• More of my philosophy about productivity and about the brainpower and a

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 17 17:15:45 2023

    More of my philosophy about productivity and about the brainpower and about diversification of economy and about Israel and Palestine and about the technicality of it and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i will say that increasing productivity in a country is important for several reasons, as it contributes to overall economic growth, improved living standards, and competitiveness. Here are some key reasons why increasing productivity is considered

    1- Economic Growth: Productivity is a key driver of economic growth. When a country produces more goods and services with the same or fewer resources, it leads to an increase in output and, consequently, economic expansion. This growth can result in
    higher incomes, lower unemployment rates, and a higher standard of living for the population.

    2- Competitiveness: In a globalized world, countries compete with each other in the international market. Higher productivity allows a country to produce goods and services more efficiently and at lower costs, making its products more competitive in the
    global marketplace. This competitiveness is essential for attracting foreign investment, expanding exports, and creating jobs.

    3- Job Creation: Increased productivity often leads to the creation of more jobs. As businesses become more efficient, they can expand their operations, invest in new technologies, and hire additional workers. This, in turn, helps reduce unemployment
    rates and contributes to a healthier job market.

    4- Innovation and Technological Advancement: Improving productivity often involves the adoption of new technologies and innovative practices. This not only makes production processes more efficient but also drives technological advancement in various
    industries. In the long run, this fosters innovation and enhances a country's capacity for sustained economic growth.

    5- Income Growth: Higher productivity can lead to increased incomes for both businesses and individuals. When businesses become more efficient, they may experience higher profits, which can be reinvested in the business or distributed to shareholders.
    Additionally, workers in productive industries may see higher wages over time.

    6- Quality of Life: Ultimately, the goal of economic development is to improve the quality of life for the population. Increased productivity contributes to higher incomes, which can be used to enhance living standards. This includes better access to
    education, healthcare, housing, and other essential services.

    7- Resource Efficiency: Productivity improvements often involve using resources more efficiently, reducing waste, and adopting sustainable practices. This is crucial for environmental sustainability and ensuring that economic growth does not come at the
    expense of depleting natural resources or causing environmental harm.

    In summary, increasing productivity is a fundamental driver of economic development, job creation, global competitiveness, and overall improvements in the well-being of a country's citizens. It allows nations to make better use of their resources and
    adapt to the dynamic challenges of the global economy.

    And as i have just said that we have to be optimistic , since we are solving an important problem of the productivity gains using artificial intelligence and automation and you can read about it in my following thoughts:

    So i think i am also a smart philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but now i have to talk about a so important thing in economy , and it is that compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about growth today. There has been
    a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of production capital investment and labor to propel economic growth , so it is what was happening , so i think it is why we were investing too much money for a not so good gains in productivity ,
    since we were also doing it by being too much debt, and it was not a good thing , but the new revolution of artificial intelligence is solving the problem in a good way , so the Goldman Sachs study predicts productivity will grow by 1.5% per year because
    of the adoption of generative AI alone, which would be nearly double the rate from 2010 and 2018. McKinsey is even more aggressive, saying this technology and other forms of automation will usher in the “next productivity frontier,” pushing it as
    high as 3.3% a year by 2040 (And you can read about it in the following article: https://fortune.com/2023/06/25/ai-effect-jobs-remote-work-productivity-paradox-computers-iphone-chatgpt/ ) , so we have to be optimistic about the revolution of artificial
    intelligence and about the productivity gains from it. So as you are noticing , that my below new model of what is human consciousness is showing the limitations of artificial intelligence and it is showing that we will not attain artificial general
    intelligence, and it is also saying that artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is a powerful tool that will solve the problem of the productivity gains as i am saying it above. Also i invite you to read my following interesting thoughts in the
    following web link about subjects about economy that are related to what i am saying above:


    I think i am also a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so there is still an important thing to know and here it is:

    So i think that USA will still be a superpower in the future and here is the two most important reasons why:

    The first one is the following:

    Let's look for example at USA, so read the following from Jonathan Wai that is a Ph.D., it says:

    "Heiner Rindermann and James Thompson uncovered that the “smart fraction” of a country is quite influential in impacting the performance of that country, for example, its GDP."

