• WAH !!! Poor Terrorists !!! UN Plays Straight Into Hamas Plan To Stop I

    From 56d.1152@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 26 20:57:28 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.military
    XPost: alt.elections


    . . .

    Well ... that's the whole IDEA ! Can't be *anywhere*
    for Hamas to be safe. Can't let the "human shields"
    trick work any more. As most of those "shields" were
    in the street CHEERING Hamas right after the big
    attack (plenty of video) ... sorry, they're COMPLICIT.

    Let's let Israel do what's needed for now. Hamas has
    been a CONSTANT thing over DECADES. It's why the
    expensive IronDome system was constructed.

    Reported yesterday, Israel has put together a new
    crack military unit dedicated to dealing straight
    on with Hamas leadership and probably Iranian
    suppliers. Their job is to terminate with extreme
    prejudice - no bullshit. Find 'em, put 'em down.
    Work from the top down until the C&C structure

    MEANWHILE, the UN is crying crocodile tears for
    all those complicit 'human shields'. It's bought
    the Hamas agenda, become its helper. Jews are
    just supposed to DIE and not complain ......

    Who will YOU vote for ?

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