• Chaos After Black Mother Lunged at Daughter's Smirking Black Killer Let

    From Negro Life@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 18 17:53:10 2023
    XPost: houston.general, alt.niggers, alt.politics.democrats
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns, sac.politics

    A man charged with assault took advantage of the bedlam that erupted
    inside a Houston, Texas, courtroom on Tuesday, slipping out of his
    leg shackles — and right out of police custody.

    Authorities are now on the hunt for Michael Devon Combs.

    The Harris County Sheriff's Office confirmed during a press
    conference that Combs left the county courthouse at around 10 a.m. —
    as bailiffs and sheriff's deputies were busy breaking up a melee
    between the families of a murdered teen and her killer ex-boyfriend.

    The fracas erupted after the victim's mother said her daughter's
    murderer smiled at her as she read her victim impact statement
    before the judge.

    The brawl before the bench lasted for several minutes. As it
    unfolded, Combs reportedly used the opportunity to give cops the
    slip from a different courtroom inside the complex.

    Combs was put in shackles after a judge revoked his bond. The
    escaped man was seated on a bench inside a courtroom when the
    fighting started. The brawl triggered a panic button, and deputies
    took off to help.

    Combs managed to free himself from the shackles and ran for freedom.
    It was not immediately clear how Combs managed to slip out of his

    ABC 13 reports Combs had been arrested after assaulting his ex-
    girlfriend in 2022.

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/chaos-after-mother-lunged-at- daughter-s-smirking-killer-lets-shackled-suspect-escape-court/ar-

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