    And it also says the following:

    "“According to recent population estimates, there are about eight Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains. But consider that the U.S. benefits from the smart fractions of every other country in the world because it
    continues to serve as a magnet for brainpower, something that is not even factored into these rankings.

    What these rankings clearly show is America is likely still in the lead in terms of brainpower. And this is despite the fact federal funding for educating our smart fraction is currently zero. Everyone seems worried Americans are falling behind, but this
    is because everyone is focusing on average and below average people. Maybe it’s time we started taking a closer look at the smartest people of our own country."

    Read more here:


    So as you are noticing it's immigrants(and there are about eight Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains) that are making USA a rich country.

    And read also the following interesting article so that to understand more:

    "Why Silicon Valley Wouldn’t Work Without Immigrants

    There are many theories for why immigrants find so much success in tech. Many American-born tech workers point out that there is no shortage of American-born employees to fill the roles at many tech companies. Researchers have found that more than enough
    students graduate from American colleges to fill available tech jobs. Critics of the industry’s friendliness toward immigrants say it comes down to money — that technology companies take advantage of visa programs, like the H-1B system, to get
    foreign workers at lower prices than they would pay American-born ones.

    But if that criticism rings true in some parts of the tech industry, it misses the picture among Silicon Valley’s top companies. One common misperception of Silicon Valley is that it operates like a factory; in that view, tech companies can hire just
    about anyone from anywhere in the world to fill a particular role.

    But today’s most ambitious tech companies are not like factories. They’re more like athletic teams. They’re looking for the LeBrons and Bradys — the best people in the world to come up with some brand-new, never-before-seen widget, to completely
    reimagine what widgets should do in the first place.

    “It’s not about adding tens or hundreds of thousands of people into manufacturing plants,” said Aaron Levie, the co-founder and chief executive of the cloud-storage company Box. “It’s about the couple ideas that are going to be invented that
    are going to change everything.”

    Why do tech honchos believe that immigrants are better at coming up with those inventions? It’s partly a numbers thing. As the tech venture capitalist Paul Graham has pointed out, the United States has only 5 percent of the world’s population; it
    stands to reason that most of the world’s best new ideas will be thought up by people who weren’t born here.

    If you look at some of the most consequential ideas in tech, you find an unusual number that were developed by immigrants. For instance, Google’s entire advertising business — that is, the basis for the vast majority of its revenues and profits, the
    engine that allows it to hire thousands of people in the United States — was created by three immigrants: Salar Kamangar and Omid Kordestani, who came to the United States from Iran, and Eric Veach, from Canada.

    But it’s not just a numbers thing. Another reason immigrants do so well in tech is that people from outside bring new perspectives that lead to new ideas."

    Read more here:


    And the second reason is the following:

    So i think that USA will solve its deficit problem efficiently,
    and i think that's not the problem, since i also think that USA is
    borrowing mostly at a low interest rates, since i think in a long-term the interest rates at wich it is borrowing are low since USA is also a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that the USA government can
    handle a "much" heavier debt load since also USA is a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that USA debt is not problematic, also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, since the USA
    debt is not problematic as i am explaining it, and i also say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem, so China is
    constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively,
    and China has other problems such as the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA, it is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to
    understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    And i invite you to read the following interesting article about education system in USA:

    America's Not-So-Broken Education System

    Read more here:


    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but you are noticing that i am talking like i am talking about Israel and about the Arab world , since the technicality of it is that from the economic
    integration you create peace and you create prosperity and you diversify much more your economy so that it be resilient , and from the economic integration you attract much more economic investment so that to be prosperity and so that to be much more
    economic diversification so that to be a resilient economy , so as you are noticing that Hamas is not smart by not thinking it like i am thinking it , so it is why i am calling Israel to be wise by following the wise way that i am talking about below:

