• More precision of my philosophy about the lifestyle and about morality

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 14 19:01:35 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about the lifestyle and about morality and about the world and about the good spirit and about smartness and about identity and about Quantum computers and about AMD supercomputer and about Aurora supercomputer and about
    EUV and about 3D stacking and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think i am also a new smart philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below, so i have just looked at the following video
    of a french that is talking about western countries:

    Le DÉCLIN de l'OCCIDENT est-il inéluctable ? (Israel-Palestine, Ukraine, Covid19) | Slobodan Despot


    So i think that the above french person is not understanding what is happening in an islamic system like in Gaza or is not understanding
    what is happening in the arab world , so for example we can
    ask why the islamic system of Gaza is not a democratic islamic system ,
    but you have to understand that you have to look at the context , since
    i think that the context is not suited for an islamic democratic system in
    Gaza like in the islamic "democratic" system of Iran, other than that , so we can ask why it is an islamic system in Gaza , so i think that you have to look at the context so that to understand , since i think that for example Hamas is not accepting the
    lifestyle of western countries , and they are not accepting the lifestyle of USA , but not only that , but i think that many arab countries are not accepting fully the lifestyle of western countries , so i mean that there can be a certain level of
    freedom , but it is not fully the freedom of the lifestyle of western countries , since in arab countries and even in Turkey and Iran we don't accept the macho lifestyle or the sadomasochist lifestyle or the like , so you are understanding what look like
    the constraints in arab countries , so it is why you have to understand the constraints so that to understand , so for example the lifestyle of Israel looks like the lifestyle in western countries , so it is why it is not easy for arab countries to
    accept the Israel lifestyle and it is not easy for Hamas to accept the Israel lifestyle.

    So i think i am a new smart philosopher , and i think what's remain is also to know that a recession is localized , so it is like the trade deficit and they are both not so problematic since they can be both managed , and depression is really rare and it
    is unlikely , so i think that holistically we can be optimistic , since you have to read my below thoughts in the below web link about capitalism so that you notice it , other than that you have to understand that the Democratic principles in Democracy
    are like competition for the reward in capitalism , since competition for the reward also creates diversity of choices of products and services and of the price or quantity or quality , so Democratic principles of Democracy are like competition for the
    reward that creates the diversity of choices in a form of the political parties , so of course the choices in Democracy have to be sellable like in capitalism , i mean if you are extremist like a political party of the far-right or if you are extremist
    like neo-nazis or if you are extremist like white supremacists and the like, so i think this kind of extremism is not sellable in Democracy or it is really difficult to be sellable, and of course that in Democracy the medias have to inform objectively
    about the choices, and notice carefully that i am saying that we have to be optimistic about competition for the reward in capitalism as i am explaining it in my below thoughts of my philosophy as the following:

    So i think you are understanding my thoughts about competition for the reward in capitalism, so you have to read them below , so as you are noticing from my thoughts below that we have to be optimistic about capitalism , also you have to understand that
    the trade deficit is holistically not a really a problem , since you have to understand that , holistically , capitalism is not a zero sum game and with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still
    ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital , so then i think that you can buy from other countries so that to be strategic by also knowing that the trade deficit is not really holistically a problem like i am explaining it, so it is
    the same for competition for the reward in capitalism , so you can be competition for the reward in capitalism by knowing that holistically capitalism is not a zero sum game and with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living
    standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital , so then competition for the reward in capitalism is not really a problem, like in the case of the trade deficit, so i think that we can be optimistic about
    capitalism , and i invite you to read
    all my thoughts in the following web link so that to understand my views on capitalism and on different subjects:


    I think i am a new smart philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link , so i think there is one other new idea of my philosophy that i will add to my philosophy and it is the following:

