• Reasonable exchange of innocent civilians

    From Lazarus Cain@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 29 09:58:34 2023
    It is understood that there is a great need to cease hostilities knowing full well that the Muslim world is congregating against Israel rallying protests to military actions in Gaza as Hamas hides its fighters underneath a hospital.

    I was not aware of the:
    18,500 residents of Gaza held permits to work outside the besieged strip. The exact number of workers present in Israel as hostilities began remains unknown, but thousands are thought to have been rounded up by the Israeli army and transferred to
    undisclosed locations.

    The 230 Israeli hostages can be released to allow these people to return, but it seems that current Gaza leadership needs to understand that Palestinian prisoners will not be exchanged, but those detained can be released

    Then lifting of blockade to facilitate rebuild of Gaza can be negotiated.

    I have a lot of problems concerning the existing situation as does Israel, but we are going to need to put Ira on the back burner and demonstrate once again how a Christian approach to solving this problem is far superior to the jewish or Iranian Shia

    Israel has a choice as to how to best conduct operations while we do realize full well the cowardice of Hamas by hiding under hospitals and behind human shields daring Israel to wage war and kill women and children as the actions of the fighters are

    Hamas has virtually lost this war assuring mass starvation of the nation unless the conflict which Hamas wants ends. History would reveal that 50,000 fighters would refuse to surrender so as to save the lives of 2,000,000 from starvation and death by
    related diseases. Hamas needs to surrender so that the rest of the lives in Gaza might have some kind of future, but everything there is totally fucked up by an incompetent, heartless jew hating leadership

    Part of forgiveness involve repentance so that forgiveness may be enabled. Being human, we can make mistakes, but we are expected to learn from mistakes and not to repeat then once lesson learned.

    Or we can keep fucking up to make matters worse with still the same solution, but only a greater price to pay.

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