    So i think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so i think i am a smart guy and now i will talk more
    about what is happening to palestinians of Gaza , so i think that the problematic comes from a certain "level" of extremism by the government of Israel of the right political party of Benjamin Netanyahu, i don't mean that it is a complete failure, but i
    think that the government of Israel has to know how to give dignity to the Palestinians so that to receive dignity, i mean that the government of Israel has not to think small of Israel without the Arab world, since it has to think big , since i think
    that we know that jews and arabs have to live in peace between each others , and not only that , but we know that there has to be an economic integration between jews of Israel and the arabs of the Arab world so that it be efficient , so notice that the
    economic integration between the Arab world and Israel is also thinking big for Israel, so we have to enlarge our point of view and we have to know that , as i am saying it below , a successful economic integration between Israel and the Arab world has a
    great importance , and it is why the government of Benjamin Netanyahu has not to become too emotional and hateful, but it has to follow the wise way so that it be successful , so it has to avoid the narrow mindset that makes jews and arabs more and more
    divided , so it is why we have to be smart.

    So i come from Morocco and i think i am also a new philosopher, and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below, but i am also an inventor of many poems of Love and poems and you can read them in the below web link, and i am also an inventor of many
    proverbs and you can read them in the below web link, but i am also a musician who knows about music, so since i come from Morocco and i am moroccan, so i invite you to listen to how look like Moroccan songs and music in "english", so since Morocco is
    adapting quickly by also speaking english, so i invite you to listen to the following Moroccan new singer called Ahmed Chawki that also sings in english, and he is a singer, songwriter and producer and he has composed all his songs in english too, and
    his style of his english songs don't look like black Rap songs and music , but they come with a Moroccan style, so first you can read about him here in wikepedia:

    Ahmed Chawki


    And here is some of his beautiful songs in english, so i invite you to look at them and listen to them carefully so that you learn more about how moroccans sing in english:

    Here is the first one:

    Chawki ft. Dr. Alban - It's My Live (Don't Worry) [Official Video]


    And look at the following other beautiful song from him:

    Chawki - Time Of Our Lives (Official Music Video)


    And you can read my thoughts in the following web link about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs:


    And read more of my following thoughts about cancer and about health and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs etc.:


    And here are my previous thoughts about antibiotic resistance etc. in the following web link:


    So i invite you to read carefully my following new interesting thoughts about the future of our humanity so that to understand some really important things:

    "NASA is trying to figure out how to contain a supervolcano that could destroy humanity, NASA researchers are considering cooling by water,
    NASA has an alternative solution: drill 10 kilometers deep into the supervolcano and pump water down under high pressure. This would slowly lower the temperature day by day.

    Above all, it is important to drill into the sides of the volcano instead of directly at the tip of the magma reservoir, because drilling there could even accelerate the eruption of the volcano. The catch is that the plan comes with a hefty pricetag: $3.
    46 billion."

    Read more here:


    "Nasa’s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano

    "There are around 20 known supervolcanoes on Earth, with major eruptions occurring on average once every 100,000 years. One of the greatest threats an eruption may pose is thought to be starvation, with a prolonged volcanic winter potentially prohibiting
    civilisation from having enough food for the current population. And Supervolcano threat is substantially greater than the asteroid or comet threat."

    Read more here:


    So the most recent Supervolcano eruption was the Taupo eruption in New Zealand, which occurred approximately 26,500 years ago , so since as saying it the above article that the major eruptions are occurring on average once every 100,000 years , so it
    makes it a low probability to have a major eruption in the next 1000 years.

    And Asteroids that pose a significant threat to Earth are relatively rare , but i invite you to read the following interesting article so that to understand how can we stop an asteroid from hitting Earth:


    Also Supernova explosions are not common events, and the likelihood of a supernova close enough to Earth to cause harm is extremely low. A supernova occurs when a massive star reaches the end of its life cycle and undergoes a catastrophic explosion.
    While these events release an enormous amount of energy and can outshine entire galaxies, the distances between stars in our Milky Way galaxy are vast, reducing the chances of a supernova affecting Earth.