    So it is a failure to think that we have to make all the individuals of the society rich so that they be happy , since i think that we will still
    have the low class and the average class and high class , so how can we solve the problem ? , so i think that the solution comes from technology ,
    since when you look at for example at the tools of internet like Youtube and Facebook and ChatGPT and the like , they have enhanced the quality of our lives , so i think that it is the idea , since i think that the quality of our lives are enhanced by
    technology and it is why i am giving a great importance to technology by also talking about it in my below thoughts , so i think from my thoughts about capitalism in the below web link and from my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link and from
    my thoughts below, i think that we have to be optimistic about the future , since i also think that from my thoughts in the below web link about artificial intelligence you can notice that artificial intelligence will mainly augment humans , but will not
    replace humans, so we have to be optimistic about it , other than that here is also one part of my thoughts about artificial intelligence that also shows one important benefit of artificial intelligence and automation:

    So i think i am also a smart philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy below , but now i have to talk about a so important thing in economy , and it is that compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about growth today. There has been
    a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of production capital investment and labor to propel economic growth , so it is what was happening , so i think it is why we were investing too much money for a not so good gains in productivity ,
    since we were also doing it by being too much debt, and it was not a good thing , but the new revolution of artificial intelligence is solving the problem in a good way , so the Goldman Sachs study predicts productivity will grow by 1.5% per year because
    of the adoption of generative AI alone, which would be nearly double the rate from 2010 and 2018. McKinsey is even more aggressive, saying this technology and other forms of automation will usher in the “next productivity frontier,” pushing it as
    high as 3.3% a year by 2040 (And you can read about it in the following article: https://fortune.com/2023/06/25/ai-effect-jobs-remote-work-productivity-paradox-computers-iphone-chatgpt/ ) , so we have to be optimistic about the revolution of artificial
    intelligence and about the productivity gains from it. So as you are noticing , that my below new model of what is human consciousness is showing the limitations of artificial intelligence and it is showing that we will not attain artificial general
    intelligence, and it is also saying that artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is a powerful tool that will solve the problem of the productivity gains as i am saying it above. Also i invite you to read my following interesting thoughts in the
    following web link about subjects about economy that are related to what i am saying above:


    So i think i am also a smart new philosopher, and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link , so now i will talk about an
    interesting subject , so as you are noticing that i look like a smart guy ,
    so why i look like a smart guy ?, so of course i can talk and think and write and read in english or french or arabic , but you have to understand from
    where comes smartness so that you understand how i am a smart guy , so i say that smartness comes not only from the IQ and not only from knowledge , but also from experience , so experience also creates the
    knowledge , but so that to abstract correctly , i have to show that
    smartness also comes from experience , and not only that , but smartness can come from the tools that you are using, and i am also explaining it like the following:

    So i have just looked at the following video , and i invite you to look at it carefully:

    The Dawn of Superhumans - Evolution 2.0


    So i think that the above video is not saying that we are already in the era of Cyborgs, and here is my logical proof of it:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so i have just received the following answer from a person in the french newsgroup forum of fr.soc.politique, so
    here it is and read it carefully:

    "Inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms is a great achievement, but it does not necessarily make someone "smart." "

    So i think that i am discovering a pattern with my fluid intelligence and it is that the above person is saying that the process of inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms doesn't necessarily make someone "smart", but i think that the above person
    is not answering correctly, since i think that the above person is speaking about the "process" of "inventing", but you have to know that the scalable algorithms and algorithms can be the finished invented tool and you can also make yourself smart by
    using or selling this finished invented tool, so the making yourself smart doesn't come just from IQ and the culture , but the making yourself smart can come from using or selling the finished invented tool. So then you can for example make yourself
    smart by knowing how to "use" the tool of internet, and the knowing how to use the tool that we call internet can be a not so difficult process that make you smart, so then we can logically infer that the smartness that is the tool of internet is an "
    extension" of smartness of humans that is used so that to become smart, so then we can then logically infer that you can become like a Cyborg by using this or that tool such as internet, so then smartness is not only IQ and culture, but it is the "
    extension" of you and of your smartness that is the "tool" such as internet, since the tool such as internet is also an artificial smartness, so we are not just humans, but we are becoming like Cyborgs by using smart tools such as internet or ChatGPT as
    extensions of us.

