• American Psycho - Woman Dopes-Up Rottweiler, Which Attacks Her - Then H

    From 56d.1152@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 25 22:56:55 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.republicans


    Woman is mauled by her pet Rottweiler after she fed it a pot
    gummy: She spends week in hospital and then EUTHANIZES dog
    after it ripped her off the toilet seat and took chunks
    out of her arm

    Blau, the three-year-old, 82-pound Rottweiler, attacked his
    owner and then proceeded to stampede through the house in
    Gaylord, Michigan

    The owner was left covered in 'extreme' amounts of blood following
    the attack.

    . . .

    But they'll let her have a bunch of kids ......

    Hey, she dopes-up the big dog, it goes mental
    and attacks her, then she has the DOG put down
    like it's the DOGs fault.

    Another Gen-Z psycho ......

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