• More of my philosophy about the curse from God and about the value and

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Oct 10 20:27:58 2023

    More of my philosophy about the curse from God and about the value and about the essence of the laws of the Qur'aan and about the Qisas in Islam and about Hamas..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think that my new model of my new monotheistic religion permits
    to create a kind of faith in God , so my new model says that God is greatly arrogant since you can notice it from the data, i mean that why God has also cursed the descendants of Adam and Eve?, so he has also cursed them since God is greatly arrogant,
    and he has also not helped the poor and the needy since God is greatly arrogant, so i think it is part of his nature, so you have to have those requirements so that to have faith in God, so the other new idea of my new model, is that God has not only
    cursed Adam and Eve and there descendants, but he has also cursed the Qur'aan and the Bible, and it is why you find scientific errors in the Qur'aan and in the Bible since it is part of the curse from God , and this also shows that not all the Qur'aan is
    the words of God and this also shows that perhaps the human souls are from God, but the human body and the creation of the universe is not from God, so the other idea of my new model of my new monotheistic religion is that i am saying that i am a
    messenger from God that is here so that to reduce much more the curse from God, since you have to transcend the curse from God in the Qur'aan and in the Bible, other than that i say that the curse from God is also that God has also programmed and let
    prophet Muhammed write parts of the Qur'aan, so i say that Qur'aan is not just the words of God, and i think that prophet Muhammed has not lied, since how prophet Muhammed can be not a prophet from God and at the same time
    make suffer in such way muslims by saying to them to be fasting in all a month of Ramadan etc., also how prophet Muhammad has lied about his being a not prophet from God and at the same time not being afraid of God existence since he has for example also
    known in his time about the miracles of Jesus Christ, so you are understanding that we have not to be naive in such a way.

    I think that i am a new philosopher, and you are seeing me talking, but you have to understand that i am also thinking like a philosopher, since the philosophical question is:

    Where is the value in philosophy ?

    So i think i am a smart philosopher, and i will say that the value in philosophy
    is the one that gives the meaning of human life, i mean that being french or being israelis or being american is not a value that gives a meaning of human life, since it is not a value that makes you convinced about the meaning of human life, so you are noticing the problematic in philosophy, since i will ask the from where can
    you get the value that gives the meaning of human life? and why you have to get this value ? , so i think that you have to get this value in philosophy since it permits to make you have faith in life like having faith in God, so you are noticing that it
    is so important, and i think that it is the having faith in God that gives this value, and of course i will explain more in my next post my new model of my new monotheistic religion that permits to have faith in God. So i invite you now to read my
    previous thoughts below:

    So i think that i have to explain more deeply Islam and the Qur'aan,
    so i have just talked about the Qisas in Islam, so here is the law in Islam about it:

    "The offender must either face equal retaliation known as Qisas ("Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." Quran 5:45), pay diyat to the victim or heirs of the victim, or be forgiven by the
    victim or victim's heir(s)."

    But i think that you have to be smart and notice that in the above law of
    Islam that when it is said in Islam that you can pay diyat to the victim or heirs of the victim, or be forgiven by the victim or victim's heir(s), so i think
    that it logically means that this law in Islam is not static, and we also can for example replace it by punishing with entering the criminal in prison
    like in western countries, but of course you have to be smart and contextualize in the case of the just new Hamas attack, since i think that the islamists of Hamas have interpreted correctly that Israel has continued in a long period to kill palestinians
    and it has continued to hurt badly the rights of the palestinians, so it is why Hamas has decided to take revenge by killing jews Israelis etc., so you have to be smart and notice that the Qisas in Islam shows that adultery in Islam or cutting the hands
    of thieves are not static laws, since i say that you have two kind of laws in Islam, the ones that makes the society being order and that are not for God, but are societal and that can be enhanced, and the other laws in Islam that are for God, like doing
    the prayer etc., so i think that the laws against adultery and of the cutting the hands of thieves and the like, are of the first kind of laws that can be enhanced like in the case of the Qisas in Islam, so it is why i think that Islam can be enhanced in
    the civilized way. So i invite you to read my previous below thoughts:

    We have to look at Islam from the law's point of view, so i think i am understanding the Hamas killings of even innocents jews israelis in its
    just attack against Israel, so you will think that Islam is not civilized , but from the Qur'aan interpretation we have the following:

    The offender must either face equal retaliation known as Qisas ("Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." Quran 5:45), pay diyat to the victim or heirs of the victim, or be forgiven by the
    victim or victim's heir(s).

    But i think that you have not to think that in Islam you can just retaliate in a blind way, since i think that Hamas has interpreted correctly the Qur'aan
    by noticing that Israel has continued to hurt badly , and in a long period of time , the palestinians rights , so i think it is why it has decided to retaliate in such a manner that is in accordance with the Qur'aan, since Israel has also killed many
    many palestinians civilians in a long interval of time and has also continued to hurt badly the palestinians rights, so i think in the Qur'aan it is not just easy to retaliate in such a manner, i mean that you have to be logic in Islam and to evaluate
    correctly the causes and to contextualize correctly, and of course if you notice in Islam that the forgiving to the victim has a better reward, so you will choose to forgive to the victim.

    So i think it is not just black or white, since i think that we can not say that Hamas is just bad, since I have just read the following article that explains that Hamas has moderated its views toward the peace process, and senior Hamas leaders have repeatedly stated their willingness to support a two-state solution based on pre-
    1967 borders. So i invite you to read the following article so that to understand what is happening, so i think that Hamas has just attacked Israel since Israel has continued to hurt badly the palestinians rights.

    "In the years after the Aqṣā intifada, Hamas began to moderate its views toward the peace process. After more than a decade of rejecting the foundational principles of the PA, Hamas ran in the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and subsequently
    participated in the PA, with indications that it would accept agreements between Israel and the PA. Since then, senior Hamas leaders have repeatedly stated their willingness to support a two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders. This willingness was
    enshrined in the 2017 Document of General Principles and Policies."

    Read more here:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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