be able to enhance much more the genetics of humans and become much more smart and much more beautiful, since i think that we have "just" already attained the knee
    of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place
    where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster
    exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our
    humanity has "just" already started to go exponentially even much
    faster, this is why in about 10 or 15 years from now we will become much more powerful because of it. And you have to look at the following video so that to understand this exponential progress of our humanity:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    I think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but now i will talk about OpenAI that has worked on a project that we call Q* , and i think that it is like Q-learning that is a type of reinforcement
    learning , so i invite you to look at the following new video about it:

    What is OpenAI’s super-secret Project Q*? | About That


    But here is my thoughts about it and my smart question to ChatGPT that
    shows the weaknesses of those types of reinforcement learning like Q* etc.:

    Q-learning is a type of reinforcement learning algorithm. Reinforcement learning is a category of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment. The agent takes actions in the environment, receives feedback
    in the form of rewards, and aims to learn a policy that maximizes the cumulative reward over time.

    So here is my smart question to ChatGPT:

    So i think there is another problem and it is that in reinforcement learning you have to measure the reward by using the data of the neural network in the Large Language Model like ChatGPT , so reinforcement learning is still limited by the data on wich
    the neural network has been trained and it is still limited by the complexity of the problem and the size of the problem and the nature of the task.

    And ChatGPT has just answered the following:

    "You've highlighted important considerations in reinforcement learning. The challenges you mentioned are indeed crucial factors that impact the effectiveness and limitations of reinforcement learning models. Let's break down these points:

    1- Data Dependency: Reinforcement learning relies on interactions with an environment to learn optimal policies. The quality and quantity of this interaction data are crucial. If the training data doesn't adequately represent the complexity and diversity
    of the environment, the learned policies may be suboptimal or biased.

    2- Neural Network Training Data: In the context of using neural networks within reinforcement learning, the training of these networks is crucial. If the initial training data for the neural network does not capture the relevant patterns or if it is
    biased, it can influence the learning process and the subsequent behavior of the agent.

    3- Complexity and Size of the Problem: The complexity and size of the state and action spaces can impact the ability of reinforcement learning models to efficiently explore and learn optimal policies. In high-dimensional or complex environments, the
    learning process can be slower, and the agent might struggle to generalize well.

    4- Nature of the Task: The nature of the task itself is a significant factor. Some tasks may have sparse rewards, making it challenging for the agent to learn the consequences of its actions. Other tasks may involve dynamic environments or non-stationary
    conditions, requiring adaptability and quick learning.

    5- Transfer Learning and Generalization: Reinforcement learning models may face difficulties in generalizing their learned policies to new, unseen situations. Transfer learning, where knowledge gained in one domain is applied to another, is an active
    area of research to address this limitation.

    It's essential to acknowledge that reinforcement learning has made impressive strides in various domains, including playing games, robotic control, and natural language processing. However, the challenges you've identified highlight that reinforcement
    learning is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its effectiveness can vary depending on the characteristics of the problem at hand.

    Researchers are actively working on improving reinforcement learning algorithms, exploring new techniques for more efficient exploration, addressing issues of sample efficiency, and enhancing the generalization capabilities of models. As technology and
    research progress, we can expect advancements that mitigate some of these limitations and make reinforcement learning more applicable to a wider range of tasks and environments."

    And i invite you to read carefully about my new model of what is human consciousness , that i have just invented , in the following web link that also shows that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence , but artificial
    intelligence will become a powerful tool:


    Scientists at Stanford University bring down the frequency of diabetes medicine from daily to just once every four months , so i invite you to read
    the following new article so that to notice this new invention:

    This new hydrogel could cut daily diabetes shots to just three a year


    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , and now i will explain more my philosophy so that you smartly understand it:

    So i think happiness comes from smartness , but it is the first abstraction , so i think you have to understand it in more details , so i think that it has to be the necessary smartness that permits you to adapt in a good way , so i think it is also the
    basis of a good education, since the education system has not to make you specialized rapidly or too much specialized, but it has to give you a basis of a general education that permits you to adapt in a good way , but not only that , but you are
    understanding from my thoughts below of my philosophy , that the education system has also to "guide" you in a good way so that you know what is the good philosophy that permits you to be successful , so i mean that it has to give you the necessary
    generalities of what is the good philosophy so that you be efficient , and it is my way of doing here, so i am showing you my thoughts of my philosophy that i think is smart so that to make you smart so that you be successful so that you be happy, so you
    are understanding from it that i am a good person that is also wanting to help humanity in my kind of way , so now i think that you are understanding my kind of personality , so i invite you to read my thoughts below of my philosophy so that to
    understand my views , and i also invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy in the following web link that also talks about my new model of what is human consciousness that i have just invented that shows the limitations of artificial
    intelligence and that also talks in a sophisticated manner about the genetic algorithm and that also show you the new ideas of my philosophy etc. , so i invite you to read carefully in the following web link of my thoughts:


    So i think i am also a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but of course you have also to know that in economy there is a business cycle , and the boom and bust cycle is a process of economic expansion and contraction
    that occurs repeatedly. The boom and bust cycle is a key characteristic of capitalist economies and is sometimes synonymous with the business cycle , the contraction of the economy can be the having a recession, and as i am saying below that a recession
    is localized and it can , like for the trade deficit , be managed , but you have to know also that we manage the business cycle also through fiscal policy by both taxing people more and the spending less by the government during an economic boom and by
    both the taxing people less and the spending more by the government during an economic downturn , but so that to understand more , i invite you to read my following interesting thoughts in the following web link that are also related to the business
    cycles too:


    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so i will say that according to the World Health Report, one is in good health when one feels good in his or her body, in his or her mind, and in his or
    her social environment, so now you are understanding my way of doing , since we can ask what is the efficient model that is creative that makes us be in a good health ? , so i think that it is the good philosophy that makes us smart by following it and
    that finally makes us be in a good health , so it is why i am also showing you my thoughts of my philosophy below that i think is smart , so i invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy so that you understand my views and so that you
    understand my kind of personality:

    So i have just looked at the following pessimistic view in the following video about consumerism:

    The Problem with consumerism


    So i think that the above person on the above video is giving as an example the south Korean model , but i think he is missing something ,
    since i think that consumerism was still problematic for climate change in south Korea despite massive investments in clean energy since i think it was not the enough massive investments in clean energy , it is why i think that consumerism was still
    problematic since south Korea's emissions rose by 11.8% , so i think we have not to be pessimistic since we have to have the enough massive investments in clean energy that solves the problem , so i invite you to read the following article that explains
    we have to be optimistic about it:

    "Prof. Gunnar Trumbull spoke of “a new reality” in global climate policy. Until recently, people looked to the United Nations to set the climate policy agenda. No longer, according to Trumbull. As the cost for renewables has declined, governments now
    see renewable energy and decarbonization technologies as requirements of global competition. Governments are subsidizing these technologies and protecting the profits of the businesses that do the work. “That’s how we’re going to solve climate
    change,” Trumbull said. Countries will “compete their way out of it.” This new policy approach is a cause for optimism, according to Trumbull."

    Read more here:

    Choosing To Be Optimistic about Climate Change


    Other than that , the global average ecological footprint is 2.84 gha per person while the average biocapacity is 1.68 gha per person; it takes 1.69 Earth to cover the consumption of humanity; but i think economic growth can be separated from
    unsustainable resource consumption and harmful pollution. It is what our humanity has to do by using science and technology.

    Some benchmarks for the year 2014:

    The global average ecological footprint is 2.84 gha per person while the average biocapacity is 1.68 gha per person; it takes 1.69 Earth to cover
    the consumption of humanity; and this global average ecological
    footprint brings problems.

    A French person needs 4.7 gha to maintain his standard of living. If all
    humans consumed as much as a Frenchman, we would need 2.79 planets;

    An American needs 8.37 gha for his consumption. If all humans consumed
    like an American, we would need 4.97 planets;

    A Brazilian has an ecological footprint of 3.08 hag (1.83 planet);

    A Chinese has a footprint of 3.71 hag (2.21 planets);

    An Indian has a footprint of 1.12 hag (0.67 planet).

    a Haitian has a footprint of 0.67 hag (0.4 planet).

    And i think that the above problem of the global ecological footprint
    will be solved by technology and science as is saying it the above article, and i invite you to read the following interesting article so that to understand it:

    The Limits of the Earth, Part 1: Problems

    "In my own new book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a
    Finite Planet, I challenge this view. The problem isn’t economic growth,
    per se. Nor is the problem that our natural resources are too small.
    While finite, the natural resources the planet supplies are vast and far
    larger than humanity needs in order to continue to thrive and grow
    prosperity for centuries to come. The problem, rather, is the types of resources we access, and the manner and efficiency with which we use them.