    So i think what is so important is also to avoid the damages to our civilization that can be caused by severe solar storms, so notice how i am giving the probabilities of it below , but you have to be careful and be sure that we be safe from the damages
    of the severe solar storms, so read my following thoughts about it:

    I have just read the following new article on Interesting Engineering , and i invite you to read it:


    So the above article is not so precise, so here is more information so that
    you know about the probability of it:

    A study published in 2019 found the chance of a Carrington-like event occurring before 2029 is less than 1.9 percent.

    Are we ready for the next Big Solar storm?

    Read more here:


    And based on available data, there's roughly a one percent chance of seeing another Miyake Event within the next decade and a Miyake Event can be 80 times more powerful than a Carrington-like event, read more here in the following article:


    University of Tübingen's researchers unveil a groundbreaking solar cell for decentralized green hydrogen production, revolutionizing renewable energy. This breakthrough technology opens the door to large-scale applications, even with lower efficiencies.
    This advancement have the potential to make a significant contribution to energy supply and the reduction of CO2 emissions on a global scale.

    Read more here on Interesting Engineering:


    Cows and other farm animals produce about 14% of human-induced climate emissions, and it is methane from their burps and manure that is seen as both the biggest concern and best opportunity for tackling global heating. Methane is more potent at warming
    the earth than carbon dioxide and it is an important emission target for policymakers because it leaves the atmosphere more quickly than carbon dioxide. The world's one billion+ cows are responsible for about 40% of global methane emissions - a
    significant contributor to global warming. And i invite you to read carefully the following new article from Interesting Engineering about how scientists have just engineered climate-smart cows with 10 to 20 times more milk, and it permits to reduce the
    number of cows so that to reduce much more global warming , since Methane is responsible for around 30% of the current rise in global temperature:


    "Prof. Gunnar Trumbull spoke of “a new reality” in global climate policy. Until recently, people looked to the United Nations to set the climate policy agenda. No longer, according to Trumbull. As the cost for renewables has declined, governments now
    see renewable energy and decarbonization technologies as requirements of global competition. Governments are subsidizing these technologies and protecting the profits of the businesses that do the work. “That’s how we’re going to solve climate
    change,” Trumbull said. Countries will “compete their way out of it.” This new policy approach is a cause for optimism, according to Trumbull."

    Read more here:

    Choosing To Be Optimistic about Climate Change


    And i think that phosphorus is not really a problem, since read the following carefully so that you notice it:

    Pedro Sanchez, director of the Agriculture and Food Security Center at the Earth Institute, does not believe there is a phosphorus shortage. “In my long 50-year career, “ he said, “once every decade, people say we are going to run out of phosphorus.
    Each time this is disproven. All the most reliable estimates show that we have enough phosphate rock resources to last between 300 and 400 more years.”

    Read more here:


    "Rare Metals and Metalloids (RMs) are physically and chemically dissimilar to rare earth elements. However the RMs are diverse and share few overarching similarities. The critical rare metals (RMs) and metalloids discussed in this section are niobium,
    tantalum, cobalt, indium, zirconium, gallium, and lithium. Most of these elements are mined in substantial quantities that meet world demand. However, the few countries that possess economically viable sources of critical elements are also experiencing
    booms in technological industry, exploitation of workers, and political instability. This endangers the world supply of RMs over the next 100 years unless changes are made to mining and the consumption of these elements. This overview will serve to
    outline basic background information behind this element group."

    Read more here:


    "The rare earth elements (REEs) are comprised of the lanthanide elements plus scandium and yttrium, which have similar physical properties and are often found in the same ores and deposits. Specifically, REEs include the light REEs (LREEs) such as
    lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, and the heavy REEs (HREEs) gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium and yttrium.

    While most of these elements are not actually rare in terms of general amount of these elements in the earth's crust, they are rarely found in sufficient abundance in a single location for their mining to be economically viable. REEs have many important
    applications in modern technology for which there is no equal substitute, but an increasing demand for these elements is straining supply."

