• More of my philosophy about the essence of my philosophy and about the

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 12 20:01:42 2023

    More of my philosophy about the essence of my philosophy and about the essence of philosophy and about on what to believe and about philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think i am a smart philosopher , and i think i have discovered a pattern with my fluid intelligence , so it is why i have come to you with my
    new ideas of my philosophy , and the pattern is that i have noticed that
    we have not learned to people the good philosophy, so i think it is
    what is lacking too in western countries, so for example notice that in
    USA or in Europe we have not explained efficiently why capitalism is a good thing or why competition for the reward in capitalism is a good thing , so it can bring violence or violence against capitalism , so you are noticing the pattern , so for
    example we have not learned the why the way of increasing productivity and quality by the way of for example the specialization in what we do better and by the other ways, and we have not explained that the way of specialization in what we do better
    doesn't mean that we have not to teach the good philosophy to people, so i say that the way to teach the good philosophy is not the way of too much centralization or too much homogenization , since as you notice that in my philosophy i am talking about
    the generalities so that to avoid the problem and so that to be efficient , so i think you are understanding the pattern , and it is why you have to read my below thoughts of my philosophy so that you understand how i am doing it in a smart way:

    So i think i am a new philosopher , and i am not crazy , so notice that when i am saying in my below thoughts that sex is not the good philosophy , so i am not saying to not have sex at all , but i am saying that you have to have a kind of detachment
    that permits you to be in control , so it is why i am making you notice that sex is not the good philosophy that makes you grow in the good way , so it is understandable since sex is not the good philosophy , since the good philosophy is the holistic
    thing that you have to believe in and that you have to follow, so i think that you have to be optimistic about what i am saying , since i am trying by my way of doing to make you feel the importance of the good philosophy , but not only that , but also
    notice that i am inviting you to read my new ideas of my philosophy so that you notice it carefully , so then the exercise of my philosophy is understandable , since i am not just talking , but i am
    believing in the good philosophy too, and i am wanting to follow
    the good philosophy too , since i think that the good philosophy is the most important thing , since it is the model that is efficiently creative of the rest , so you have to give a great importance to teach the good philosophy to follow , since i think
    it is what makes you civilized ,
    and the being civilized is not the being effeminated , since it is
    the being efficient , so when for example you read my below thoughts
    of my philosophy , so you will notice that they are a civilized way and they are "efficient" , so it is a virile way of doing and not the effeminated way. So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    So i think that an important question to ask in philosophy is the following:

    On what have you to believe ?

    So i think i am a new philosopher , and i think that the pattern is that you have to believe in what makes you grow , and it is why you are noticing that the way of believing or believing enough in God is a way that makes you grow and it makes you
    transcend racial or ethnical nationalism , so i think it is also the essence of philosophy , since i think that the good philosophy is the one that makes you grow and transcend in the good way , so i think that it is my way of doing like a new
    philosopher , so when you look for example at my new ideas of my philosophy below, you will notice that they make you grow in a kind of way , and i think they make you grow in a good way , so i think that it is the same for the believing , so i think
    that you have to believe in the good philosophy that makes you grow in the good way, so it is not the same as sex , since sex doesn't make you grow in the good way like does it the good philosophy , so i think that the good philosophy is so important ,
    other than that , there is another pattern and it is that i think that you can measure how you are civilized by measuring your philosophy that you follow , i mean if you follow the good philosophy , it is a model that is efficiently creative of the rest ,
    so it is why i consider the good philosophy as
    the most important thing. So i invite you to read carefully my previous thoughts , including my new ideas of my philosophy , in the following web link:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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