• Re: She did it. Extremist judge puts GAG ORDER on trump. Violation of 1

    From Airplane Passenger@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Tue Oct 17 20:41:34 2023

    On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 4:05:42 AM UTC+3, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Mon, 16 Oct 2023 21:12:03 -0000 (UTC), pothead <pot...@snakebite.com> wrote:

    Normally I would advise Trump to just shut up but in this case the mainstream media are blasting
    the anti trump rhetoric all over the place yet Trump has very few outlets to tell his side of the
    story, by comparison.

    Seeing as his side of the story is always a lie, what difference does it make?

    NP: Big Bad John - Jimmy Dean
    Democrats make me feel ashamed of being American.
    Republicans make me feel ashamed of being human.


    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief. <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html>

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