    And here is more logical proof of a video from Elon Musk that says that we are already Cyborgs and look at it carefully:

    We are already cyborgs | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016


    So you have to understand that i look like a smart guy since i am also inventing the tools that make me smart , like inventing new ideas of my philosophy that you can read in the below web link and and like inventing many algorithms and like inventing a
    new model of what is consciousness that you can read in the below web link and like inventing new proverbs that you can read in the below web link and like inventing new poems of and poems of Love that you can read in the below web link , and not only
    that , but i am an educated guy and not only that but i am an experienced guy , since smartness comes also from experience, and here is more of my thoughts about my experience:

    I have worked both in Quebec Canada and in New Brunswick Canada as a software developer and as a network administrator, and i have also worked for an Hospital in USA as a software developer consultant and they were satisfied about my work, and so that to
    know more about me and about my personality , i invite you to read my below thoughts:

    I can talk more and more about me, so i am an experienced white Arab too, since i have also travelled around the world and i have visited Soviet Union in year 1986 for around 4 months when i was 18 years old and i have also learned about communism when i
    was in Soviet Union for around 4 months , and i have also travelled and visited Western Europe for around 1 year period when i was 14 years and when i was 19 years old , so i have then visited Spain and France and Belgium and Germany and the Netherlands
    and i have also travelled from my country Morocco to visit Libya for 4 months when i was 17 years old and i have learned about it , and i have also travelled and visited Algeria , and i have of course lived in Canada since year 1989 , and of course i
    know a lot about USA and i have already worked for an Hospital in USA as a software developer consultant, and of course i can think and speak and write and read english or french or arabic, and i am now 54 years old.

    So i think i am also a smart philosopher , and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link , so now i will talk about a very important subject in philosophy , and it is about human identity , so i will ask a philosophical question of:

    What is the most important thing in human identity ?

    So i think it is like philosophy and it is like psychology , i mean that the most important thing in human identity is that you have to have mechanisms like engines that makes you propels upwards towards success , and i think that the mechanisms is that
    you have to have something inside your human identity that makes you a positive energy that propels you upwards towards success , so let's take for example Israel , so what is the mechanisms in the human identity of jews that made Israel more successful ?
    , so i think that it is that jews think of themselves smart since they are smart , so it permits to make jews be confident in themselves and it makes them believe in themselves when they want to do something so that to be successful , so i think it is
    the philosophy and the psychology of it , so how for example Arabs or black people can do the same ? , so i think that the best way for Arabs is to show that they are capable of being successful in a kind of way that permit Arabs to be confident in
    themselves and to believe in themselves and that propels Arabs upwards towards success, and it is what also i am doing as a white Arab by being an inventor by inventing new ideas of philosophy and by inventing many algorithms and by inventing a new model
    of what is consciousness and by inventing many proverbs and by inventing many poems and poems of Love , and you can read them in the following web link:


    So i think it is the philosophy and the psychology that permit you to give a human identity to yourself that permit you to believe in yourself and to be confident in yourself so that to be successful. And it is why i am posting the following about Arabs
    so that to make you notice how Arabs are successful inventors too:

    And so that to understand more about how Arabs are smart, i invite you
    to read my following thoughts so that to understand my views:

    As the jews are smart people, I think that Arabs are smart people too, since other than the smart Arab from Egypt who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in year 1999, read about it below, there is a new smart Arab from Egypt who has just invented the
    fastest optical “transistor” that is a million times faster than the speed of the current semiconductor-based transistor, and you can read about it in the following two articles:

    Egyptian world of attoseconds.. the fastest optical “transistor”

    Read more here:


    And read also in the following article:

    Optical switching at record speeds opens door for ultrafast, light-based electronics and computers

    Read more here:


    And you can read the following web page about the arab from Egypt who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in year 1999:


    And I think that arabs are smart people, read also the following article about arab american immigrants so that to notice it:

    In fact, the U.S. is the main home for Arab inventors globally, distantly followed by France (513 patent applications), Canada (361), Germany (342), Saudi Arabia (307), Japan (279) and the United Kingdom (273)

    The innovative flair arab Inventors bring to America

    Read more here:


    And read the following interesting article about arabs:

    Research: Arab Inventors Make the U.S. More Innovative

    It turns out that the U.S. is a major home for Arab inventors. In the five-year period from 2009 to 2013, there were 8,786 U.S. patent applications in our data set that had at least one Arab inventor. Of the total U.S. patent applications, 3.4% had at
    least one Arab inventor, despite the fact that Arab inventors represent only 0.3% of the total population.

