• Paper or Plastic ? Debate, And Ill-Conceived Regs, Continue

    From 56d.1152@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 5 22:01:00 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    You've probably had this problem: you order a smoothie to sip
    with your lunch, a morning iced coffee or your Friday night
    cocktail, and it arrives with a brightly-coloured tube of
    paper sticking out the top. After a few slugs, however, the
    tube quickly flops in on itself, forcing you to take it out
    and leave it on the table in a wet, pulpy mess.

    . . .

    Ok, paper straws CAN be crap, DEPENDING on the use.

    However straws, paper OR plastic, are essentially
    ONE-use items. Not like you keep yer plastic straw
    from McBoogers and use it over and over again.

    MY humble suggestion ... slightly IMPROVE paper
    straws, permeate them with some hydrophobic
    proteins/sugars/whatever to make them better than
    pure paper or lightly-waxed paper. They do not
    have to be eternal like plastic, just a LITTLE
    better - hold up for that ONE use.

    And, the dippies will love this, add some hemp
    fiber... it'll toughen 'em up without lots of
    extra additives AND save a few trees.

    Alternative PLASTICS are also possible, cheap
    and bio-degradable. Look into "Rayon" and its
    family - actually 'melted' cellulose. Even
    five percent added to straw pulp could make
    the critical dif.

    This is a debate that CAN end - and make
    everybody happy.

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