• Sophisticated "Necklace" Found on Boy's Body From 9000-Year-Ago Jordan

    From 56d.1149@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 17 00:58:44 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.archeology, alt.science
    XPost: soc.culture



    9,000-Year-Old Necklace Redefines Neolithic Culture

    . . .

    I'm not sure if it "re-defines" neolithic culture, but
    it IS a complicated bit of adornment. It has about 2500
    'beads' of various colorful materials - all micro-drilled
    so they could be put on strings.

    Yea, yea ... easy with plastic, these days .......

    This piece is from the pre-dawn of civilization as
    we know it. About 3000 years after the Gobekli Tepe
    megalithic temple, but still before what we'd call
    "cities" (which meant maybe 2500 people back when
    the Akkadians got started).

    The micro-drilling is surprising and how MANY bits
    had to be drilled is extremely impressive. Somebody,
    or a several somebodies, likely put a YEAR into this.

    It was apparently found on a boy - who must have
    been very very important ... a 'prince' or major
    religious figure perhaps.

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