    And the ultimate solution to those problems is innovation – innovation
    in the science and technology that we use to tap into physical
    resources, and innovation in the economic system that steers our

    The situation we’re in isn’t a looming wall that we’re doomed to crash into. It’s a race – a race between depletion and pollution of natural resources on one side, and our pace of innovation on the other."

    Read more here:


    So i think i am also a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas
    of my philosophy below , but now i will talk about an important subject
    in philosophy and it is: From where comes the value in capitalism ? ,
    so , firstly , so that to answer correctly the question , we have also to know if it is a subjective value or an objective value , so i think that the value in capitalism comes from for example the expectation of future value of an item and/or from its
    prestige and/or from its utility , but notice carefully that since we want to adapt more efficiently or efficiently, we are wanting and seeking to buy the things that make us be the more perfect or more perfection that permits us to adapt more
    efficiently or efficiently , like wanting to be well educated and like wanting to subscribe to ChatGPT plus so that to use GPT-4 and become more and more smart or like buying a computer and accessing internet so that to become more and more smart and the
    like , so it is an important great tendency , so then we can say that it is not just a subjective value , other than that , we want also to be happy , and it is why we want to listen to and look at the songs and musics with the good vibes , so the good
    vibes make us happy , so they are also an important tendency , and we want to look at the good movies because they makes us happy , so as you notice that we have not to be pessimistic , since it is not what we call the subjective value , since as i am
    saying it that we are also wanting and seeking to buy the things that make us be the more perfect or more perfection that permits us to adapt more efficiently or efficiently , so it is the great tendency i think.

    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but now i have to logically infer with my fluid intelligence important things from my previous thoughts below , so you have first to also understand that
    from also the empirical studies the tendency is that capitalism is not a zero-sum game , and you have to understand that the trade deficit becomes not problematic in a capitalism of not a zero-sum game, since it can be managed , so for example you can
    buy from other countries and be also strategic by knowing that capitalism is not a zero-sum game, so it has the tendency to make it not the violent way of doing , but the very important thing that i can also logically infer from my previous thoughts
    below about the fact that capitalism is not a zero-sum game , is the fact that you have to stabilize the countries by making them peaceful countries , since self-sufficiency is not the good way , but the way of specialization is the good way , so for
    example Israel in the one side and Palestine and the Arab world in the other side have to be peace between them so that to make capitalism successful , and the Arab world and Africa have for example to be enough stable countries so that they permit
    capitalism to be successful by the way of specialization that is the good way, so the Democratic principles are also important as mechanisms that bring stability, but the last thing that i can logically infer from my below previous thoughts , is also
    that we have to ensure that there is no theft between countries that is detrimental to capitalism so that we be successful , so then the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and
    its principal federal law enforcement agency and such law enforcement agencies around the world are really important so that they prevent crimes and such crimes that are detrimental to capitalism. So i invite you to read the new ideas of my philosophy
    below and to read my thoughts below so that to understand my views:

    So i think i am also a smart new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but you have seen me talking previously about how capitalism is not a zero-sum game, read it in my below thoughts , so now i will explain from where
    comes the fact that capitalism is not a zero-sum game , so here are my smart questions to ChatGPT that make you understand it:

    So here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    So when we say that capitalism is not a zero-sum game , so that means that people are specialized in what they do better.

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Yes, that's one aspect of the idea that capitalism is not a zero-sum game. Specialization and the division of labor are key principles that contribute to the positive-sum nature of capitalism. Here's how it works:

    1- Specialization and Comparative Advantage: In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses often specialize in what they do best. This specialization is based on the concept of comparative advantage, which suggests that even if one party is more
    efficient than another in all productive activities, both can still benefit from specialization and trade. Each party focuses on what it does relatively better or more efficiently.

    2- Mutual Benefit through Trade: When specialized entities or individuals trade with each other, they can both end up better off than they would be in a scenario where each tried to be self-sufficient. This is because they can exchange goods and services
    in a way that maximizes their overall well-being. For example, if one person is skilled at producing shoes and another at growing food, they can trade shoes for food, and both will have a more diverse set of goods without having to master both skills.

    [continued in next message]

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