• Shot Teacher Will NOT Give Up On Proper Compensation - 'PC' School LET

    From 56d.1152@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 27 23:18:45 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.legal, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.elections


    Virginia first-grade teacher Abby Zwerner is seen in court
    as she fights for $40M in damages after being shot in class
    by disturbed six-year-old boy

    Abby Zwerner, 26, was shot in the chest and hand in January
    by a six-year-old boy in her Newport News class

    Zwerner is suing Newport News Public Schools for $40 million,
    accusing school officials of ignoring warnings about the
    troubled boy having a gun

    Lawyers for the schools argued on Friday that the case should
    be heard in a worker's tribunal, where compensation would be
    limited to 10 years' pay

    . . .

    DON'T GIVE UP Abby !!!

    And FUCK their bullshit low-payout scheme.

    They KNEW the punk was highly dangerous and
    did NOTHING because "it might be seen as
    un-PC". That's a deliberately dangerous
    work environment, as if they'd left high-
    voltage wires exposed or barrels of toxic
    waste in the air-conditioner room.

    ENOUGH of this shit ! She is NOT the only
    tale of terror in the schools either.

    Who will YOU vote for ?

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