    Read more here:


    And so that to notice how Arabs are smart people, i invite you to read
    my following thoughts about them on the following web link:


    "The US, current leader in quantum computing, had the most quantum computing publications between 2011 and 2020. Other success factors include its established and well-funded ecosystem, and a strong track record in researching and commercialising new
    tech. Meanwhile, China has focused on a well-funded and tightly coordinated quantum programme involving academia, government, and industry. The result? A cohesive strategy that could enable China to surpass the US."

    Read more here in the following new article:

    Strengthening the quantum computing ecosystem in India


    And I invite you to read the following interesting new article from ScienceDaily that says that imperfect timekeeping places significant limit on quantum computers , but it is quick to emphasise that the message is not entirely pessimistic, because the
    problem could be mitigated in the future by designing clever error correction protocols , so then quantum computers can scale to much more large algorithms, so read the following new interesting article from ScienceDaily so that to understand:


    Also i invite you to read my interesting new thoughts about the new and future technologies in the following web link :


    AMD-Powered Frontier remains fastest supercomputer in the world, Intel-Powered Aurora takes second with half-scale result

    Read more here in the following article:


    And Intel shares the latest info about Aurora supercomputer , i invite you to read it in the following article:


    I think that the actual technology of EUV (Extreme ultraviolet lithography) from ASML's company in Netherlands is too much limited since we will soon not be able to shrink the transistor more and more , and the 3D stacking offers an extension for Moore’
    s Law, but in 3D stacking
    Heat removal is the issue and the big problem, this is why the actual technologies of 3D stacking are too much limited to stacking just
    two or few layers , so it is why i have just thought about it , and i think that future technology is the following:

    So the following technology will still take a very long time to commercialize as is saying it the following article:

    Logic gates are the fundamental building blocks of computers, and researchers at the University of Rochester have now developed the fastest ones ever created. By zapping graphene and gold with laser pulses, the new logic gates are a million times faster
    than those in existing computers, demonstrating the viability of “lightwave electronics.”. If these kinds of lightwave electronic devices ever do make it to market, they could be millions of times faster than today’s computers. Currently we measure
    processing speeds in Gigahertz (GHz), but these new logic gates function on the scale of Petahertz (PHz). Previous studies have set that as the absolute quantum limit of how fast light-based computer systems could possibly get.

    Read more here:


    So i think that the next technology that will perhaps be ready for commercialization in about 20 years from now is the following:

    Graphene 'nano-origami' creates tiniest microchips yet Nanomaterial developments could lead to computers and phones running thousands of times faster


    So notice that Graphene 'nano-origami' technology is made of Graphene ,
    and the estimates are that there's about 800 million tonnes of natural graphite left on earth. We're mining 1.2 million tonnes a year at the moment. Even if we increase that to 1.5 million there would still be over 500 years worth of graphite left.

    One of the most common ways of creating graphene is by using graphite ( Read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphite ). You know, the stuff pencils use. Graphite has a layered planar structure, meaning that it is made up of millions of
    layers of carbon arranged in a flat structure. Each layer is graphene, since graphene is literally a single layer of graphite , so if you carefully remove a single layer at a time you get a cheap method of creating graphene.

    So technically, if we ever run out of graphite, we’d run out of graphene. But this isn’t the only way of creating graphene, see Graphene production techniques here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphene_production_techniques

    And even if graphite was the only way to make graphene and assuming we ran out of it, there are still ways to artificially create graphite. For example, Edward Goodrich Acheson discovered that one can overheat silicon carbide ( Read about it here: https:/
    /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_carbide#Production ) to create almost pure graphite, and silicon carbide can be produced by numerous ways, none of which would ever run out.

