• Mar-A-Lago ??? It IS Taxed, According To LAW

    From 56d.1152@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 11 02:09:43 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.elections

    Doesn't matter what Trump might WANT to sell
    it for ... not always realizable. The property
    has a certain value under state law. It IS
    taxed accordingly.

    Trump is a good salesman - MIGHT be able to sell
    it for FAR above its officially-accessed value,
    or not. But, for what's "official", it IS taxed
    accordingly ... straight-up, no BS.

    Oh, and Florida taxes ARE much less than in the
    rip-off "blue" states. No vast "social welfare"
    programs in Florida that require robbing everyone
    for the benefit of bums/dopers/loons. Florida
    makes PLENTY of money from normal sources without
    resorting to blue rip-offs.

    Want a good state, good future, THE WAY TO DO IT,
    then emulate Florida.

    YEA Ron !

    But Haley really IS the best POTUS candidate :-)

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