    Read more here:


    "Today, the world produces 150% more food on only 13% more land compared with 1960, thanks to many innovations in food production made over the years. We produce enough food to feed 1.5x the global population. That's enough to feed 10 billion yet we are
    at just over 7 billion currently. There is enough for everyone."

    Read more here:


    And read here on the following journal of substainable agriculture so that to notice it:

    We Already Grow Enough Food for 10 Billion People


    And the world population is expected to reach 10.4 billion in 2100 and to stabilize at 10 billion around year 2070.

    Read more here:


    So i don't think food for the growing population is a problem , and notice
    that in year 2080 or 2100 we will be so powerful because of the exponential progress of our humanity, so we are going to solve many many of our problems, and i invite you to look at the following interesting video about it:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    So i think i am a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so now i will talk more so that to make you understand
    my way of doing that is , i think , pragmatic. So as you are noticing , i am also talking about economy and about capitalism and giving a great importance to them, since it is the difficult part , i mean having a successful economy is for example much
    more difficult than the redistribution of income and wealth , other than that , you have to know that the competition for the reward in capitalism increases in an appreciable way both productivity and quality and it has as a result of advancing the
    standard of living of people, so then from my new idea of my philosophy below , you have to notice that i am saying that even with the existence of a low class or lower class, i think that the solution is to enhance the quality of the lives of the low
    class or lower class using technology such as the providing with tools on internet such as Youtube and Facebook and ChatGPT and the like , so i think that technology enhances the quality of our lives , so then i think you are understanding more my way of
    doing of my philosophy , since from my explanation you are understanding that capitalism makes the things optimized and efficient by the way of competition for the reward that by the way of innovation brings technologies that enhances the quality of our
    lives , and it is why i am also talking about technology in an appreciable way in my below thoughts , and of course that in the competition for the reward in capitalism , the reward has to also be the good reward by allowing the rich to be rich in

    So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    So i think i am also a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but as you are noticing i am not speaking about redistribution of income and wealth , and we know that redistribution of income and wealth is the transfer of
    income and wealth (including physical property) from some individuals to others through a social mechanism such as taxation, welfare, public services, land reform, monetary policies, confiscation, divorce or tort law. The term typically refers to
    redistribution on an economy-wide basis rather than between selected individuals. So you have to understand why i am not speaking about redistribution of income and wealth , since i am considering that economy is much more important , since when the
    economy is successful , so the rest of how to do the redistribution of income and wealth becomes easy , so i think that we have to give a great importance to economy so that to be successful , since having a successful economy is much more difficult than
    the redistribution of income and wealth , so then you are understanding my way of doing in my philosophy , so i invite you to read carefully my below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    I think i am also a new philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , so i have just talked about the lifestyle of Western countries and about the lifestyle of the Arab world , so i think we have not
    to be pessimistic about the lifestyle of Western countries , since there is still the conservatives in USA and in other countries of the western world that take care of the family values etc. , so then i think that you have to look at my new ideas of my philosophy below and be optimistic:

    So i think i am a new smart philosopher , and i think what remains is also to know that a recession is localized , so it is like the trade deficit and they are both not so problematic since they can be both managed , and depression is really rare and it
    is unlikely , so i think that holistically we can be optimistic , since you have to read my below thoughts in the below web link about capitalism so that you notice it , other than that you have to understand that the Democratic principles in Democracy
    are like competition for the reward in capitalism , since competition for the reward also creates diversity of choices of products and services and of the price or quantity or quality , so Democratic principles of Democracy are like competition for the
    reward that creates the diversity of choices in a form of the political parties , so of course the choices in Democracy have to be sellable like in capitalism , i mean if you are extremist like a political party of the far-right or if you are extremist
    like neo-nazis or if you are extremist like white supremacists and the like, so i think this kind of extremism is not sellable in Democracy or it is really difficult to be sellable, and of course that in Democracy the medias have to inform objectively
    about the choices, and notice carefully that i am saying that we have to be optimistic about competition for the reward in capitalism as i am explaining it in my below thoughts of my philosophy as the following:

    [continued in next message]

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