    And i invite you to read the following article from McKinsey&Company that says that the material’s commercialization of graphene could be up to 25 years away and will require substantial investment in both R&D and capital costs to bring it into
    production. With so much spending currently allocated to silicon, executives must determine the right moment to shift gears toward the next material—even when the outcome is far from guaranteed.

    Read more here:


    And there is also the following technology from an Arab inventor , but i don't know how much time it will take to be commercialized:

    Egyptian world of attoseconds.. the fastest optical “transistor”

    Read more here:


    And read also in the following article:

    Optical switching at record speeds opens door for ultrafast, light-based electronics and computers

    Read more here:


    I invite you to read the following article that shows that desalinating water is becoming “absurdly cheap” , and it shows that we are solving the problem and that we have to be optimistic about it:


    So i think i am a smart philosopher , and i think i have discovered a pattern with my fluid intelligence , so it is why i have come to you with my
    new ideas of my philosophy , and the pattern is that i have noticed that
    we have not learned to people the good philosophy, so i think it is
    what is lacking too in western countries, so for example notice that in
    USA or in Europe we have not explained efficiently why capitalism is a good thing or why competition for the reward in capitalism is a good thing , so it can bring violence or violence against capitalism , so you are noticing the pattern , so for example
    we have not learned the why the way of increasing productivity and quality by the way of for example the specialization in what we do better and by the other ways, and we have not explained that the way of specialization in what we do better doesn't mean
    that we have not to teach the good philosophy to people, so i say that the way to teach the good philosophy is not the way of too much centralization or too much homogenization , since as you notice that in my philosophy i am talking about the
    generalities so that to avoid the problem and so that to be efficient , so i think you are understanding the pattern , and it is why you have to read my below thoughts of my philosophy so that you understand how i am doing it in a smart way:

    So i think i am a new philosopher , and i am not crazy , so notice that when i am saying in my below thoughts that sex is not the good philosophy , so i am not saying to not have sex at all , but i am saying that you have to have a kind of detachment
    that permits you to be in control , so it is why i am making you notice that sex is not the good philosophy that makes you grow in the good way , so it is understandable since sex is not the good philosophy , since the good philosophy is the holistic
    thing that you have to believe in and that you have to follow, so i think that you have to be optimistic about what i am saying , since i am trying by my way of doing to make you feel the importance of the good philosophy , but not only that , but also
    notice that i am inviting you to read my new ideas of my philosophy so that you notice it carefully , so then the exercise of my philosophy is understandable , since i am not just talking , but i am
    believing in the good philosophy too, and i am wanting to follow
    the good philosophy too , since i think that the good philosophy is the most important thing , since it is the model that is efficiently creative of the rest , so you have to give a great importance to teach the good philosophy to follow , since i think
    it is what makes you civilized ,
    and the being civilized is not the being effeminated , since it is
    the being efficient , so when for example you read my below thoughts
    of my philosophy , so you will notice that they are a civilized way and they are "efficient" , so it is a virile way of doing and not the effeminated way. So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    So i think that an important question to ask in philosophy is the following:

    On what have you to believe ?

    So i think i am a new philosopher , and i think that the pattern is that you have to believe in what makes you grow , and it is why you are noticing that the way of believing or believing enough in God is a way that makes you grow and it makes you
    transcend racial or ethnical nationalism , so i think it is also the essence of philosophy , since i think that the good philosophy is the one that makes you grow and transcend in the good way , so i think that it is my way of doing like a new
    philosopher , so when you look for example at my new ideas of my philosophy below, you will notice that they make you grow in a kind of way , and i think they make you grow in a good way , so i think that it is the same for the believing , so i think
    that you have to believe in the good philosophy that makes you grow in the good way, so it is not the same as sex , since sex doesn't make you grow in the good way like does it the good philosophy , so i think that the good philosophy is so important ,
    other than that , there is another pattern and it is that i think that you can measure how you are civilized by measuring your philosophy that you follow , i mean if you follow the good philosophy , it is a model that is efficiently creative of the rest ,
    so it is why i consider the good philosophy as
    the most important thing. So i invite you to read carefully my previous thoughts , including my new ideas of my philosophy , in the following web link:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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